Sunday 2 April 2017

Please keep your eyes peeled.

The above is all I have left of the portrait of a friend in Shropshire; it was the first of several preliminary drawings.

I reluctantly accepted the commission, and the whole job took me about 4 months to complete. The finished work was very rich in pre-raphaelite type colours. The mug later became a willow pattered cup and saucer, and her hands became covered with white stitched gloves.

The painting was stolen from the sitter's home about two years after I'd delivered it.

It could now be anywhere; even destroyed maybe. If anyone spots it somewhere, please let me know. My friend desperately wants it back.


  1. Cro, this is off topic, but what has happened to Tom's blog?

    1. He was having trouble with people posting their blogs on his page, and he can't get rid of them. I do remember a blog I used to follow that suddenly became Indonesian (or some-such), and the person involved had to abandon it. I expect Tom'll be back in one guise or another before too long.

    2. Tell him we miss him in Blogland.

  2. Beautiful work. The answer is, you have the working drawing.......

    1. I didn't even take a photo of the finished job, which was stupid.

  3. She has an amazing presence captured in that drawing.

    1. She was a 'strong woman'; not easy to work with.

  4. Even in that sketch you have been able to capture the true essence of that lady. I would have been satisfied having that sketch on the wall because I love the simplicity and the strength of it.

    1. Maybe I'll send them a copy of the drawing. Better than nothing perhaps. I certainly looks exactly like her.

  5. It must have been a very distinctive painting. I wonder where it is now. Why were you reluctant to accept the commission?

    1. The finished job was very rich in Rossetti/ William Morris type colours. I was quite pleased with it.

      Accepting commissions is always fraught with danger. I much prefer to paint for myself.

  6. Why does she look cross? What did you say?

    1. She was simply like that; I didn't pull punches. The portrait was her husband's idea, I don't think she was very interested.

  7. I also wonder why she looks so angry.

    1. She wasn't exactly angry, she just didn't smile too much.

    2. Yes, Cro, she doesn't strike me as the smiling sort. For some people to look serious and stern appears to be a "life style" choice. Funny thing is, and I only admit to it in public because I have done so before, women who habitually and deliberately don't smile frighten me. Must be the cat in me who smells poison a mile off.


    3. I, myself, tend to smile from morning till night, but never when there's a camera around!

  8. Would've loved to have seen the finished result

  9. Well that's an interesting mystery! I would love to see it solved. I wonder why someone would steal a painting of someone else? The drawing is excellent - but a William Morris inspired painting sounds perfect! The woman has, what I believe is called, "a resting bitch face". -Jenn

    1. I wouldn't dare describe her as that, but I know what you mean. I believe their house was stripped whilst they were away on holiday; they took everything.

  10. You could take it as a complement that the thieves wanted your artworkI I often prefer a drawing to a painting because the process is revealed. Commissions can be a nightmare, especially portraits. I've spent time both sides of the easel and it's hard to smile for hours on end.
    Love Jenn's description of a 'resting bitch face'!

    1. I'm not sure about the compliment; they took just about everything! I would never do another commissioned portrait, only family.

  11. I like the prelim sketch & would have loved to have seen your finished product. Awful about the break-in.

    1. I knew they were upset about the burglary (who wouldn't be), but didn't know they were particularly upset about losing the painting.

  12. Cro, your drawing is very fine, and definitely shows us one particular woman.

    It is a shame about the theft, and since I am a long time fan of detective novels, I wonder...were other items included in that theft...or was it Just The Portrait?

    I agree with you about commissions. Better, if it is possible, to do what you wish to do with your creative talent. Not always possible, but....

    Best wishes.

    1. They cleared the whole house whilst they were away (on holiday I think). We had a friend here in France who suffered the same thing; absolutely everything was taken including all their tinned food, etc.
