Monday 15 May 2017






  1. He does, Chloe. But, in all fairness, it is Cro's problem - not ours to sort out.

    All comments taken down? Why? I can tell you why: A nerve was hit. Still, that's what happens as people get older. They become more fragile - and maybe we should take account of that and make allowances for it.


  2. I know you are quite a bit older than me, Cro. Which is why it comes as a particular disappointment that you don't stand by your original post. If we don't have confidence in ourselves than who has confidence in us.

    No one is after you, Cro. But you do have to allow questions being asked.


  3. Again I'm sorry and I'm surprised by those reactions..I'm not young too , nearly 71, but I'm open minded and my grandson is keeping me young. I discovered Mr. Cro's blog some weeks ago and was interested cause he lives in France. Well people are what they are and that's ok. I will probably keep on reading his blog without making comments. Too stupid to feel ridiculous at my age. But I must say Mr. Cro seems not to like other opinions.

    1. I do not see why you should be sorry, Chloe. Sorry for what? Sorry to voice a reasonable observation?

      You are right, and I hope Cro will reflect on this without his mood going down the drain, he doesn't like others' opinions if they are different to his. Last time we communicated he called me "stupid". I just about had it with him then. To call someone stupid without cementing their argument is, I don't know, a bit limited.

      Never mind. Blogland, like any land, has a lot to teach us. If only we'd learn.


  4. I'm sorry that you have had to make an adjustment. I do often wonder what I've missed though. That I/C scoop looks as if it has seen a lot of service. The smart cooks are using scoops for little cakes to get 'equal' amounts of mixture (Mary Berry and other grandmothers!).

    1. I had just mentioned that it was a souvenir from my wife's time living in the USA. I received the usual troll venom.

  5. Sorry i missed it, too many trolls lately.Who are they all those negative spirits?

  6. Mr. Cro seems to be his own gravedigger. He takes it too seriously. To get valorized by family and friends is what many people seem to need.

  7. This is a classic example of what can happen when you post something as simple as a piece about an ice cream scoop. The fucking trolls just can't behave themselves. The venom that exudes from these people is (other than predictable) extraordinary. I notice that I'm now even being attacked because of my age.


    1. Be fair, Cro. I did not "attack" you for your age. Quite the opposite. Even my father (he'll be eighty later this year), and a highly intelligent man, is beginning to show his age. Well, I put his occasionally frankly puzzling line of discussing something down to age. It's better than, belatedly, drawing conclusions on his character.

      To put it another way: In Chloe's shoes I would not have said what she did. One may argue her comment was unnecessarily provocative and bound to lead to conflict. Neither should I have picked up her baton. Doesn't invalidate the comment I made and you so quickly took down. I even said, explicitly, that there is nothing wrong with name dropping.

      One last point: People are too quick to shout "troll".


    2. I wasn't aware that I had 'name dropped', could you enlighten me as to which name?

    3. No, I didn't think you could!

    4. Of course I can [enlighten you). Unlike you I am not retired and have other things to attend to.

      Let's take it from the top - and please stay calm before you explode.

      Chloe hinted at your many references you make to people in the limelight; people you have known; people you know; people who know people who are related/known to you.

      As I said in the comment you took down, there is nothing wrong with your approach. However, it is a recurring theme in your posts. So your ice cream scoop and some tenuous link to Washington or wherever wasn't a one off. I have said it earlier today, but don't mind repeating myself, it is one of your trademarks to name drop (it's no secret, Cro). I also said that it would have been better if Chloe hadn't mentioned it. Because, essentially, it's neither here nor there who you know or who you went to school with or ... What counts is who you are. And, at least at the moment, you sure are short of good will. If only you had bothered to read my last post which touches on this subject, inspired by a rather moving comment by Rachel. But you can't be bothered, can you. And that's fine. Some people are happy to engage in intelligent conversation, some commune with their courgettes.

      Neither will I speculate why you do have this need to name drop. In my family and circle - and boy oh boy oh boy could I drop names, positively dripping - it was considered ill mannered to do so.

      I will not be tempted to speculate on why your need is such. Just stick with Tom S. He too is a bit of a dropper. Correction, he is a drip.

      You wanted an answer. You got an answer.


      PS Not that it'll be much of a consolation but I do think Chloe has conducted (and keeps conducting) herself rather badly in this latest exchange.

  8. I suppose you know what projections are,sometimes a little test of our inner world reveals something, check,"Clohe".

  9. My comment is for "Clhoe" the troll, you should not be upset Cro, we had our times before with negative souls.

  10. Mr. Cro has a personal problem to valorize himself through others. That's evident. Mr. Cro, just admit that even a fart seems to be an event in your life. Good Bye no need to get on your blog anymore

  11. From passive agresive to real agressive, you should check yourself Chloe, go and never come back, we shall not miss you here.

    1. I do not know you and that's it. Why should I follow your advice? If you are a friend of Mr.Cro it's all right to take his defense, but maybe you are just a lonely soul. I'm not aggressive, Mr. Cro thinks that I'm a person called Mia Amore. Do not know here and I just reacted. Other thinking people are not welcome here I found it out just now. I'm nearly 71 and really need no lessons.

    2. You are right, you need no lessons because you ARE the lesson... how to get attention by being negative. It's his blog not yours.

    3. You're perfectly right. The original post of Mr. Cro was deleted and my first comment too. So your statement means nothing.

  12. Mr. Cro you're just unfaithful, you know exactly what I'm speaking about.

  13. Sigh.

    What a load of bullshit. I'm sorry, Cro.

  14. Reading all this tripe makes me realise why I am not keen on the human species.
    Why are people so angry and aggressive?
    You carry on Cro as you have done, I love your posts.

  15. United Blogger community a big joke. Happiness to all of you.

  16. I am a quiet, mild-mannered, person who keeps himself to himself. But occasionally I feel like giving certain people a damned good slapping. Such is life!

    1. May be, but without any sense of humour, so a fake Brit ?

  17. Cro - sorry I may be a bit thick but what was wrong with the post about the ice cream scoop? Also why all this nastiness?

    1. I happened to mention that the Ice Cream Scoop was bought when my wife was living in the USA (in the 50's) when her father was at the Embassy in Washington.

      Unfortunately the word 'embassy' hit certain troll nerves, and the insults flowed. I can take it.

    2. Oh My Goodness, it is just a scoop !
      Keep it the new ones break all the time.

      I so enjoy reading your blog .
      cheers, parsnip

  18. All this over an ice cream scoop??? Some people have too much time on their hands and a real nasty attitude. I like you scoop, Cro.

    1. I really hadn't anticipated so much hatred over an ice cream scoop, but that's what gives them a buzz.... see below again!

  19. There were no insults Mr. Cro , I just aked what was important the embassy or the ice scoop you got a sick brain Sir.

    1. I shall lose my temper before long. As you well know, I was writing about a fucking ice cream scoop, then along comes some fucking troll and tries to cause trouble. Please fuck off.

      Would you like a vote for who has the 'sickest brain'?

  20. Why are you so emotional ? If you do not care why getting so upset. Obviously you lack self control.

  21. Gosh, it seems that somehow I've missed a hilarious time on your blog today Cro! Who'd have thought a simple thing like an ice cream scoop could cause so much anguish to some people, what a scream!

    1. What an I scream.

      The bloody woman still won't let up. She'll have a heart attack before long.

  22. Haha what you wish for others may happen to you ! 👎

  23. If you get this kind of reaction to posting an ice cream scoop, think what a post about a fork might do.

    1. Forking hell, yell, you are right!

    2. I despair. The sad thing is that these people think they're virtuous. Mad as hatters!

    3. For Forks Sake😂

  24. I missed all of that. Too busy doing 'actual things'. Shame there aren't more people out doing 'actual things' than sitting on their backsides looking for things to get offended about (not unique to Blogspot by any means - local paper, national papers, Facebook, Twitter all very much the same crap in different sacks with the few notable exceptions that make them worth reading).

    1. Abi, you have missed nothing. Just a couple of trolls, that we'd hoped had gone elsewhere, making fools of themselves.

      I'll probably delete all this tomorrow, I don't want to give them any satisfaction.

  25. These people dig themselves into such deep holes that there's no turning back for them. Rather than admit stupidity, they dig even deeper, and eventually just stop commenting.

    Tomorrow is another day.

    1. I'd leave it Cro! She proves what we all think... stupid/drunk/desperate. She will probably delete her comments when she reads them sober.

  26. They come back with their fake profiles,but we know who they are,just the same poor trolls.

  27. I have no allegiances to Chloe. I don't know who she is. However, I do think the way you, Cro, and some of your commentators vilify her is shameful. She may be any of what you suggest - all the more reason to hold your horses. Glass houses and casting stones spring to mind.

    You talk about trolls? Never is there more of a troll than the one trolling in the "safety" of his own blog.

    Can't you see what this is? A fox hunt. All the huffing and puffing of the self righteous, stoking a fire which you could have put out early on in the proceedings. But you didn't, did you?


    1. Do you ever stop,fighting ursula?

    2. No, John. I will never stop fighting for the underdog. As misguided as the underdog in question may be. I would have thought you'd understand that more than most (nothing to do with your actual real life dogs).


    3. I think the majority of the commenters here today have no idea what they are talking about.

    4. I repeat the majority of commenters here dont know what they are talking about.

    5. Best thing to do is delete or ignore. It most certainly is not funny as some comments have suggested.

  28. Oh bloody hell Cro. Don't despair. I love your blog, and if I didn't, I simply wouldn't read it.


  29. For Heaven's sake don't show that knife of yours again, you might really set them off !!!

  30. I love your blog, Cro. Please continue as you always do.

  31. Cro....chip on shoulder.... chocolate chip I hope!!
    Lurve that scoop!!

  32. Blimey! Getting some much needed rain here today Cro. How's your garden ?

    1. It's doing well thanks. Sprinkler will go on this morning.

  33. I missed the original post before it was deleted - being on the other side of the world with time-lag involved, I expect that!

    I won't comment on the trolls who trawl as I missed thoses posts but I will comment on Cro's supposed 'name dropping'. I love hearing of his life as it is now and how it was. Why should he deny the life he has led and the people he has known? His life is so far removed from my own and that is what fascinates me and keeps me coming back ... and the fact that he is a gentle, warm and animal-loving human being. U will no doubt call me a sychophant. Again. Meh.

    1. Thank you for those kind words Ninaschen. I expect they will now be absent for a while; tail between legs. Pure silliness.

  34. Well damn, Chloe. I thought you spent all your time over at my blog trying to make ludicrous comments. I feel deserted, abandoned...

    But then, I never publish your b*llsh*t, do I.
