Wednesday 31 May 2017

Arrogance and Pomposity.

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I have never suffered fools gladly, and very rarely do I give a 'second chance' to those who behave badly or who are overtly hypocritical. Therefore, that moment when Trump pushed through the G7 group of ministers was, in my opinion, totally unforgivable, and probably the most telling moment of his short political 'career'.

When he became president of the US, I decided to hold my natural urge to yawn (I wasn't a Clintonette fan either), and I gave him the benefit of time. I wished to see if he would calm his narcissistic ardour, and adapt to the dignity expected of his new unexpected role.

Sadly this has proved not to be, and if anything he has become more self obsessed, boorish, and obnoxious as his term lengthens.

I now no longer see him as an amusing buffoon, but as a dangerous jack-ass.

There must be something wrong with the man. The sooner he goes the better; but by whom they'd replace him, I have no idea. Intellectually, even an Orangutan would be an improvement!


  1. 'Trump Putin America First'

    I can't wait for them to sit down together.

    Lovely expression from "Dictator" Victor Orban of Hungary (says Juncker the "Panama Papers" man) the man who built a fence on the Balkan Route.

    It's all Greek to me. What was Juncker doing there. Is Luxembourg now in the G7?

    1. Maybe it wasn't the G7. These days I see Juncker wherever I look. Perhaps he rules the world?

    2. Tusk and Junker represented the EU (it takes two), but May represented the UK. All a bit odd.

  2. You mean you once saw him as an amusing buffoon?

    1. I admit to once seeing Boris Johnson as an amusing buffoon.

  3. It is odd that the more powerful the country the worse the candidates become. Trump one because Clinton was terrible, the irony is that Saunders would have beaten Trump easily.

    Europe is as bad, the only clever thing David Cameron ever said about Europe was that putting Junker in charge meant that Brexit was more likely, he got that correct.

    Mrs Merkel reminds me of Mrs May, they look good in calm weather, they are both a bit dubious when things do not go according to plan. Time will tell.

    Personally I am more interested in Haddocks...

    1. I've just been weeding, and Trump & Co didn't cross my mind once. Haddock's has heeling powers.

    2. I agree about the healing powers; my allotments have the same effect. I shall be visiting today to do some weeding and hope that nobody else is there.

  4. He has outwardly bad manners. Other Presidents have had inpeccable manners but have done bad things and been bad decision makers. You can take your pick. He stood against a poor loser who shows no back bone and continues behind the scenes with those who mop her tears. He was never going to be a smooth academic. 5 months and everybody picks on his manners and his hair because there is nothing else to pick on. Other leaders make pathetic outbursts about dinners at Downing Street when they get back to mummy (Juncker to Merkel) I call that bad manners too.

    1. It was that tiny moment of arrogance that did it for me. I cannot stand behaviour of that sort, and, in my book, there is no way he could ever regain any respect.

    2. Actually, there's a LOT more to pick on than his manners and hair. But I won't go on a rant this time. Trump's short tenure as POTUS has worn me out and I wish I never had to think of him ever again.

    3. 45 is a racist, sexist lout who thinks climate change is a hoax. Forget bad manners; the man is a danger to the world.

  5. He is a creep. He makes my skin crawl.

    1. I'm now beginning to understand all those who said that when he was elected.

  6. As you may recall, some European countries have recently run perfectly well for over a year without a leader. Lock him up and allow things to settle for a year before a new election.

    1. That would be ideal. Even if he's impeached or resigns, here are the next in lines: Mike Pence, Paul Ryan, Jeff Sessions. Jeff Fucking Sessions! :(

      We're just screwed for the next 3.5 years, that's all.

  7. Truculent

    1. And yet he has a wife who seems reasonably pleasant. I wonder why!

    2. Ugly and myopic don't bother me. I don't care at all how a leader looks as long as he/she conducts him/herself properly and does a good job.
      The smug look on Trump's face after pushing to the front reminded me of a five year old who had just stolen the last biscuit in the tin.
      There are many words to describe him. Total prat would be my choice.

    3. I won't argue with that. Prat it is!

  8. As a New Yorker, I have been able to learn about the current President for decades. He has yet to impress me.

    1. I was truly SHOCKED by his behaviour (above). I'm amazed that anyone could behave like that.

  9. He's horrible, but in ways his Vice President is worse and that's who'd take over I f Trump was impeached. T h e VP is a well mannered slimy version of Trump. Next in line after him would be the Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. Plus removing him from office would lead to civil war, his proponents are t h at vehement a nd that armed. So I grit my teeth and count the days.

    1. That is the problem, which is why I suggested an Orangutan.

  10. Who could possibly disagree with you? Bring on the Orangutan.

  11. I have never wished ill will on anyone. But now the first thing I seem to do in the morning is check the news to see if he is still alive and a threat to world peace. I wonder if he knows (or cares) how many people literally hate him?

    1. I'm sure he does, and that's why he struts about as he does. It's a sure sign of insecurity.

  12. The Trump presidency thus far has been even worse than I feared. Not to mention what a continual embarrassment he is to our country. He can't seem to help himself when it comes to behaving like a complete ass.

  13. He breaks our heart and embarrasses us every day. There is a possibility that he will go, but what will follow could be worse (if that is possible). I hope we make it out of this because it is dicey now. Putin won.

    1. I feel embarrassed for you now too. What a bizarre situation.

  14. J K Rowling tweeted the GIF of Trump rudely pushing his way to the front. She described him as a tiny, tiny man. I agree, the scary thing is he's a tiny, tiny, powerful man.

    1. It makes you realise how he's made his money. He obviously doesn't care for anyone other than himself.

  15. Mac 'n Janet is absolutely right...his proponents are vehement and armed, some with deep-seated racism that's alarming. We have to let "it" run its course and continue prodding the Democrats to get off their long-standing cushions and work, really work at what they are paid to do. Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren and Al Franken are little rays of sunshine for me. In the meantime, I can only hope Trump doesn't destroy this country.

    1. I don't know much about the minutiae of US politics, but Trump is dreadful.

  16. I lost four followers when i complained about the " push"
    He's an bar room bully

    1. I would not worry about the loss of followers.

    2. If those followers thought that his behaviour was acceptable, then it's better they go!

  17. The whole world held it's breath and hopped, sadly we were all let down, now we wait he is dangerous.

  18. We have been watching episodes of "The West Wing" box set and I bet Trump watched it and decided that's what he wanted - to sit in the oval office, have all that power, people rushing round after him, riding in a motorcade and fancy airplane. The scary part is the thought of Trump in the "situation room". And President Bartlett had a lot more manners and intellect.
