Monday 17 April 2017

Green v White?

What a delight. As well as buying my usual wine, eggs, bread, etc, I noticed at market on Saturday that the lady selling white Asparagus also had just a few bunches of green.

I do like white Asparagus, but it doesn't have that intense flavour of the green.

When I was younger it was always eaten with seasoned melted butter; these days I prefer Mayo.

I also kept a few cooked spears back for an Easter lunch omelette. It doesn't get much better.


  1. Your omelet looks delicious! Fresh asparagus is always a treat.

    1. It was delicious Jennifer. Just one egg, a dollop of butter, and about 8 pieces of Asparagus.

  2. Is that your petit dejeuner? Looks just the job.

    I'm gonna have to make do with porridge. Winter is on the way. By midweek it'll be bitter cold here. Snow and 4C to -10C. Ugh.

    1. Two lunches. First was just a pile of fresh spears with mayo, the second was a few cooked ones in an omelette. Lovely.

    2. Forgot to say we had some white ones on Saturday - fresh from the market. Delicious with a piece of carp and parsley potatoes.

  3. Didn't go to market this weekend so missed out on that treat.

    1. She may have more this weekend, I'm not sure how long the season lasts.

  4. To day is a holiday here, but this week i shall go and look for some of that green,i am not sure i can find them easily here .

    1. Personally I prefer them to the white, but of course we all have our preferences.

  5. Why "vs"? It's not a competition.

    To me, and I love both, they not only taste totally different, you cook them differently. Green lends itself to any treatment. White? White you have to know how to handle. And whatever you say, Cro, white has a far more intense flavour than the good old workhorse that green asparagus is. The proof is in the pee. No bull. You eat a worthy portion of white asparagus and, next time your bladder needs emptying, your sense of smell will gasp in wondernment. You won't get that with green. Takes people who eat white asparagus for the first time by surprise.


    1. How wrong you are! I can assure you that green Asparagus has EXACTLY the same effect.

      Of course I like both, but to me the green wins the taste test. It's a good thing we're not all the same!

  6. Defo' green. You've inspired me to cook an asparagus omelette for lunch soon. Mmm! xx

  7. A simple delicious appetising omelette with asparagus. Just what we need today. Stomachs rebelling from yesterday. A belated happy Easter to you, Cro.

  8. I was going to bring up the smelly wee thing but I have been beaten to it !!!! I read somewhere that it doesn't happen to everyone. Our son said it scared the life out of him when he first had asparagus !! ...... and, all I know is, green does it as I've only had white a couple of times ..... it's instant too, isn't it ? Doesn't put me off though ..... asparagus is delicious, whatever the colour or the wee thing!!!!! XXXX

    1. The miracle of the human body! I love the stuff; smell and all!

    2. The knife looks dwarfed. We have many asparagus growers here and I will buy it direct from the farm. The season is short so I make the most of it.

    3. Sorry it came in reply. I was thinking about the pee thing and then couldn't be arsed

    4. The lady I bought mine from is just a small grower. Picked, then taken to market; you can't get much fresher.

  9. I have asparagus almost every day in the short season over here - with melted butter, in an omelette, just as a vegetable (especially with sea bass) - it is my favourite vegetable.

    1. It's just a shame that the season isn't longer.

  10. Asparagus with MAYO?! I hope it isn't the Hellmans variety...

    1. Phew. I have made my own Mayonnaise as well. Drip drip drip...

  11. When I was a girl, fresh asparagus was only available in April and May. Now with importing, we can have it all year. It tastes better, though, when it comes from our local farms. We had some roasted asparagus yesterday with our Easter meal with family and it was yummy.

    1. I've eaten Spanish indoor grown Asparagus that tasted of nothing. Best only to buy from a local grower (if one has one).

  12. I love Asparagus and that omelette looks wonderful; definitely delicious.
    Greetings Maria x

  13. Not quite time for our locally grown asparagus, but your omelet is inspiring! -Jenn (I've never eaten white asparagus, so have no opinion on that)

    1. I don't eat the white if green is available.

  14. I'm a big fan of white Asparagus, season starts right now. I love the green one only prepared as Wok vegetables. Yummy.

    1. It's a good thing we have different tastes, otherwise the producers of the white would all go bust!

  15. I was lucky enough to be given several bunches of asparagus by fellow allotment holders last year as they were sick of eating it. I do hope the same thing happens this year. We had frost last night so the potatoes had to be covered in fleece.
