Friday 2 June 2017

So, Cro, how does your garden grow?

We're already eating a few Courgettes.

The Tomato plants (behind the Courgettes) are looking good.

The Spuds and first row of Beans are doing well.

I might start to eat some of the Onions as Spring Onions; I love them when they're young.

Plenty of Salad leaves.

A few days away from my first Calabrese heads.

And all the Winter leafy vegs are doing what's expected of them.

Otherwise we still have a few Strawberries, and the Tayberries are just about to go crazy. The fruit trees are all laden, but we have no Walnuts and no good eating grapes. 

There are also plenty of Butternuts, Melons, Delicata Squash, Peppers, Aubergines, and Chillies. 

I don't think we'll starve.


  1. Your garden has grown so much in what seems to be such a short time. It is beautiful !
    Are you liking your new garden design better that the old one .
    cheers, parsnip

    1. It is much easier to keep (relatively) weed free. We've had perfect growing weather; hot and wet.

  2. Far too tidy and where are the weeds?

    1. I think I must have just hoed. I have common Oxalis growing all over the place, it's driving me mad!

    2. I had to google that but yes, we've got that too. Very difficult to get rid of.

  3. Ftoo ftoo ftoo don't want to put my envious evil eye on that wonderful garden of yours!

    1. I think it's going to be a good year (fingers crossed).

    2. Hush, Cro! Don't jinx it like that! When I used to garden a statement like that was all that was needed to produce a massive hailstorm or flood. :)

  4. Your garden has come ahead in leaps and bounds. It seems it was only yesterday you had prepared it for sowing.


    1. Perfect weather for veg' growing. Just the right amount of sun and rain.

  5. There's some birds want a snack on the strawberries, some rabbits want a snack on the calabrese , some deer want a snack on the beans and the cabbage whites want the cabbages. Where are they? Peter planted some cabbage plants the other day and he said a pigeon watched and waited until he had finished and then flew down for its dinner. Peck peck peck.

    1. Where are all your hungry pests?

    2. That's why I put a fence around it. Previously it was used as a general restaurant; I even found a deer asleep there once.

  6. We had our first courgettes yesterday in Somerset. My spuds, in containers are coming into flower, as they are earlies that is about right. We have had some salad.

    I planted over wintering onions and they are now ready, both red and white. The garlic got terminal rust and was dug up this week, quite nice as green garlic but very small.

    My broad beans and French beans have finally got going but had a slow start, I do not think they liked the very dry spring. Tomatoes in the greenhouse have fruit on them, chillis and peppers are growing but massive campaign against greenfly is in progress, it's a very tough fight!

    Very good start, some better than others as we have only been here for 18 months and last year I was sorting out the house, under guidance of course, and getting the garden started.

    1. I have flowers on the peppers and aubergines, and a few on the toms. It won't be long before it all goes crazy. I do get some blackfly but I treat with diluted liquid 'black' soap.

  7. What a splendid vegetable garden, and not a bug or a weed in sight! We were late in getting going with our brassicas so they are being eaten to pieces by flea beetle!

    1. I shall probably give mine another dose of Savon Noire, it seems to do the job.

  8. I love the look of your veggie garden. So ordered! On this side of the world I've planted garlic (I was a bit late, so I hope it will be okay). Broad beans will go in tomorrow and the broccoli, beetroot and cauliflower have been in for a few weeks. Strangely, I still have capsicum and chilli coming on. The asparagus fronds are ready to cut down after storing their goodness in the crowns for next season's crop. Our weather has taken a decidedly chilly turn so cool weather crops are the order of the day.

    1. It all sounds very good. I rather look forward to our winter crops, even before we've had our summer. It's just beginning to warm up here; I may even have a swim this afternoon!

  9. Grün, grün, grün sind alle meine Kleider, grün, grün, grün ist alles was ich hab', darum lieb ich alles was so grün ist , weil mein Schatz ein Grüner ist....Your haddock looks good.

    1. This little song explains why the colour green is so nice....

  10. A very orderly garden! Our zucchini plants are thriving but don't seem to be getting many zucchinis

    1. I have just 3 green ones, and one yellow one. The plants are still very young, but they're giving me plenty of fruits.

  11. You are eating well and healthfully. I have a few green tomatoes, some fresh herbs, and flowering peppers. We have had so much rain in May and I am hoping that the sun of June will ripen things in my garden. I don't plant greens because baby bunnies are very hungry and have eaten well in my gardens of the past.

    1. We have no Rabbits here; just Hares. They seem to abide by my rules.

  12. I think you are about 3 weeks ahead of us here in Suffolk.
    We have more bird pests here than we had at the smallholding......... sparrows, pigeons, pheasants and B Squirrels so no hazel nuts here - just like at the smallholding.

    1. I did have some bird damage earlier in the season. The Magpies seem to enjoy tearing cabbage-type leaves off small plants.

  13. I'm terribly jealous. Your garden is beautiful and your hard work will be rewarded with amazing food!

    1. I love my little veg' patch, it keeps me sane!

  14. Sorry Cro but my mouth is watering too much to write much.

    1. In about 2 weeks we'll be self-sufficient again until next early Spring. Wonderful.
