Monday 10 July 2017

Wild Food.

It's amazing how much wild food there is around where I live.

This Apple tree (above) is a good example, and it's just about to have its first real crop. I've followed its progress from a tiny sapling, and wondered if it would ever produce decent apples. It is growing just a few metres back from a small track through the woods, and was no doubt sown by bird droppings. I'll let you know how the apples taste nearer to Autumn.

Otherwise there are mushrooms (above are some I gathered yesterday), walnuts, chestnuts, edible 'weeds', berries of all sorts, small wild plums, wild cherries, and grapes, all growing in carefree abandon.

It's no wonder that Stone Age man made his home here. With an abundance of natural caves around, fish in the rivers, and plenty of game in the woods, they really lacked nothing.

If one was determined enough, and possessed a decent rifle, I quite expect one could live pretty well here without ever visiting a shop.

However, to make life complete, my cave would also need to be equipped with some good pans, a constant supply of both olive oil and red wine, and a few dependable Chickens.


  1. Sounds like a corner of paradise. No wonder you've spent all your life there. You've got everything you want around you including the red wine and olive oil.

    1. It would be nice if there was a nearby beach with a small taverna; but you can't have everything.

    2. I would agree there. A simple eating place on the beach. Clear blue waters of the aegean, a cold something-or-other, good company who know when to talk and when to be quiet, a plate of tzatziki and some fries or a greek salad.

    3. That's it; then back to my little refuge by the woods.

  2. I suspect that your 'cave' could also have the makings for olive oil and red wine nearby outside. Trapper Cro and the chickens for meat and eggs- no problem. So really it's just the saucepans & LBC that would beat you.

    1. Some things are non-negotiable. Decent saucepans and LBC are amongst them.

  3. Replies
    1. Give me an animal skin loincloth, and I'd be almost there.

  4. Could you really live without a decent cup of coffee?

  5. I would not be able to climb the trees to get the fruit. I am also not a hunter and definitely would need a taverna to survive.

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