Thursday 23 February 2017

Looks like a nice boy!

                              The Muslim convert changed his name from Ronald Fiddler to Jamal Udeen al-Harith in 1994, before fighting for ISIS under the new nameĀ Abu Zakariya al-Britani

As we all know, every single prisoner at Guantanamo Bay was totally innocent; Tony Blair told me!

That, of course, included the charming Jamal Udeen al-Harith (above) who was so innocent that kind Tony Blair gave him A MILLION POUNDS as some compensation for his wrongful incarceration.

One might have thought that Mr al-Harith was set-up for life, but no; his life of innocence was not over, and he decided to head for Iraq to become a suicide bomber.

I do hope that the government will now ask for the money back. I can think of far better things to do with a million quid than to sponsor terrorists (albeit innocent ones).

What a bloody waste, and what a bloody fool (Blair).


  1. Might be a better idea to ask Tony Blair for it back?

    1. Plus the other £19,000,000 that was paid to his fellow innocents.

  2. Re. His release from Guantanamo, Blair and Blunkett were of course taking advice from their friend the hook armed cleric

    1. Nothing would surprise me. Maybe even his chum Gaddafi had a say in it.

  3. What I can't get over is that the Roman Catholic Church (i.e. the Pope - a man of peace - a preacher of the gospel of Jesus - ) accepted Blair as one of their conversions. Blair's glorious Road to Damascus moment! Apropos Damascus, the trial begins today in Austria of a refugee charged with 20 murders committed in Syria. Innsbruck as followers of MSM won't know is a city with a New Years Eve problem.

    1. Plenty of criminals claim to have 'found god', they imagine it gives the kudos. In Blair's case it made him look as if he had something to hide; which of course he did.

  4. Paul was ranting about this yesterday. I have to cover my ears because it makes my blood boil.

    1. Mine too. Strange how money's never in short supply when it belongs to the poor tax-payers!

  5. Please tell me he was a successful suicide bomber and the money has not passed on to his family.

    1. He took a few with him; not too many thank goodness. As for the money, his family are saying that he never received it; well they would wouldn't they!
