Sunday 13 August 2017

Le Vin du Midi; a panacea.

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This wonderful piece of wine propaganda begins with Louis Pasteur's wise words "Wine is the most healthy and hygienic of drinks".

It advises giving diluted Wine to children from the age of 4, and suggests that adults should consume between 75 cl and 200 cl (yes, 2 litres!!) with meals. I can actually remember, in the 1960's, adverts in the Paris Metro advising people not to drink more than two litres of wine a day!

It also advises that so-called 'pure' water (Perrier et al) is no more than poison because of added chemicals, and that between meals one should only drink Grape Juice.

As someone who enjoys drinking a couple of glasses of wine each day (sadly, not nearly as much as recommended), I do find the above a tad ambitious, but the principles still holds fast.


  1. Two litres! I'm staggered at the amount and I'd be staggering if I drank two litres in a day.


    1. I used to be able to make good in-roads into a whole bottle (my consumption has now reduced considerably), but two litres is just crazy.

  2. Italians say 'Good wine makes good blood'
    Greetings Maria x

    1. The Italians know what they're talking about!

  3. Two litres!!! How did anyone get any work done? And everyday?
    Wonder what they recommend nowadays.
    2 glasses probably.
    And they say Greeks drink a lot!

    1. It seems almost unimaginable that they would recommend 'up to' 2 litres, however, when I first came to live in France one could still buy 6º wine; nowadays everything is around 13º. It was what workmen drank at lunchtime.

    2. 6o does make a difference and presumably they didn't drink two litres at one sitting.
      A short siesta and they'd be ready anything

  4. Quality is the key... last night a taster menu at a Michelin restaurant, wine to accompany each course. Red wine years ago I regrettably stopped drinking due to migraine. I thought let's go for broke, it was after all my birthday treat. This morning my head is as clear as a bell. I am one happy lass... red wine here we come...

    1. The wine we drink comes from a small local vineyard, and is 100% natural and without any added chemicals. The more commercial bottled wines have all sorts of things added; it's that what supplies the headache.

  5. I must say that because of my medication and because I am usually driving somewhere I don't drink wine often but yesterday I went out to lunch and took with me a chilled bottle of French Rose wine. I had a glass with my ham lunch and it was absolutely beautiful. As I sat chatting for four hours before i drove home I decided I could drink it.

  6. Replies
    1. That's about MY consumption; but 2 litres a day???

    2. I drink more than two glasses.

  7. I suppose it depends on the alcohol level of the wine. I think the level of alcohol in wine and beer was much lower in the past. Our wine is about 12.5% per volume, which is quite high, I think.

  8. I like my fine wine but I also like a functional mind. Two glasses is my limit.

  9. I think I need two litres of wine per day at the moment.

    1. Ice cold water today I think; it's going to be HOT.

  10. Ironically one of my closest friends (who lived half the year in France for many years) and drank copious amounts of red wine (but whom I'd never seen drink before lunch, no when likely to drive nor had I in over four decades ever seen showing signs of being drunk) was diagnosed with terminal cancer a couple of years ago. It was in his bones and in every organ except, you guessed it, his liver. Quod erat demonstrandum.
