Saturday 18 March 2017


Merguez are one of my favourite sausages. Spicy and deep red in colour, they are made from a mix of Beef and Lamb, and are flavoured with Cumin and Pepper.

Originally from the Maghreb, they travelled north with the fleeing Pied-Noir population, after the Franco/Algerian troubles of 1954-62, and have since become a staple in this region of France; especially on Summer BBQ's.

I remember many years ago that I wanted to take a few kilos back to the UK for the freezer. Instead of buying them down here I decided to stop-off at a Supermarket in Calais, and buy them fresher up there. When I came to the meat department there was no sign of any, so I asked an employee where I would find them. He had never heard of Merguez. They had not yet reached that far north. Nowadays I imagine that they can be bought throughout France, and even elsewhere.

If you haven't already done so, I recommend that you try some. Last night I had a few with some Puy Lentils, and the essential squirt of fiery Harissa. Lovely.


  1. I would have it with baked beans and a glass of red wine and that hot sauce.

    1. Very good with baked beans. In fact they are good with everything!

    2. I love sausages. These look delicious and being French I'm certain they are. The greek village sausages have big lumps in them and often are overloaded with cloves or some other seasoning.
      Viva la france

    3. I shall be having some more tonight with a Couscous.

  2. I wish that I had £1 for every Merguez I have eaten. I was introduced to them in the Poitou-Charantes where I stayed for many years and they are, undoubtedly, the finest of sausages.

    1. Wonderful on the BBQ. The taste of Summer.

  3. We sometimes put them into a cassolet. Yummy.

    1. Tonight I'm having some with a Chicken Tagine with Couscous. Much more traditional.

  4. I used to eat a lot of spicy and hot food, not anymore.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. Our tastes change, but it's a shame not to be able to eat spicy foods.

  5. you can buy them in the butchers in the centre of Bath. I think it is called Bartletts. They also sell old fashioned faggots and very good ribeye steak. Not that I eat it any more. But I have and it was good quality.

    1. I love those old style faggots. I do have a recipe, but I've never tried it.
