Tuesday 18 July 2017

Growing older (me and them).

My only regret about growing older, is the prospect of not knowing what will become of my six grandsons.

Those of us who are lucky enough to have grandchildren usually study their development from Day 1. We keep a discreet eye on them, and our fingers are permanently crossed for their futures.

I'm not one to hope for great things, I would rather see a natural talent developed, than expect them to shine academically. We've already had one genius in our family in the past 70 years (sadly, not me), so I'm not expecting another one too soon.

I've always imagined the one above (Finn) as a future actor. I have no idea if he has any plans for his eventual career, but I would like to see him in at least one school play (if they have such things in Oz), just to see how he reacts. I have a feeling he'd like it; he has a natural theatrical flair.

The others are just being the scampish boys that they are (and should be); none of them shows any particular leaning, other than one who is a gifted Cricketer.

Career choices for the future will take a lot of careful thought. The most important thing is that they gain satisfaction from their eventual occupations (and hopefully earn a decent crust).


  1. I know what you mean! I hope I live long enough to see my grandchildren grow up a little and how they develop. Watching them I can indeed see their natural talents and can imagine where they might go. But will they?

    1. I have a couple of grandsons arriving in about a week's time. I only see them once a year, so seeing their development is pure joy.

  2. He is a beautiful boy, Cro. I know what you mean about wondering about their future. I worry about the world's current problems but when I listen to these adolescents and teenagers and see their talents and pure hearts (empathy for all creatures), I have hope. Mostly though, I just enjoy them and wish for the best. Having grandchildren and being part of their lives is the greatest gift one could have.

    1. It is worrying. We seem to be living in bizarre times. Everything is changing far too quickly, and with the advent of robots is bound to change ever quicker. No doubt humanity will cope, but I can't see it being easy.

  3. Replies
    1. Could be. He certainly doesn't shirk from danger.

  4. Oh Mrs Worthington, most actors don't earn much money. Let us hope if he chooses that path, he is respected and earns a bomb load of money.

    1. He'll probably end up doing something totally different.

  5. Could I have his autograph just in case ?!!!!
    I am sure that they will find wonderful jobs ..... I think that every generation worries about the next don't you Cro ? XXXX

    1. It's part of the job! We worry; but they have no idea why we're worrying.

  6. We do indeed have school plays here in Oz but it would depend on individual schools as to how invested they are in them. My daughter was very involved (and good, say I with some pride) in drama in her school years. Finn has the look. If he took that path, I'm sure he would ace it. I wish I had grandchildren to watch and encourage and nurture (my son and daughter assure me that will never happen). Sigh.

    1. I wonder why they are so insistent on not providing you with grandchildren; none of my business though. I do hope that his school has an annual play, otherwise it will be a matter of joining a theatre group. Much better to start off with friends. We'll see.

    2. It's complicated. An absent father hasn't helped. They are exploring their sexual identity. They are who they are and I accept that and love them dearly. But grandchildren would be nice. :)

    3. Yes, most parents would welcome grandchildren, but we aren't always lucky. We have all grandsons, at least one granddaughter would have been nice.

  7. If someone can choose a career that they enjoy then they are truly blessed.

    1. That is the most important thing. I only made one really bad choice; my very first one.

  8. As a grandmother myself all I can say Cro is that the best we can do for them is to give them our constant love and support - the rest is up to them.

    1. Right. That's the privilege of being a grandparent.

  9. I also wonder what will happen after I am gone but you can only hope for the best, support and love them.

    cheers, parsnip, thehamish and fergus

  10. I have 3 grandkids,twins who are 11 and the oldest who is 15. They are an absolute treasure. They broaden your world and hopefully you do the same for them.
    I have listened to them happily sing along to way more pop songs in the car, been asked to tweet the Pope to see if he will answer and traveled through France and Britain with them.
    Just love and support for them.

    1. Two of mine arrive in a couple of days time.... Goodness knows what we'll get up to.

  11. You and Lady M are truly blessed. :)
    Greetings Maria x

  12. I think that some magic just occurred. I was going to leave a message for you, Cro, to let you know that I was having an overdue catch up of various fave blog pals.

    I paused to hear some very, very disturbing breaking news re Trump/Putin...and then returned here to see... a message from...Maria!

    Love to you all.

    Trump and co will have to do without my love. xo

    1. She probably doesn't know it, but a lot of people were very relieved to see her return. One worries!

    2. Frances and Cro, thank you both for the kind words and, I will try to keep up xxx

  13. Really Cro!
    Of course we have school plays down here at the bottom of the world.
    We even have Arts Colleges and University courses for Drama.
    Employment when you graduate is, of course, another matter.

    1. These days one never knows. Schools are so PC that all sorts of activities are no longer seen as suitable. In the UK many schools stopped playing sports because they didn't approve of 'winners and losers'. They'd find any old excuse for not allowing school plays!

  14. I have no blood grandchildren so will be unlikely to be in the situation of seeing them leave university. However my New Zealand family has blossomed and gone in a variety of directions which has thrilled me no end.
