Thursday 23 March 2017

All good chums.

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Yesterday, politicians of all colours were praising Martin McGuinness as a peacemaker; today they are looking at terrorism very differently.


  1. My thoughts are with the families of those McGuinness murdered.

    1. I was shocked yesterday hearing Blair, May, and Corbyn, all praising McGuinness, without a single mention of his appalling history of terrorism.

  2. Good riddance, but still the death and slaughter continues.

    1. I was astounded when he was made Minister of Education in N Ireland. I can't imagine a more inappropriate job.

  3. Smarmy Blair should keep his trap buttoned. He himself is one of the world's biggest terrorists. Along with his friend Bush he is responsible for a million dead in Iraq and therefore most of today's mayhem.

    1. And to hear him praise McGuinness as a peacemaker, yesterday, just about sealed his reputation.

    2. They all piss in the same pot.

  4. Good riddance - as Norman Tebbit said "I hope he ends up in a very hot place". Of all the murders the IRA committed, the one that always sticks in my mind is the horrendous horse scene as in the photo above.

    1. As a nation of animal lovers, it was probably pictures of that particular outrage that shocked us all the most.

    2. Enniskillen on Remembrance Day takes a lot of beating. And all those like Robert Nairac who disappeared, murdered. The list is endless.

    3. Exactly, and all sanctioned by the IRA's 'commander'.

  5. I too was astounded at the outpourings of praise for the murdering bastard. What short memories some people have.

    1. That's exactly how I felt Wanda. I still can't really believe that The Queen shook his hand, after murdering Mountbatten.

  6. Gosh, I didn't even realise that they were horses at first glance until Mrs mentioned it! I thought they were people. Shocking, and Mr McGuinness apparently didn't even apologise for his previous life. On a happier note congratulations on the birth of Boo Boo Minor.

    1. It's an image that's etched into my brain; I'll never forget the outrage I felt.

      Thank you for your kind words. He's a little cutie.

  7. Cro, the number of murdering bastards that HM has had to shake hands with on the government's behalf is astounding. Small wonder she wears gloves.
    Shaking hands with McGuiness though must have took immense self control. I'd have run him through with a sword and made the world an instantly better place.
    After yesterday's event we should ask ourselves how long it will be before our government is making ISIS its best friend. When we start bowing and scraping to them. Already London mayor is not a be in his absence but then he did say that Londoners need to learn to expect terrorism as part of living in London. As one commentator remarked yesterday undoubtedly he and Corbyn were unavailable because the were out consoling the murderers family on their loss......

    1. I was looking at footage of HM shaking McGuinness's hand yesterday; she faked a very warm smile. What a job she has!

  8. There were a lot of ordinary people talking on local radio yesterday about what a murdering bastard he was, and I also read that he only turned to the "peace" option when he realised that his terrorism wasn't going to work!

    1. I know that politicians have to be diplomatic, but there's a limit.

  9. The Queen is far more gracious than I could be.

    1. I wonder what was really going through her mind!

  10. The evil that men do hurts the heart and churns the stomach. It is hard to stay optimistic.

    1. And some try to hide that evil. I detest hypocrisy. Politicians should know better.

  11. Cause and Effect have much to do with world peace and when people are treated as second class citizens then you can expect trouble with a capital T.

    1. Or you can go and shake hands with the person you've been told to hate.

    2. I met Martin a few years ago and had a friendly hand shake from him. I imagine not many of the correspondents on here have done that ?

  12. Further to the above
    Equality and Justice for all of the worlds people would bring peace. Is this too much to ask for ?

    1. The UK spends a bloody fortune trying to bring the world out of poverty etc. I wonder where it all goes?

  13. The original government of Israel were made up of terrorists who bombed and shot their way to the top. We put up Robert Mugabe for quite some time before he went back and took power. As far as McGuinness goes, he will never be forgiven or forgotton - especially by the Irish, who have very long memories. Same goes with Tony Blair.

    1. That is an appalling photo with Corbyn, btw. It wouldn't be so bad if they were not all grinning like idiots.

    2. It's an old pals reunion photo.

  14. After yesterday's events in Westminster, I remember sitting at my desk in Millbank - not 10 yards from where the BBC TV cameras have been set up - listening to the wails of ambulances and police after the Cenotaph and Old Bailey IRA bombings, and recall many, many IRA attacks during that time. McGuiness was a criminal, no more no less and this fawning over him is disgraceful - including making the Queen shake his hand when he and his like were responsible for the death of Lord Mountbatten. Unbelievable. And now this in Westminster - terrorism, just under another name.

    1. I think The Queen must cringe every time she is reminded of that handshake. But, like all good servants, she does what she is commanded.

  15. May I suggest that people log on to

  16. Replies
    1. They certainly were John, and I don't think they were patched too well.

  17. The man is still a murderer in my book. I liked the Queen's remark to him that she was still alive - (so sucks boo!)

    1. Not only a murderer, but I believe also a coward. His fellow terrorists would say that they'd be out setting off bombs, look round, and he'd disappeared!
