Wednesday 7 June 2017

The Ventriloquist and his dummy!

"Gottle o' geer, gottle o' geer"

Are people really serious about voting for McCluskey/Corbyn/et al? I can hardly believe that anyone who even vaguely treasures the financial well-being of UK PLC, could possibly support this crazy bunch of Marxist Luddites. 

Any electioneering fool can offer free this and free that, but at some time it has to be paid for. If you increase taxes for businesses, business owners, and other hard working big-earners, it automatically frightens-off investors, and brings unemployment. But, I suppose a certain naive section of society couldn't care less; they just vote for more free money, and bugger the consequences. At the back of their minds they know that the Conservatives are always just around the corner to sort-out the dreadful mess the Socialists invariably leave behind;..... and then the chumps moan about 'austerity'.

And yet there are plenty of voters from your classic Labour-supporting Couch Potatoes to the Islington Champagne Socialists who can't wait to stick the knife into poor old Blighty.

They can laugh all they want, but this foolish 'live now pay later', 'tax and spend' attitude towards economics can spell only one thing; absolute bloody D I S A S T E R.

Can anyone seriously imagine the two above (plus Diane Abbott, Tom Watson, & Co) enjoying Beer and Sandwiches at No 10?

These people are high-minded, delusional, fools, who probably couldn't even work a cash desk at Tesco's. With the polls having narrowed between Labour and Tory, I am becoming increasingly worried for my native country. If the Socialists win, or form some type of ramshackle coalition, the country would be truly buggered.

"Gottle o' geer, gottle o' geer".


  1. It's truly scary isn't it? Nothing's for free, it all has to be paid for somewhere along the line but as you say, none of the labour voters give a toss as long as they get their free this and that. The rest of us will be paying for it forever after.

    1. That's the way it is, and always will be.

  2. It is very easy to make crass comments while lounging in France for forty years and not have to bother about the Three and a Half million UK children who live in poverty.

    1. Don't be ridiculous Heron. Show me any one of those 3.5 Million children who doesn't have a play station, or X box, or eats at McDonalds five times a week. You really mustn't pretend to believe all this nonsensical Socialist hype.

      I don't 'lounge in France' I work fucking hard.

    2. ...and please don't devalue the word 'poverty'. if you wish to see real poverty go to Africa or India where children have NOTHING. Maybe just a T shirt and trousers, and live on the streets. That's POVERTY.

    3. Poverty in the UK needs redefining Heron. The worst poor about here are the Latvians and Lithuanians who live on benefits and spend it on vodka not food and neglect the children.
      The UK ones are heroin users and forget the children are in the house at all and food is irrelevant. Social Services take the children away. The next down smoke cannabis and drink and have playstations and big tvs like doors and take anything that Social Services will give them and if its useful they use it, if it isn't they chuck it in the corner. Go to any Children's Services office and they will tell you more. The poor used to cook and learn and strive for education. Now all they strive for is what they can get for nothing from Social Services.

    4. Of course the children of people who won't work, or spend all their benefits on booze tattoos or dope, are bound to be less well-off than others, but you can't label this 'poverty'. If anything it's mismanagement!

  3. Toot in no.10 and his sidekick Ploot in no.11 - we will be doomed!

    1. My fingers are crossed that this would never happen.

  4. Despite being an MP for decades not once has he been appointed to a cabinet or shadow cabinet in any position. This is how little he is rated by his own colleagues. Out of desperation he has just dumped Abbott because it has become apparent even to him, after 35 years, that she is incompetent.
    It's small wonder though that Chloe supports them. She sounds real momentum material.

    1. If this was an anti May piece she would defend her to the ends. She just enjoys being contrary; regardless of subject. As you have probably noticed I simply delete her (unless she says something coherent).


    The first bit of common sense of his campaign.

    1. Diane Abbot is unwell !
      Unfortunately suffering as you do from Tory-itus you are unable to see the facts before your eyes.

    2. You don't think 'ill health' is a convenient excuse? You must be the only one!

    3. Jeremy Vine has just retweeted, Diane Abbot is still standing, she will be back.

    4. After she can do no more harm, no doubt.

  6. When any country neglects to care for sections of its population for instance children, aged people and the disabled etc.
    Such is the myopic policies of the Tories with their
    lack of humanitarian action, they are only building up resentment and problems for the future.

    1. Tory policies are not perfect. They were left a horrendous legacy from Blair/Brown. The answer isn't to make things worse.

    2. And if you neglect the people who work and create the wealth of the country you are letting everyone down.

  7. Everyone sounds a little worried. There is no middle ground right now, it seems. This devision all began when we gave 'ordinary' people the right to get out of Europe without thinking about the consequences. It is a frying-pan/fire situation. It's also a pot/kettle/black situation.

    1. What 'middle ground' there is, is ineffectual.

    2. That's why I am voting for it. I am sick of everyone else's version of effectiveness.

  8. I,ll stick with the SNP as will the whole of Scotland!. We give everyone a fair chance, all our bairns get free university education, everyone gets free dental, eye care and prescriptions. We pay more tax and don't mind as we care for each other more.
    Our pot of money is allocated more fairly.
    Sure our roads are worse for the wear and parks not pristine, but people matter.

  9. Oh we also get free personal care for the elderly.
    Actually nothing is free we just spend more wisely in my opinion!.

    1. I am a great believer in Micawberism. "Annual income £20, annual expenditure £19. 19. 6p Result happiness. Annual income £20, annual expenditure £20. 0. 6p Result misery"

    2. We subside the Scottish economy to the tune of about £2.5 billion a year.

    3. We pay more tax and national insurance!. A lot more

    4. Kirrie, it's called The Barnett Formula. I expect Sturgeon keeps quiet about it.

    5. I would rather have our own trustworthy government at Hollyrood determining our future!. No duck islands or second homes being bought!.At our expense.
      Walking down the Royal mile saying hello to Oor Nic she stops n chats, genuine!.

    6. Makes the Scots really angry English dictating to us calling us wee Nic krankie etc. We NEED independance!..England would hate to be ruled by Hollyrood!.Scotland.

    7. What people forget is that Scots have a different mentality!. We are all Jock Tamsons bairns. Anyone hurts us they hurt us all.
      We are not pink and fluffy.
      When would be jehadi,s tried to bomb Glasgow airport set themselves on fire locals beat them to a pulp when on fire.

    8. I agree with you 100%. I would also like to see a reunited Ireland.

    9. Whatever you may say Kirrie and feel is fine Kirrie. I am merely stating a fact that we give Scotland a subsidy at present and from this the Scottish economy benefits greatly.

    10. Rachel I really didn't want to get involved but if you are talking about 'we' as being England and not the UK that implies you think that Scotland is separate. On that basis the income from oil revenues would have gone to Scotland and it is oil revenues which has kept us (the UK) afloat to a large extent over the last few decades.

  10. Maybe you are right about any sort increased taxation, but the opposite is the perfect Trump's America. Within reason, I believe society needs to look after the less well off, and unfortunately that means scum wasters too. I would not want to see them starve or freeze to death. I always thought Corbyn was unelectable, but by golly, your Tories are doing a good job at proving the point that opposition parties don't win government, governments lose government.

    1. This is the basis of the Tory's 'One nation politics' where everyone from the poorest to the richest is looked after according to their needs.

      Personally I still think Corbyn is unelectable!

  11. I could never vote Labour, because of the note left by Liam Byrne

    1. I remember it well. At least he told the truth!

  12. I happen to know that Diane Abbot is very unwell Cro.

  13. How wonderful it will be when tomorrow has gone and we can all get back to 'normal' whatever that is.

    1. Unless we end up with a bunch of Marxists at No 10.

  14. Chloe is German. Well that certainly explains the bitterness.

    1. It also explains her lack of any sense of humour. Losing TWO world wars in one century can't help.

  15. Just for the record I have read everything above from beginning to end. I'm really not sure why. Curiosity I suppose.

    1. Same here Graham! I'm curious as to how people(of any persuasion) can be so convinced they are RIGHT and anyone who disagrees is a fool. I wish I saw it so clearly.

    2. I don't think it's a question of being right or wrong, it's seeing policies for what they would do to the country long term. Corbyn's policies would be welcomed by many for short term gain, but the long term effects would be disasterous.

      They know this, we know this, yet some simply don't care!
