Tuesday 11 April 2017

Just Perfect!

Occasionally, just occasionally, I feel really sorry for everyone who does not have the pleasure of living where I choose to live.

Occasionally, just occasionally, life is so perfect here that I would love to share it with absolutely everyone.

In recent days Mother Nature has really come up trumps. The skies have been a perfect blue, the birds have been singing their little feathers off, the fruit trees are all in spectacular flower, the temperature has risen to nearing 25 C, and my shorts have been re-animated.

OK, we don't have turquoise waters lapping at a nearby beach, nor do we have exotic Parrots roosting in our trees, but we do have that ever more rare quality; peace and quiet.

Yesterday evening, sitting with a glass of local rouge, a few anchovy-stuffed olives, and both Bok and Freddie at my feet, I was able to forget Trump, Putin, various Ayatollahs, and those poor gassed children for a while, and enjoy what I wish for everyone; perfect peace, perfect weather, silence, and harmony.

All people deserve the occasional dose of perfection in their lives; we are lucky enough to be having some right now. I just wish I could offer some to those who are currently living in dire circumstances around the world, but it just ain't possible.

Glory be!



  1. It always looks pretty perfect to me Cro. And those brief moments when you can forget the world serve to make it even more so. It's not bad here but we could just do with some of your weather. Enjoy it while it lasts. X

    1. It's been so thoroughly perfect here for the past couple of days that I just had to write about it. It doesn't happen that often; anywhere.

  2. Enjoy your days in paradise. I'm sure you deserve them. May you have many more. Idyllic description!!

    1. It looks a little cloudy this morning; our perfect days may have gone for a while.

  3. I wish every one in the world would feel the same,you are realy so lucky.

    1. Yesterday I really felt privileged. The feeling was palpable.

    2. I feel the same here, I live in a mini paradise, I have my lovely young family with me close by, surrounded by beautiful green fields and a village full of friends. What could be better? My heart aches when I see what some have to go through.

    3. Absolutely Kev. Occasionally everything knits together and one cannot imagine life ever getting better.

  4. I know the feeling - the veggie plot is coming along, the chickens are laying huge, delicious eggs, and we are waiting for our lambs. Life is good.

    1. Spring has a way of making us feel just GREAT.

  5. The world situation is hopeless. Enjoy life while you can.

    Last night big fight between Kurds and Afghans in north of France. Many people stabbed with knives. Camp housing 1500 so called refugees turned into a heap of ashes.

    And the poor Christians in Egypt and other Arab and Muslim countries who is helping them? Nobody as far as I can tell.

    1. I hadn't heard about the French troubles, no doubt I will later. As you say, the world is in such a dreadful state, that a few hours of quiet reflection does a lot of good.

  6. Absolutely perfick here too (apart from the erupting pine trees).

    1. I haven't yet seen any 'clouds' of pollen, but we need some wind for that. I was going to write 'clean me' on my car, until I realised that I'd have to do it myself.

  7. You don't need turquoise waters and a beach. Your place is beautiful and you created it.
    We all need our moments of escape from this crazy world and the weight of sadness.

    1. We certainly do at the moment. The world seems to have gone crazy.

  8. The Wisteria looks great. We are in the process of appropriating some of next door's Wisteria....it started coming over last year and we are training it along the wires in our garden now! It only has a few tiny leaves so far. Can't wait to see if we get some flowers this time.

    1. I gave mine quite a severe pruning this last winter, and it seems to have done it some good. I love the combination of Wisteria and Clematis.

  9. A beautiful beginning to Spring here as well ..... everyday I think how lucky I was to have been born here in the UK ..... it's not always perfect but it does a good job of trying to. When people moan about the UK, they should think of all the countries that are at war, have famine and floods and be grateful. Enjoy your little piece of French paradise Cro .... XXXX

    1. Not quite the same paradise here today. Much cooler, and less sun. I knew it wouldn't last.

  10. I love your place and what you have described here is pure bliss; thank you for sharing it with us. Beautiful weather here too, the basil seeds I planted in pots on my balcony are starting to push up; little things like this make me very happy with the world too.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. I usually buy Basil plants, but maybe I should sow seeds like you. Nature always makes me smile.

  11. It is pretty perfect here also, Cro. Spring has come and we are in the beginning of what I call the prettiest week of the year. I know what you mean when you say that you sit back and enjoy what Mother Nature has bestowed and forget all the noise that is going on around the world. I am waiting for my Lilacs to bloom and fill the air with its scent and then it will be just perfect. There is still a little city in me but I love my country life. The only sounds I hear at night are the cows mooing and the frogs and birds chirping.

    1. It sounds as if we're all experiencing a perfect Spring. I don't remember it being this perfect for a long while.

  12. And you have a glorious display of Wisteria...enjoy your tipple and olives.

    1. The Wisteria is amazing. Elsewhere I have a white one which is just about to flower too.

  13. Can't wait to get over there and enjoy it all after our gruelling Summer but hope it doesn't heat up any more.

    1. I'm sure whenever you're due to visit, the weather will be just fine. It rarely gets above 30 C here.

  14. Reanimated shorts...a great visual Cro. Love the pics of your homestead, ours is still dreary here, but soon enough we'll have blooms.

    1. The shorts will now be worn until about October.... regardless of the weather! I'm very stubborn.

  15. Sometimes we have to forget all the things which are terrible but about which we can do absolutely nothing. Looking at that wisteria with a glass of wine in my hand would be bliss for me at the moment.

    1. It was for me Weave. Such a beautiful day that I refused to think of anything negative.

  16. What a beautiful photo. Would love to be sitting there right now.

    cheers, parsnip

  17. I do not often agree with what you write, but in this case... I just wish to say: Thanks, Cro!

    Smoochies to Bok and Freddie!


  18. Contentment. You can't put a price on it. Glad you're enjoying nature's bounty and living the good life. It's what I aspire to. Once my wreck of a house is sorted out a bit I'll be enjoying that too. Jean

    1. Have you stopped your blog? We haven't heard from you for ages. Good luck with the house, I know what it's like!

  19. That's the second post I've read this evening which mentions the bliss of the peace and quiet of the countryside. Living where I do I take that for granted but I would dearly love some of the other assets of your chosen home.

    1. The one thing I could do without are the trees, but your views are pretty damned good!
