Sunday 25 June 2017



These two individuals, Akahi Ricardo and Camila Castello (above), claim never to eat. They occasionally sip a thimble-full of diluted fruit juice (once a year) but otherwise (apparently) they live on air.

Looking at their photo, he seems to be struggling slightly with her weight. I wonder where all that came from? She claims to have gone through a whole pregnancy without eating.

The good news must be that we can send them to arid parts of Africa, where they could teach the natives not to worry about starvation; and just breathe instead. That'll soon have them fattened-up.

Another world problem solved?


  1. Good morning Cro, where do you find all this people? i can not beleive it is true:)

    1. There have always been charlatans in the world, and these two are simply following a well trodden path. I would love to see a TV crew follow them for just one week!

  2. What Jennifer said..... that and hot air.


  3. Replies
    1. I believe they give talks where people PAY to listen to their theories. Amazing.

  4. According to some reports they DO have vegetable broth three times a week. I find this a little more believable.

    1. I hope it's a very hearty 'broth'; of the 3 Kilo veggie stew variety.

  5. Cro, you've won the lottery! Well, it is more likely than the couple who don't eat.

    1. They keep us amused, but not to be taken too seriously. Just another couple of scalawags.

  6. . And the award for the Breatharian of the year goes to.... a Skeleton enters from side stage.

  7. There will always be mad folk in this world and there will always be idiots who believe what they say - we can't do anything about it. But in this instance I think their behaviour is an insult to starving people throughout the world.

    1. I agree, it is an insult. It's also an insult to think people that would believe them.

  8. I'm with you, send them to Africa where they will be treated with true derision!

  9. If you google it some of their crazy followers have died of starvation!😢

    1. I didn't think anyone would be so stupid. That's very sad; almost criminal.

  10. Bit like religion, prey on the vulnerable!.😥

  11. What is wrong with people? how do they have the gall to be so bloody manipulative and downright awful? and to what purpose? and yes send them to some country where there is true starvation and see how they get on.

    1. I imagine they're after their 15 mins of fame.

  12. But where is the fun in life if you don't eat? (I've just eaten a plateful of pate, cheese, cucumber and bread followed by melon, rapsberries and banana. Not forgetting the two glasses of wine and plenty of fresh air.)

    1. You should have left the 'fresh air' for them; they might get peckish!

  13. Re-entering the land of blog after a break has now allowed me the opportunity to peruse your recent posts.

    So many interesting topics...and I admit that following the progress of your garden and seeing the compost fry-up meals has been a highlight.

    The treasures you found at the car boot sale, and learning how to deal with a bee sting have also been of great interest.

    Reading this very post has made me wonder if the Breatharians are planning a political career.

    Best wishes.

    1. It's a lovely thought, to imagine you perusing my recent postings.

      I had another Compost Fry-up again last night. It's amazing how a few mixed vegs and a sprinkling of Cumin can make such a delicious meal. I think the two most important vegs are the potatoes and the beans.

    2. Cro, I have been to the Sunday farmers market this afternoon and amongst the items I bought and brought home were beans and potatoes. The wonderful cherries will be savored after tonight's Compost Fry-Up.

  14. People aren't as gullible as they think really. Hopefully it doesn't send a wrong message to others to emulate their ideology. Warm greetings!

    1. According to Kimmie (above), some of their followers have died. I'm not surprised, but what they died of I'm not sure; gullibility I expect.

  15. The idea of dying of gullibility rather appeals to me Cro.

  16. OMG! Who would actually believe this crap?

  17. We had one here years ago. She was from the Gold Coast haha (as they are) Anyway she was put under an experiment for the weekend locked in a hotel room and monitored by a medical team. I still think she believed in herself although her blood pressure etc didn't look good!!! If you don't have an enquiring mind you'll believe anything, which is probably better than being a sour old cynic which I am lol
