Sunday 7 May 2017


Résultat de recherche d'images pour "rain"

What do you do when it's raining? I'm not an indoors person, so being confined to the house is a curse.

There's always the TV, but it's mostly rubbish. There are books to be read, but my daytime concentration is limited. There are my crosswords, which are good for 15 minutes. There's cooking to be done, which I enjoy. There's also eating to be done, which is a danger to the waistline.

No, I can't wait to get outside again, so I wrap-up in waterproof clothing, resign myself to becoming drenched, and take the dog for short walks. I occasionally run over to the 'tower' where I keep all my more interesting reference books. Sometimes I even retreat to the studio to prepare canvases.

Having a small house with a large-ish garden, most of my daily work is outside. Having to look through the windows at falling rain might be OK for half an hour, but it soon gets on my tits.

You may have guessed; it's been raining.


  1. Over here in Ontario, it has been raining for the better part of five days. It is also cold. We are also looking forward to some sun and dry weather. -Jenn

    1. I've just checked our Meteo; it looks as if it'll be OK for a couple of days, then back to 'uncertain' again. C'est la vie.

  2. Send some to Tucson please. Spring starts the fire season but soon Summer will be here with wildfires everywhere.
    Hope the sun shines soon.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. We do actually need it here too but every time it rains I just wish it would go away. Rain at night GOOD, rain during the day BAD.

    2. Oh I so agree with you. Love sleeping with the sound of rain.
      Our summer storms come with much lighting and loud thunder unfortunately.

  3. It's been unusually dry for a while here now, I'm going to have a shock when the rain comes again. X

    1. We all pray for rain, but when it comes.....

  4. I had so many plans for working outside today but... it's raining and cold and I can't seem to get warm. We seem to have skipped autumn altogether and jumped from summer to winter here in Victoria (Aus). Now I have to wait a whole week to get outside again. The curse of working 9 - 5.

    1. That's what I felt like yesterday. There were very short spells of dry, but they were few and far between.

  5. I don’t mind the rain as long as I am not in it.
    Grey skies this morning and rain is forecast. But what does it matter for it is Sunday wonderful Sunday – a day I have always loved for the leisure of it. Sundays are never boring.
    I am up early this morning, usually a 9am riser on this day. And so I am busying myself on this PC awaiting the arrival of the ST, of which I shall take the Sunday section first and amuse myself with the puzzles, the Griddler first, and then read the main section And the day will carry on in this leisurely fashion.
    I am not really an outdoors person, so really whether it is sunny or raining it does not interfere with my day.
    Do hope the sun comes out for you.
    Anna :o]

    1. This particular Sunday is quite important for us over here; Presidential Election Day. The choice between a dangerous extreme right winger, and a young (good looking) inexperienced middle of the roader.

  6. We ordered the rain specially so that Paul's potager would thrive while we're away!

  7. Hi Cro, If you can get the internet Red Bull TV you can watch the Wings for Life World Run today from 25 cities around the world! I'm running in Vienna at 1pm Austrian time with 14,000 others. The English Race is at the same time rom Silverstone so that'll be 12 noon. In places like New Zealand and Japan they'll be running in the night, so you'll see them too. Last year's winner, the proverbial last man running, was in Milan. He ran 88 kms. There's also a women's race and one of them might manage 60 kms. I'm hoping to do about 12 kms. Not much, but enough ;)

    1. I'll have a look. Make sure you wear a red carnation so that I can recognise you! See you at 1 pm.

    2. Thanks both very much! Merci b'eaucoup (is that right?).

      We all must use now French according to Juncker. He is trying to ban English from the EU because as he says it is of "less significance". I noted his new line when he was in Rome recently. This idiot fails to appreciate that there are 23 languages in the EU (more if the EU counted Gaelic, Welsh etc.) and that the EU must a common tongue if it is to function smoothly he addressed the plebs in French in Rome
      . . . huh !?
      I'll wear a red t-shirt. It'll stand out against a sea of 14,000 yellow ones. I'm resigned to getting wet. They say there's a 78% chance of le pleut (?) i.e. rain.

    3. I looked for you, but they were showing the English runners.

  8. Raining here too. I cook a lot. Now days rainy days' pass-time is going into a mall; sad.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. I actually enjoy shopping. Not for clothes, but delis, food halls, etc. I get quite excited by a really good deli.

  9. I don't mind rain. I don't use umbrellas but I have some good rainhats to keep me dry.

    1. I have a shredded Barbour that still just about does the job. I suppose I ought to do some essential running repairs.

    2. A dab of Copydex here and there effects a good mend. But a waterproof hat is essential and the rest will take care of itself.

    3. You haven't seen my Barbour; it needs industrial stitching.

  10. I agree, rain at night GOOD. Nice to drop off to the sound of rain on the roof and wake up to a fresh sparkling morning!!
    Almost June and time to uncover your pool.

    1. Yes, it won't be long now. I've been mentally preparing myself for the grand opening. End of the month!

  11. Nothing against rsin especially when dropping on the roof. Boots , a raincoat and a hat is all I need.And the soil smells so special when it rains.

  12. The next rainy day here will be in October or November.

    1. For my garden's sake, I hope it's not the same here.

  13. We are pretty desperate for rain here Cro - but do agree with you that being incarcerated when you want to be outside is pretty awful. At present I just have tomake myself do indoor jobs.

    1. It's OK here today, but quite cool. At least I can get outdoors; we've just had coffee on the terrace.

  14. In town, it is just an inconvenience, but we are on the verge of a drought here anyway.

    1. Our lakes and reservoirs are all very low still, but it does seem to have rained a lot.

  15. We need rain also and are getting some, but mostly we are getting very cloudy grey cold days with sprinkles. If it is going to be unpleasant, I just wish it would pour and get it over with.

    1. That's how I like it too. A really big downpour to empty the sky.

  16. I know EXACTLY what you mean! And, when I ventured out in my raincoat, I discovered that the cherry has black fly...

    1. I hate Black-fly. Our Cherries don't get them, just the Swiss Chard and other leafy vegs.

  17. I'm jealous! We've had no decent rain for weeks - occasionally it clouds over promisingly but it always seems to blow over and leave us with cracked soil and empty water butts.

    1. I've just looked, and we have thunder storms and rain forecast for the coming week. I don't know why I bothered setting up the sprinkler system at Haddock's.

  18. You forgot one thing Cro: you can blog when it is raining. Just like you did right now!

    1. Quite right. There are advantages to everything!

  19. Cro, have you seen the adult coloring books that have been the rage the past year or two? Get a shiny new box of colored pencils and give it a go. I always have home fixit projects to work on when it rains, but I'm quite adept at pretending they don't exist so I can read a good book guilt free.
