Wednesday 30 August 2017


My hands have been good servants. They have worked hard over the decades, and have hardly once complained.

I wonder how many millions of words they've written, how many runs they've scored for me at Cricket, how many pen or pencil lines they've drawn, and how many strokes of a paintbrush they've overseen?

They've pointed, they've been shaken as fists, and sadly they've even taught a few people timely lessons. They have been powers for good as well as the occasional bad.

And these are my feet. A pretty average pair I would say (size 44).

It's difficult to estimate such things, but for most of my life they must have walked a good six miles a day. That adds up to over 155,000 miles during my lifetime; in fact I should think I've walked a lot further. 

They've kicked balls, they've peddled bikes, and they operate the stop-n-go system on my car. They take me from A to B without complaining.

Human hands and feet are very well designed. We do wonderful things with them. 

I would hereby like to 'officially' thank both my hands and my feet for the stalwart service they've offered. May our association long continue.


  1. Good morning Cro, i just came back from my daily walk and learned that you walk 6 miles a day, that is a long walk every day.

    1. I probably walk about 3 miles on my morning dog walk, then continue walking throughout the day. I expect it's a lot more than six miles!

  2. I suppose you can't do much for your ends except minimise sun exposure, but we need to actively look after our feet.

    1. I am Type 2 diabetic, so looking after one's feet is important; see below for unnecessary details.

  3. I think that there should be at least an extra two World Days....
    one where we pamper our feet....
    and one to rest and pamper our hands.
    Add to those a day for caring for your heart, another for the brain.... yet another for.......... our eyes......
    And the list goes on...!

    1. I don't know what to call them..... it certainly is not retirement!

    2. International Foot Pampering day? In fact I pamper my feet about once a month. I give them a thorough cleansing, a nail clipping, a massage with coconut oil, then a light dusting with talc. As you can imagine, this takes place out doors, so less often in winter!

  4. You can literally blog about anything and make it interesting! You have very well looked after hands and feet, shows in the photo. May they continue to serve you in good trim for many years yet!

    1. I only look after my feet, my hands have to look after themselves (but they do get washed 20 times a day)

  5. You are so right to pay homage to those extremities! No problems with my feet, but like so many my hands are affected by arthritis. I'm hoping that I will be able to continue to sew, knit, write etc into old age when less able to do the many physical activities that make up my day presently. If you had to choose which to "save" would you choose hands or feet?!

    1. We had a Science teacher at school who's hands were so riddled with Arthritis that it amazed us that he could use them at all. I hope yours never get to that state.

  6. My hands are a younger version of my Ma's...and just like you I thank my lucky stars for all the bits of me that work everyday!

    1. Quite right; we should be permanently aware of such luck.

  7. You have very nice hands and feet Cro.

    1. I don't know about that! But they're still working.

  8. My hands have served me well but wish I could say the same for my feet. Sadly they welcomed arthritis like a long-lost friend about five years ago and that has made life difficult.

    1. I can understand your annoyance, not being able to get about as one wants is a real burden.

  9. You have hands you can count on.

  10. So important to look after your feet if you have diabetes. Looks like you do.

    1. That's what I've heard, so I take special care.

  11. I was once told that I had lovely hands. That is not the case anymore, but they still work and for that I am truly grateful.

    1. Occasionally I look at mine and think how very wrinkly they are. Now't I can do about it.

  12. What a profound post, Cro. You made me think...

  13. Hands and feet are often taken for granted. Until something goes wrong and then it's realised how the smallest injury can make life very difficult.


    1. Absolutely. I think that's why I was suddenly aware of mine being in reasonably good nick.
