Sunday 16 July 2017

Johnners and Aggers. The Sunday Giggle.

Cricket may well baffle those from across the pond, even some Brits find it a complicated game.

Cricket commentaries can be a lot of fun. I dare you NOT to laugh at this snippet.

Johnners at his best; he's the one on the left, Aggers is on the right.


  1. What a lovely happy video clip that is, ..... and it got my day off to a good start as I laughed along with it.

    1. Even if people don't understand what it's all about, they still have to laugh.

  2. When he laughed he certainly had such an explosive laugh that you couldn't help but join in.

  3. LOCAL ALIEN: I'm sorry I seem to have deleted your comment by mistake. WOOPS!

  4. Replies
    1. I was trying to delete your 'deleted' comment, and the whole lot disappeared!

  5. Very funny. I am not sure why I would listen to cricket as I have no interest, but I did one night in bed when Blowers was commentating and he was so witty and amusing. I assume you know who who Blowers is or was. While not quite like calling a horse race, our Australian cricket commentary is a bit too excitable and harsh for my taste.

    1. Most of those 'old school' commentators have now gone unfortunately. I don't listen to much Test Cricket these days, so I don't know if they've been matched. I doubt it.

  6. Hello Cro. I did not understand what they were talking about but I did enjoy the laughing in the end of the video. I dream to be on that beach...
    Greetings Maria x

    1. Ah, Maria; you're back. We were worried about you!

      Yes, it's funny even if you don't know what they're talking about.

  7. That's what happens when you can't get your leg over your bails.

  8. I think I have finally reached my limit as to how many times I can listen to that clip.

    1. It still makes me laugh; gawd knows why!

    2. Me too - like 'The Laughing Policeman', but I also don't know why.

  9. It is so silly but it is impossible to keep a straight face.

  10. When we were young and would get silly my father would either go on a yell rampage or get the giggles with us. Once he started laughing we'd all be under the table, his laugh so infectious. This snippet brought back great memories of him Cro. Thanks for that!

    1. I'm a serious giggler too. I think my children will remember me as such.

  11. Cricket was Britain. Britain was cricket. That is all ye know and all ye need to know. Cricket commentators have been some of the best at their job regardless of the sport.
