Thursday 6 July 2017

Kohl Rabi.

This is not only the first Kohl Rabi I've grown, but it's also the first I've eaten.

I followed advice and treated it as a Célerie Rémoulade. It was peeled, grated, squeezed of its juice, and mixed with Mayo.

Verdict. OK, but nothing special. Quite a nice nutty flavour, and pleasantly crisp. Even so, I'd rather have Celeriac. 

I don't think I'll bother growing them again. Lady Magnon agreed.


  1. Last week we got three of these donated to the food pantry where I work and we had no idea what to tell people about how to prepare them. They are a very strange looking vegetable. If we get any more, I will suggest your recipe.

    1. Alternatively, they could be sliced and used in a Chinese-style stir fry.

  2. Looks like an entry for John Gray's competition. Never come across these before.

    1. Mini Sputniks. I shan't bother with them again.

    2. I saw Sputnik too. Sounds like the best thing for them.

    3. Yes, I thought both but only a minute ago.

  3. Oh put Kohlrabi with butter, a bit honey, salt and pepper in a frying pan and let it cook 15 minutes. Delicious . And you can eat it raw, just cut in small slices. We love it .

    1. Raw is probably best, trying to hide its lack of interest by adding other flavours seems to prove my point.

  4. I just learned something new. I've seen those around but never tried them and I read the name in surfing through recipe sites. Now I can put the them together and forget about it!!

    1. You should try it at least once. Otherwise you won't know what you're missing!

  5. I ate it for the first time this year too. It was served raw, cut into batons to scoop up dip. I thought it was great like that, fresh and crunchy.

    1. I'm probably being a bit hard on the poor things, but I thought there were so many other vegs that were more interesting.

  6. It looks nice .....but mind you so did Eva Braun

    1. I'm not really interested in eating either of them.

  7. Worth trying but now you know not to bother again !!! Any ideas as to what to grow in it's place ? I heard about two fruits/veg that I've never heard of before ... jicama and jackfruit .... both are crunchy and good in salads ... perhaps you could try one !!! XXXX

    1. The only other new plant I'm growing this year is a type of Kale called FIZZ. So far it certainly seems worthwhile.

    2. I wonder if jackfruit would grow in France, though? It's a tropical fruit. When I lived in Malaysia there was a mature tree in the garden. We didn't know what to do with the fruit and passersby would regularly ring the bell asking if they could have the fruit as it was coveted.

    3. Generally, if something is unknown here, it probably wouldn't grow. We get quite bad (-5 C) frosts in winter, and that restricts us a lot.

  8. I have been tempted to buy one now and again and have stir fried it, but agree it is nothing special. It certainly would not have me rushing over to buy it.

    1. There's not much to say FOR it, and not much AGAINST. Therefore I prefer to leave alone.

  9. It's the same here, this year I grew purple sprouting broccoli, more trouble than it was worth in a small plot, it takes up room, you cannot get enough spears ready at the same time, not much better than what I can buy. Ditto white onions, but red onions are very good. And so it goes on....

    1. My red onions are spectacular this year.

  10. My mother grew kohl rabi one year. Same verdict. She has pecks and pecks of them to give away.

    1. They really don't have much going for them; very bland.

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