Saturday 1 July 2017


Just a few days ago we were basking in temperatures over 35 C, and I was complaining of my lawns turning the colour of sandstone.

Since then it's rained, it's poured, we've had thunder and lightning, cold, strong wind, and hail. Poor Bok, who hates storms, has been trembling almost non-stop for days.

The solar cover has been back on the pool for almost a week, and the water level has risen by about 3 inches. When I put the cover on, the water temperature was 27 C; now it is down to 22 C.

Today is the 1st of July, and hopefully things will change.

Can you believe it, I'm just about to take Bok for his early morning walk and I shall wear my Barbour, hat, gumboots, and scarf. It's like October!


  1. Sounds a bit like Cumbria.

  2. We are having a cool wave it is down from 118 to only 107 today (you can really tell the difference) and my pool has been open for 2 months.
    You have a beautiful lush pool area that I love. I love my desert area but it is so different from yours.

    cheers, parsnip and thehamish

  3. Unbelievable! Europe is having huge extremes of weather just now. We are now having the heat wave you had but as of Monday temperatures are going to drop at least 10o. I wonder if we'll get rains and flooding too.

    1. As of tomorrow, our temperatures are going up again.

  4. It been very chilly here at times and our central heating has kicked in three times this week. I hope Summer isn't gone for too long and that poor Bok is OK. X

    1. No more storms on the horizon thank goodness. Poor Bok just can't cope with them.

  5. We are waiting for the river to rise. So much heavy rain means the water will take a while to get down to the sea. On the good side, at least the grazing on the fields will improve!

    1. The maize and sunflower crops have almost doubled in size over the past week. Our grass is back to green too!

  6. Poor Bok, i have seen here our dogs at days of storm and i know the feeling.

    1. He sits by me on the sofa (special dispensation), and I try to calm him. I think he must have had a bad experience when he was small.

  7. Be thankful Cro that you do not live in Scotland. My eldest son lives in Ayr and only manages to remove his fleece for about 2 weeks of the year. lol

    1. I'm in Orkney. I haven't unbuttoned my coat yet this year...

    2. Dare I say, but in Scotland you expect it. Here we like to think that Summer begins in May, and continues to October.

  8. That's the huge problem with 'rescue dogs' we just don't know their history. Ted trembles and drools with the T&L and fireworks, he also dislikes joggers and bicycles. I don't think he minds watching The Tour on the TV though.

    1. I'll see how Bok reacts to The Tour this afternoon.

  9. We're having a lovely summer in the south east. The recent short but sweet heatwave has brought on the allotment produce (first courgette frittata last night) we've had overnight rain which thanks to the tree canopy has not penetrated my off road cycling tracks which are as dry as bone and this week Guildford lido was almost empty apart from a few triathletes. Going down to Chichester (new exhibition at Pallant House) and then Bosham to see friends this weekend. May even swim in the sea. Hope your cover comes off and you're pounding those lengths soon. The elderflower champagne was delicious. I now wish I'd made more than two bottles - next year ....

    1. You obviously live in my old stamping ground. Lady Magnon has just returned from Brighton, where she had some beautiful days. We should be back into the 30's C before too long, when My swimming will happily recommence.

  10. I feel sorry for anyone who was on holiday in the area this week. Cool and soggy. Rick doesn't mind storms but he is currently barking at every horse that comes by today.

    1. They're not coming past us this year, than goodness. Bok loves barking at them too.

  11. From a heatwave the likes of which has not been experienced since 1976, we have reverted back to a classic British Summer.

    1. 'Flaming June' now refers to peoples' fireplaces!

  12. Sorry, but, thunder and lightning, very very frightening. You should emigrate to Australia, beautiful beaches, nice houses warm the speel was to my partner before he emigrated to Australia. While it is mid winter here, it is cold, with a chilling wind blowing. It was 2 degrees this morning when I woke and rose to a magnificent 11 degrees. Cold, clear and sunny.

    1. Two of my children are currently living in Oz; they never complain.

  13. Dreary days in June/July can get us down. Don't worry, though, summer will be back.

    After a near perfect week of warm weather and little humidity, we are in for some storms today. My Retired Man is happy because he won't have to water the gardens.

    1. There's always a good side to inclement weather. Today I'm forced indoors to watch the start of The Tour de France.

  14. We got 2 inches of rain yesterday. It's still hot, it just steams after it rains.

    1. It drizzled almost all day yesterday. I don't think there's anything left up there now.

  15. Same here Cro. I am back to wearing my thermal vest and putting the electric blanket on before I get into bed.

    1. We haven't gone that far, but we do have a light duvet back on the bed.

  16. I've just spent a couple of days in the (cold and dreich) Scottish Borders. Just arrived at my brother's in a warm and sunny Wirral. Life is getting better.
