Wednesday 17 May 2017

Fair dinkum tucker.

Anyone who enjoys chilli sauces that have REAL flavour (and aren't too hot); this stuff is for you.

Lady Magnon has just spent a couple of months in Oz and wisely returned with some bottles of Byron Bay Chilli Co's prize winning 'Fiery Coconut Chilli Sauce, with curry and ginger'. It states on the bottle 'Medium Hot'. In fact it's sweet, and fruity, with just about the right amount of heat. I'm not someone who enjoys a burning mouth.

Perfect with curries, pork chops, chicken, and just about everything else.

There's only one problem with this stuff; it goes too damned quickly!

If you should find some somewhere, I recommend.

(You'd think the Co would send me some freebies, with all the advertising I do for them).


  1. Oh My Goodness, this sounds just right ! Now I want some.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. It really is delicious. Maybe a tiny bit hot for some, but not too much so.

  2. Co should; I always look for food names you mention here when I stroll down the sauce isles in supermarkets.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. We've had to buy further supplies 'on line' as there are no shops here who sell such things.

  3. Like Maria i do the same.

    1. They do sell their products world-wide, but I think it's restricted to specialist shops in major cities.

  4. Funny you should write about this today Cro as I was thinking about you and chilli sauces earlier! A friend of my daughter's and his house-mate have begged her to ask me to make another batch of chilli sauce - they even offered to pay me! I'm off work for a few days so plan to do that for them (no charge, of course). The reason I thought of you is that I remember sending you a link to the recipe and wondered if you had given it a go. I'm guessing not! it is a fair bit of work but it does have a good depth of flavour and I haven't come across anything similar on the shelves.

    1. After you gave me the link I did make a small amount, but it was so hot I couldn't use it. I wonder if the chillies I used were the wrong sort. If I could make a sauce anything like this one (above) I would do so, but I think I'll leave it to pro's.

    2. What a pity! I use jalepenos which are relatively mild compared to some. You can of course adjust the heat by using less chillies and more tomatoes. I haven't found it to be crazy-hot. I must keep an eye out for the one above, sounds interesting.

    3. ... and I've been making samabal oelek with jalapenos too.

    4. 'Sambal' sheesh - fat fingers!

    5. I still have a big bag of frozen (very hot) green chillies in the freezer from last year. I'll have to find something to do with them.

  5. I found it on line but I fear that the shipping would be more than the sauce. I will look for it though at our local specialty store. I can no longer eat hot food, but if it is more sweet than hot, I would give it a try. If I can't eat it, it won't go to waste as my family loves spicy hot food.

    1. We've bought 10 bottles on line in the UK; my wife will bring them back after her upcoming visit.

  6. Did Lady M ring you any new clothes from Oz, like shorts?

    1. No, she's wiser than that. I am wearing shorts at the moment... it's quite hot here. 27 C.

  7. And you have managed without Lady M for two whole months?

    1. A tiny bit more even. I had plenty to keep me busy.
