Friday 12 May 2017


                                       Résultat de recherche d'images pour "pellegrino bottled water"
It is often claimed that one litre of water weighs exactly one Kilo. Of course, as every schoolboy/girl knows; it is a litre of WINE that weighs a Kilo. The obvious reason being that (in olden times) water was never sold, whereas wine was and it needed to be weighed to assess quantity.

These days water IS sold, and as far as I gather; in huge quantities.

Personally I NEVER buy bottled water. All those added chemicals and injected gas make it unpalatable. If forced to purchase an emergency supply I would go for ordinary plain spring water; straight from someone else's tap.

I have read of bottled water selling for around €400 per bottle. Some have tiny flecks of gold suspended in the precious liquid, and are even more expensive.

However, I myself am now marketing a brand of water (Eau-Magnon). Sold by the glass, it comes from the beautiful village of Lumberjack in SW France, and costs a paltry €50 per glass.

Please form an orderly queue at the door.


  1. What you dont drink gold water?! I have hot and gold water running from my tap, I drink it gold. :)
    Greetings Maria x

  2. Paul likes bottled, fizzy water, I prefer tap water.

    1. Our water here comes directly from a spring at Gadet. I have no complaints.

  3. As a student I once exhibited an empty water bottle and called it Tonto. (At the time it appeared nobody could go anywhere without carrying a bottle of water in their hand). This has now been replaced by coffee in a paper cup.

    1. This was Tonto, the Lone Ranger's faithful companion, of course.

    2. Of course kemosabe!

      Certain people are incapable of going anywhere without a mobile phone in one hand, and a cup of coffee in the other. I look at them in amazement.

    3. I prefer a cup of tea in the comfort of my own home!

    4. Me too Frances. Eating (or drinking) in the street was always regarded as bad manners in my book.

    5. Exactly. Eating in the street was forbidden when I was at school and I still regard it as wrong. Seeing people carrying coffee in the street makes me think of a baby clutching a dummy.

    6. That's it; an adult's dummy.

  4. I use Badoit rouge.... mainly because Sodastream have stopped doing refill gas cylinders for our perfectly serviceable, thirty-five year old machine.... and I refuse to fork out what they are asking for the current models.
    Otherwise, like you, we use "eau de source".... via the fridge in Summer.
    You are probably aware that there are restaurants now that have.....

    1. No, I wasn't aware of water sommeliers; but nothing surprises me.

  5. Greeks are just as fussy about their water as they are with their wine. Wine has to be local and natural, sold in 1 1/2 litre plastic bottles and paid for by the kilo. Imagine your wine lady sells it the same way.
    They drink water from a bottle (without bubbles) and can tell the difference in taste from brand to brand but prefer local spring water. Many will go and fill their water containers from a local spring and use that for drinking.

    1. We used to do that from a 'fountain' that had been there since 1270-ish, then some idiot plumbed his septic tank into the spring, and that was the end of that!

  6. Does it have sprinklings of Haddocks in it?
    If so then you could market it for watering the garden as yours always looks so very productive.

    1. That's why everything grows so well. You can either drink it or use it on the garden!

  7. My Mother used to call tap water Corporation pop !
    I have only ever drunk bottled water when desperately thirsty while out and about ......probably about twice in my life.

    1. It has to be an emergency for me too, otherwise it's tap water every day.

  8. I also drink only tap water,most of my neighbors here have those water purifying machins in the kitchens.

    1. My youngest son has one (and sells them); he would never drink un-purified water.

  9. I personally know a 100 year Venetian who swears that the city's tap water is the best thing in Italy.

  10. Those billions of plastic bottles are causing a great hazard to our environment. I don't use them, but rather use my tap water with some lemon added and put it in a reusable container.

    1. I try not to buy things that have been flown around the world twice, as I think that's even worse for the environment.

    2. Although I enjoy my local wines, I treat myself to some fine French wine on occasion. Some things have to travel to give people joy.

    3. Mine comes from about 7 kms away! I shall go this morning to fill up.

  11. I'd almost be tempted if it was the same as the water a friend of my mother's used to draw from the spring in her garden. It was almost like a dessert wine.

    1. How wonderful. We could all use a spring like that.

  12. I have gradually been making a tour of fine blog posts that I have been neglecting. May I apologize for my tardy comments, please?

    In chronological order, it's appropriate to begin with rainy day pursuits, since tomorrow (Saturday) and also Sunday are forecast to be soakers. I am hoping the showers will finally wash away the pollen. Indoors, I will be reading, drawing, painting, knitting, calling friends, checking blogs and listening to music.

    The Roman tiles on your roof are just right. Thank you for answering my budding question about the roof's degree of incline. Sounds like a good angle. Your mention of replacing a broken tile, made me wonder if you do keep a supply of old tiles on hand or must search for some when needs must.

    The sausage Fair looked like fun, even if it might be a bit predictable. Our NYC street warm weather street fairs are similar every time. They used to be more fun when beer was sold.

    Bravo to Mme Magnon and you on the successful Tiggywinkle rescue. Surely cats would not take a chance on taking food from a hedgehog? Fear of fleas if not spines?

    I also prefer old fashioned all cotton jeans. I order mine from LL Bean. Very reasonably priced.

    Now...on to water. Back in my days as a corporate law firm employee, I admit to having a bottle of Pellegrino on my desk most days. As a long time employee I was granted a certain amount of free food and beverages from the firm's large cafeteria. Since those days, it's tap water all the way for me. And I never eat or drink while walking around the city...except for an occasional summer ice cream cone, now that the street fairs don't sell beer.

    Think I've now caught up with your always enjoyable posts. Best wishes to you and yours.

    1. Looks like I've kept you busy Frances. Yes we keep a reasonable stock of tiles, just in case. Even a nasty hail storm can break them, so they could be needed at any time.

      It's been a bit rainy here recently, so our stocks of water have been renewed. I feel so sorry for people who live in arid areas.

      As for eating in the street; ice cream doesn't count!

  13. When are you inviting us all to the tasting, Cro?
