Thursday 20 July 2017

The months ahead.

I love Summer, Sunshine, and Sunflowers.

At this time of year, I get up at 5.30 am (as I do every day of the year), pull on a T shirt, a pair of shorts, and my old pumps, and I'm ready to face the day.

As we approach full-on Summer, we have suddenly realised that our diary is much fuller than we'd anticipated. 

Kimbo and the boys arrive any day, we have a big wedding to attend, and we have more parties and dinner-parties on the horizon than is decent.

On top of all that there are village fêtes, boot sales, and al-fresco meals to be attended; not to mention several other visitors.

We also plan to visit various restaurants that we have ignored for the past few years, although when we'll get time to do so, I'm not sure.

We have a field of Sunflowers in front of the house this year, so the above is now what we look out upon. It looks like the next couple of months will be non-stop misery.

Now, where are my swimming things?


  1. Sounds like hell out there?

  2. Your sunflowers are gorgeous! That is just how I picture the south of France. You live in paradise.

    Is Dangerous Fun ready for the boys to inhabit again this year? :)

    1. I've been getting everything ready for them. They arrive on Saturday.

  3. It sounds like this summer is going to be a great one for you and your family.

    I think that I would wake up happy if I could look out my window in the morning and see a field of sunflowers. You are a lucky man. What a great way to start the day.

    1. Unfortunately they always face to the East, and we look out to the South. Hence our sideways view of the flowers.

  4. A field of Sunflowers to look out on, and a summer filled with joy.
    Will the caravan be ready for the boys ?
    Life is very wonderful in France.

    I really can not believe you have a field of Sunflowers to look out on.
    cheers, parsnip, thehamish and fergus

    1. Yes, the caravan is all ready. Two mattresses were installed, so they can sleep there if they wish; we'll see.

  5. How Summer should be. Enjoy! X

    1. The weather could be a bit more predictable; but we can't have everything.

  6. Just when you can sit around the pool and enjoy life suddenly you have to become social. What a bummer.
    Hope you can least put all the rest on hold while your boys are with you

    1. They will be occupying our time almost constantly. My son returns to England after a week and leaves the boys with us.

  7. This morning I was just thinking that it was getting lighter later and that we will be going on the 'pre-hot' morning dog walk nearer to seven today.

    1. That's about my time too. Lovely and cool, and very quiet.

  8. Sideways view of sunflowers? I'd want my money back.

    1. Even if they did turn their heads (as many believe) they would still face away from us. It's not fair.

  9. What a gorgeous view! My 4 potted sunflowers seem to be failing - due to lack of sunshine plus lots of rain probably. It sounds like you're going to have a wonderful summer.

    1. We're taking extra vitamins, and doing extra press-ups in preparation.

  10. I am sure that you and Lady M are looking forward to your grandsons visit ..... you might not see them often but, when you do, you get quality time with them. They must love staying with you . Let us know how they love the caravan won't you ? XXXX

    1. They did see in the January (?), but it was far too cold to take advantage. I think they'll have a lot of fun there, and hopefully treat it as a base.

  11. What a wonderful summer ahead of you.

  12. lovely to have plans!
    fields of sunflowers make me think of watching the Tour de France on tv....

    1. They've passed very nearby on two recent occasions, but now we watch on TV; you get to see what's going on.

  13. French sunflowers and no bicycles? Something wrong there.

  14. Cro, I have treated myself to a long overdue catch up of several weeks' worth of your posts.
    I found so many interesting topics...too many to properly comment upon them. I will single out the life class post that brought back memories of similar classes I attended in the evenings at the School of Visual Arts. My drawing teacher was grand, and we were fortunate to have a variety of models, male and female.
    I also liked the post about the cool tower room. With NYC's current heat and humidity, I would love such a place. A single bottle of Single Malt is a treat I will give myself during the winter...sometimes a bottle lasts me through two winters. Last year's brand was Glenmorangie. Thank you for the aubergine curry inspiration. I agree with you about cold calls. And finally...wishing you and yours a continuing wonderful summer.
    I will try to visit more frequently. Back in June, I began oil painting again after a 16-year break. I am greatly enjoying the return as I try to rescue abandoned paintings, and find that time truly slips away.

  15. A field of sunflowers! So much nicer than soybeans, which is what we currently have. I hope the boys turn the caravan into a perfect club house and even spend the night in there a few times! My husband built an amazing tree house for our two children complete with small porch, roof, enough floor space for sleeping. They didn't even last one night! -Jenn

  16. How depressing! I guess you can drown your sorrows in the pool. The grandkids should lift your spirits.

  17. Oh dear the 4th of the Deadly Sins has just overtaken me.
