Sunday 4 June 2017


Résultat de recherche d'images pour "British wartime internment camps"

Up to about 15,000 foreign nationals from aggressive countries were interned during the 1939-45 German war, and no doubt many lives were saved as a result.

Mostly Germans, Austrians, and Italians, they were rounded up and sent to reasonably comfortable camps situated in racecourses, stadiums, and other secure places.

It seems a judicious argument that MI5's estimated 23,000 (Yes, 23,000) high risk, UK based, Jihadist Muslims, could now be given the choice between internment or permanent expulsion.

I'm sure that most would choose to leave the UK, but those who wished to remain could be guarded by a fraction of the forces who are at present trying to protect the whole country.

There is no question that someone as important a threat as Salman Abedi (the Manchester Murderer), and the 3 who were shot this morning, should have been surveyed on a 24 hr basis. Had they been so, about 30 innocent  lives would have been saved.

However, the UK being a country where 'human rights' are more important to the do-gooders, than the lives of her citizens, it wouldn't seem ethical to lock-up people for what they MIGHT do, rather than for what they HAVE done.

Therefore more 'Manchesters' and 'London Bridges' are inevitable.


  1. It unfolded to us this Sunday morning. I felt 'no, no, not again'. I haven't heard that interment suggestion before. Extreme, but worth considering.

    1. It's not really a practical proposition, but it would keep them out of harm's way. They could also earn their keep by 'working', which is something most of them don't do at the moment. Too busy plotting.

    2. A modern Goulag ? The terrorism problem is worldwide. Some governments are involved in supporting terrorists and I'm not sure that your idea would be part of a solution. They are spread and connected with the modern technologies and I have little hope that our fight against terrorism will be successful. Weapons traffic is a big business around the World .and how stop à Bus or à car which runs into a crowd. The problem is just awful.

    3. Britain's security agencies have identified 23,000 UK residents who have leanings towards acts of terrorism. Does one attempt to halt them BEFORE they strike, or simply wait for the event and bewail at leisure. I really don't know the answer, but internment could be considered for the most dangerous.

    4. The problem is that you cannot condamn a person before committing a crime and concentrating people with the same ideas in a same place , well I don't know. Interment etc. always reminds me of our not glorious horrible past in Germany.

    5. That's what I wrote in my penultimate paragraph.

  2. I don't know what the answer is but I think internment would probably be counter-productive and more terrorists would soon fill the hole made by those interned. Stop the returning jihadis returning and read the internet messages.

    1. AS I said above, it's not really a practical proposition, but something has to be done. I hope Tony Blair is feeling happy with himself, and it now looks as if Corbyn would continue the policy. Do they never learn?

    2. No people never learn, they are fickle and waste their energies on themselves. And internet channels are the new battleground with ISIS.

  3. Guantanamo Bay in Southend on Sea? Brilliant idea. They could all peacefully grow vegetables in that Haddocks-like garden in the photo...

    1. Not Southend; some tiny Scottish island. Not Veg' growing; coffin making for dead terrorists.

    2. A tiny Scottish island holding 23,000 jihadis? Yet another brilliant idea from Colonel Blimp.

  4. My OH thinks they should be forced to wear anklets, with homing devices, and microphones. His other suggestion of a small explosive device to blow a foot off if they stray where they shouldn't is a little extreme, but having lived and worked in London during the IRA bombings, fear and a sense of self-preservation has prompted this debate in our house this morning.

    1. The ankle tags would be stage one. The explosive device stage two. And the chain gang on the Scottish island if all else fails.

    2. Erm No. You can not deport insane murderers from 1 country to another ,England to Scotland!. just to get to get rid of them.
      England has the Channel Islands, that,ll do!.
      Police are finally getting it right, just shoot them!.

    3. The Channel Islands would be too pleasant for them, I was hoping to find somewhere bleak, cold, and barren. Some small outcrop of rock, as far north as possible. OK, we'll call it something else; Near Scotland maybe.

    4. Nowhere even close to Scotland!.

  5. Good points Cro - and ones which ought t to be taken seriously. I wonder how this atrocity will affect the election on Thursday - one party (naming no names) would certainly see your suggestion as an invasion of rights.

    1. As Mrs May has just said outside No 10 "Enough is enough".

  6. We are 9 days into Ramadan and so far there have been 42 terror attacks with 442 dead around the world. All the attackers were muslim jihadis. At some point even the most demented fool will have to admit that the problem does not lie with the actions of the victims.

    1. You can't eat from sunrise to sunset, but you can go out murdering; and that's OK.

  7. It is justified by the battle of Badr where Muhammed first began his great slaughter of the Jews. They also invaded Hispania during Ramadan and they also attacked Israel in the Yom Kippur war during Ramadan, the Arab name for it was operation Badr. Basically it's okay for them but woe betide none who has the temerity to point out their hypocrisy.

    1. And hypocrisy is my least favourite human trait.

  8. Can't say I disagree, Cro, but it's interesting that when an American President wants to place a *temporary* ban on travel from countries known to have jihadists & also lack government agencies capable of accurate verification, the world screams foul. If he says more rigid screening is necessary to take in refugees from those countries, he's called a hater... or Hitler. The attitude allows cowardly acts of violence against innocent people (including children!) to continue. There's so much fear of appearing "intolerant", yet peace, love and "liberal progressiveness" don't seem to be working well. We can't have it both ways.

    I think if it's known someone left the country to attend jihad training, whether or not that person has citizen status, he/she has just lost the right to cross the border back into the country. Or be tried for treason at the very least. But that'll never happen. Nor will internment camps.

    1. I agree with you totally. It's about time that we ignored the PC do-gooders of the world, and accept that we have a REAL problem here. Burying our collective heads in the sand is just perpetuating the problem

  9. Chloe pop your fingers in your ears and repeat the mantra "religion of peace". Meanwhile back in the real world it is an established fact that worldwide Islamic terrorism increases over Ramadan. It is an established fact that they use Muhammad's own words and deeds as justification for it.
    And as the head of MI6 pointed out in his article in the telegraph two years ago a large part of the funding is collected in mosques in Britain and Europe and funnelled to terrorist groups via Hawalas (Islamic money changers). His figure was several million pounds a week passes through their hands with no way for us to monitor it.
    Another article in the Independent demonstrated how various Islamic charities have not only been funding ISIS but claiming giftaid on the contributions.
    As much as I dislike the Saudi government and it history of human rights abuses of women, children, gays and other minorities they have captured over 1000 wahhabi terrorists and have already executed 154 of them for their crimes. Considerably more than any western nation.

    1. Ro, I have given-up trying to teach any form of logic to Chloe, she is beyond reason. What I do know (and she should too) is that this is all escalating out of hand, and before long it will explode. Apologists such as her will soon be made to look extremely silly; when it's all too late.
