Wednesday 29 March 2017

60 Days. How's he doing so far?

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When Trump was elected, I was willing to give him a chance, and did so.

But how's he getting on, now that he's actually sitting in the oval office.

Has he built his famous wall, or even started it?

Has he stopped all those nasty Muslims from entering the USA?

Has he scrapped Obamacare?

Has he brought back all those exported jobs that he was so keen on repatriating?

In fact, has he made America great again?

From where I'm sitting the answer seems to be NO.


  1. Correct, though he has had a lot of golfing weekends to occupy his time.

  2. Wait until 1pm and your US followers will fill you in. As for me, well with those lefties plotting against him and his Republicans sabotaging him he doesn't stand much of a chance of doing anything.

    1. That's what it looks like. I wonder if he'll get fed-up with being 'Mr President', and hand in his notice due to ill health.

  3. I notice that Vinci (the humungeous French construction company) have announced they will not build the wall as they do not want to antagonise their existing employees. Bloomberg article here.

    1. I hadn't even heard that it had been put out to tender. It does sound like a poisoned chalice!

  4. What did the last POTUS do in 8 x 365 days?

  5. I enjoyed GCHQ's response to Mr Trump's allegations...."Utterly ridiculous"

  6. Sorry this question was for Rachel.

    1. I am at work
      No time for anything much else.

  7. Interesting post. Here I was (in the U.S.) wondering who's going to win the election in France and what changes that might bring to your region.

    1. I don't suppose Marine Le Pen will win, but she'll probably generate plenty of support.

    2. We thought that about Trump. ALL polls and every news organization said Hillary would win. Just as the news media was certain Brexit wouldn't pass. You never know.

    3. Le Pen wants to join Trump in making peace with Russia. That would be a good start. Must be better than a Hillary and Goldmann Sachs led era, mustn't it?

  8. If nothing else, Mr Trump (...not my president) has shown us that we all need to vote in every election. I think America was shocked he actually won!

    1. Rather like the UK's 'Brexit' vote.

    2. I like your answer, Jan, except I think you meant "America" (with quotation marks or what Cro would call inverted commas) because the side that won was not shocked. That "America" is still shocked is becoming old news fast, but I think it will last his entire term in office.

  9. Quite so. He has not actually done anything at all.

    1. After all the rhetoric, it's a big let-down; maybe for the good.

  10. Yes he has done something. He is eliminating all of Obama's LGBT progress. We are being erased from the legal books behind closed doors. Czarina Ivanka is co-ruler, while sex toy Melania is shelved in NYC at a hefty price from tax payers per day.

    1. Whilst the rest of the world goes forward, the US seems to be going backwards. It WILL change, believe me!

    2. I hope you're correct. As your friend Tom once said, when America sneezes the rest of you get a cold.

  11. One thing that he has done is cause great anxiety in our beautiful country and insulted most of our allies.

    1. He's certainly not making himself popular. Does he simply ignore all his advisers. Or are all his advisers just as stupid?

    2. They have an agenda that does not speak to the majority of the population. We are embarrassed by him (and them) every day.

    3. Majority is a curious word. Presidential election aside, the Dems lost the House and Senate, as well as many governor & mayoral races. So, do we really know who the majority is? In the U.S. or Europe? Or anywhere? It seems we don't.

  12. How his voters can believe that he will realize what he promised to do during his campaign. Bring back industry, push migrants out of America. (His wife should leave) , build a wall. Sorry to say that he is an idiot, stupid ,narcissic and probably mentally sick.

    1. His bizarre posturing certainly suggests that something ain't right!

  13. Up to now I'm more impressed by what he hasn't done. I was worried Hillary would have attacked Russia. I think Trump can mend fences with Putin and that will be his real legacy. At last I hope he can. Maybe it's a JFK moment that's coming up.

    1. If he manages that one thing, it'll be worth it. We'll see. Maybe he should work on N Korea too.

  14. No comment. The last thing I want to do is stir up more bad feelings towards myself in the blog world. I had quite enough of that after the election. I think everyone is aware of my feelings toward DT.

    1. For what it's worth, I think it's rather sad when those who preach/scream tolerance and protest for it actually attack anyone who has a different political opinion. It's also amusing that 60 days is supposed to make or break a President. Any president.

    2. All is fair in Love, War, and Politics.

    3. Why should one be tolerant concerning a president who imitates in a disgusting manner a disabled journalist, is a racist, treats Mexicans as drug dealers and rapists and is proud to be a pussy grabber. This man is just disgusting. No respect.

    4. Careful, Chloe. There are plenty of Trump supporters reading here that will get all bent out of shape about anyone telling the plain truth about how repugnant he is. I don't understand it at all. I lost some friends on my blog when I expressed dismay when he was elected. Not to mention how rude people were to me. Which is why I try to avoid politics on my blog now. If anyone else I'm friends with supports DT I'd just prefer not to know.

    5. Thanks Jennifer, this man is just not human in my eyes. I can have friends who got not the same political opinions than mine, but I just cannot be a friend with persons who give their voting to a hater, he is not the only one, we got a bunch of those people here in Europe too, even asking to shoot refugees or just let them drown.I will not stay silent about those people whatever I risk in doing so. Wish you good luck and I will have a look at your blog.

    6. LOL! I voted for Bernie Sanders. And that's the point. There's an old cliche about the word "assume". Many assumptions are made quite erroneously. Inclusion at it's best. Too funny! And I thought the Tea Partiers were fractious. Thanks for a good chuckle. Truly. :-)

    7. I was not speaking about you !!!!

  15. I have tried to give him a chance -- to no avail. Not only does he not have the mental ability to understand how government works, he is not interested in learning -- it is beyond him. It would not surprise me if in the end he doesn't just decide to walk away -- at least I live in hope ...

  16. Replies
    1. He's also making a tit of America, and all who sail in her.

  17. from where i'm sitting ,i agree

  18. Really if you compare him against other Presidents over the same initial time frame he's about average. At this point Obama still had dozens of appointments to fill. Though true he had got the Nobel prize, though no one will admit to why.
    He's behind Carter and Bush senior, but ahead of Clinton and Reagan.
    Personally I think the scale of the job is so massive that it is be impossible to gauge over such a short time frame.Even a new CEO of a large corporate body is not expected to make significant ground for six months. I'm pretty certain that any US president since Washington has taken that long at least to get to grips with matters. But then we live in instant times, if it can't be achieved, smashed or built in a week then it's evidently a failure !

    1. I don't remember any previous President who upset so many people so quickly, yet in the same time he doesn't seem to have impressed anyone. In fact he seems to have devoted his time to doing EXACTLY the opposite of what he should have done.

  19. Rome wasn't built in a day. I doubt whether Mrs Thatcher had achieved much in 60 days. As for Trump, he is not a dictator and there is a US constition in place and the Supreme Court to stop him, as we who said give him a chance have also been saying.

    1. Actually it would be a good idea Cro for some of your readers to study the sex acts that John F Kennedy got his staff to perform and humiliate others with during his time as President. There is much written but now younger people do not see it. Not for their sex education of course but for historic guidance.

    2. That's all you've got in Trump's defense? I pity you and all the other Trump voters who bear responsibility for unleashing this lazy, stupid, tweeting fool on the world.
