Wednesday 24 May 2017

Almost Veggie.

I've mentioned previously that we are slowly becoming veggie; 'slowly' being the important word.

Take last night for example. We ate a simple tarka dhal with basmati rice, and a very small amount of tandoori flavoured mushrooms. A simple dish that really required no meat.

I blame Lady Magnon for all this common sense. She's not a big meat eater, and would happily eat very simple pasta or rice dishes every day; actually so would I. 

When Haddock's starts to supply a good variety of vegs, we shall no doubt return to our Summer Compost curries, Cumin flavoured Compost fry-ups, and other 100% Compost meals. Maybe by the end of the year we'll be fully fledged veggies (apart from the occasional roast Turkey, of course).

It might sound a strange thing to say, but I really wouldn't mind becoming 100% veggie, other than I would find it difficult to give up that Christmas roast Turkey!

Just for info; The dhal was cooked with spices, yoghurt, and spinach, and the fried halved mushrooms were sprinkled with tandoori powder and garam masala, with a splash of lemon juice. Lovely.


  1. Yum... I'd like to book a table please. :)

  2. Youre a marvellous cook. The meals look delicious in the photos.

    1. This one was very good, I can see it becoming a favourite.

  3. Looks very good; the colours are inviting.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. You're right, the colours were very inviting.It was the Tandoori powder that did it.

  4. Same here - semi-vegitarian with the addition of fish or eggs now and then. Lots of veg, salads, bread, pasta. Miniscule amounts of meat, when there is no alternative. Fujah Singh eats dhal every day and runs marathons at age 100. Try and get organic produce whenever possible.

    1. We grow organically (although I never call it that). I can see us becoming 99% veggie before too long.

  5. Looks so colorful and tasty.Here too i like vegetables much more.

    1. Our growing season is just about to take off, so we'll be well supplied before long.

  6. Cro.... ''tis all because you grow your own..... here, meat has almost become a condiment!

    1. I see it a bit like that too; just a side show to the main event.

  7. You can always have imitation meat made of Quorn, which has almost similar flavours to the actual meat it is representing.

    1. Actually, I'd rather not. When I have the desire to eat meat, I'd prefer to eat the real thing. I don't like the idea of a 'meat substitute'.

  8. Mouthwatering. Do you know one of the worst things about your blog Cro? It's torture; I'm often reading it and I've not eaten my evening meal......
    Need I say more?


    1. I apologise. In future I shall try to post photos of Mr Trump or Mr Corbyn; enough to put anyone off their hunger!

  9. Sounds lovely. I never cook dahl but love it. I really should have it more often.

    1. We have it at least once a week. So simple, so cheap, and so good for you.

  10. We rarely eat red meat these days. Just find it difficult to give up my roast chicken!

    1. Is there such a thing as a Veggie who eats birds? If so I think I am one.

  11. Being a vegetarian is not that hard, but being a vegan (no eggs, no milk/cream) is downright cruel to oneself. Life is too short to deny ourselves these lovely things in life.

    Like Lady M, I could live on pasta and rice with some savory sauces.

    1. Thank goodness we have no intention of becoming Vegan! In fact we have no intention of becoming 100% Veggie either. Just part-time Veggies (for the moment).

  12. Just going to put the nut roast in.

  13. That dish looks so appetizing! I love veggie meals.

    1. It was delicious Jennifer. It's been ordered again for the weekend.

  14. Sounds and looks delicious. I would go almost completely veggie expect I need a hamburger every once in a while, haha. Much guilt.

    1. Sounds like me with roast Chicken or Turkey.

  15. weirdly I havent eaten meat for a while now, but all I really crave is a really good burger. Our finances thank us for not eating meat. Butter has gone up from 85p to £1.17. If everything is going to go up like this in 3 months then I think lots more people will become veggie

    1. Both Lamb and Beef are very expensive here. Chicken and Pork are not beyond my purse, but even so it does make a difference to one's spending.

  16. Your dinner looks so wonderful.
    We eat veggie based dinners several days a week. Thank goodness son loves to cook Indian dishes. I cook Japanese.
    But I need a hamburger or steak every once in awhile
    and eggs, I love egg dishes !

    cheers, parsnip

    1. I wouldn't count eggs as being 'carnivore', nor would I count fish.

  17. My hubby and I went "plant based" over a year ago. We did it for health reasons although we also recognize other reasons for doing so, such as animal rights and others. We did it because hubby had a 95 percent blocked LAD artery and narrowly missed having a killing heart attack. Now he has lost almost 40 pounds and cut the high blood pressure and high cholesterol by more than half. We read the book,
    "How not to Die," by Dr. Michael Greger. If one has high blood pressure and/or high cholesterol, this book is a must read. Hubby had a stent in that artery on New Years Eve, 2015 and I thank god that we went to the doctor when we did! That artery is called the
    "Widowmaker" for good reason. So, good for you for cutting way back on animal products in your diet. It might save a life!

  18. I should have said in my comment that my hubby still hunts elk or deer since we live only a couple of miles from BLM or Forest Service lands. He loves hunting and gives most of the meat to our children and neighbors. They are thrilled to have "clean meat." We eat a little bit of game meat about every two months or so. We realize that if something BAD happened with the food system, such as it is, we would be lucky to have game meat almost on our doorstep. Otherwise, we would go very hungry! That's one reason we moved way out in the country 16 years ago. I would love to have a way more benign climate in which to grow more food but, at this stage or our lives, we aren't moving anywhere else! We feel fortunate to be just where we are and that's a good feeling to have.

  19. Thank you once again for more menu inspiration. I will definitely be soon trying my variation on this dish. I've never before bought tandoori powder and have put it on my shopping list.

    Best wishes!
