Sunday 1 January 2017

Went the year well?

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How do you assess each passing year?

By the money you made, by how you avoided or combated illness, or maybe by what good works you've done?

Much of my own year's achievements must be gauged by how busy I've been. A filled year means a fulfilled year, and 2016 was certainly that!

Otherwise I suppose one has to count contentment, success, and even learning. A year with nothing learnt would be a year wasted.

One of my fun tasks has been the design and near-completion of our son Wills's barn. Planning, organising, and hard-slogging have paid dividends, even though certain elements have had to be re-worked to achieve what I consider to be 'right'. We are now at last looking towards the finishing line; even though it may still be a year (or more) away.

I also assess my year by what I've grown. Last year Haddock's provided handsomely, and we shall continue to benefit until well into March and beyond.

Health and wealth are of course important, but I'm unconcerned by the latter. My diabetes is under control and my back pain bearable; and in Summer I even survived falling from the top of my step-ladder.

Now we need to plan for 2017. What projects we will undertake, what crops I will concentrate on at Haddock's, and how to avoid unexpected disaster.

Let's all hope that we eventually greet 2018 with the same enthusiasm that we greeted 2017, and that all our projects were completed satisfactorily.

Je vous souhaite tous, un tres bonne année 2017.


  1. And a peaceful and prosperous New Year 2017 to you and yours.

    1. I wish you well too; I know that life must be difficult at times, so I wish you, above all, the strength to cope with your trials. Very best wishes.

  2. Thank you for the post Cro,it makes me think a lot.I wish you good year.

    1. As I've just been reading on Rachel's blog, it hasn't started well in Istanbul. Let's all hope for PEACE. Cro xx

  3. Happy New Year Cro. I look forward to another year of our blogs and our early morning starts xxx

  4. I like how you assess your year It is concrete and about accomplishments. Being a woman, mine are more emotional and more complicated. Mostly, though, I am happy that I am still standing and I have some around me who will prop me up if I fall. I am a lucky lady.

    1. I suppose I give myself tasks, and only if they are completed to my satisfaction do I feel that I've achieved something. It's as good a way as any to assess a passing year. Very best wishes, Cro xx

  5. A very happy new year to you! I have enjoyed reading your blog this past year. Good health and contentment for 2017. -Jenn

    1. Thank you Jenn. Health and contentment are both high on my list of aims.

  6. Replies
    1. 2017 will be a big year for you. Best wishes.

  7. Sounds like you had an excellent 2016 and now you have a new grandchild to greet this year. Meilleurs voeux
    pour 2017.

    1. We're very much looking forward to the new arrival. Lady M shall be popping over (under) to lend a hand. Very exciting.

  8. May this new years achievements bring you satisfaction. I will enjoy reading about it all

    Happy new year

    1. I'm not sure yet what projects I have for 2017, but no doubt they'll come my way.

  9. Happy New Year Cro and best wishes to you!

    1. Thank you Jennifer. Let's hope you get that wonderful job you're after!

  10. Meilleurs vœux pour 2017...
    Happy New Year...
    Wishing you good health...
    whatever you believe to be wealth.... and oooooodles of happiness and good fortune!!
    To you, Lady M, Bok and of course "Haddocks"...un tres bonne année!!

    1. Wealth to me is Micawber-ism; to have just enough left-over at the end of the year to avoid the bailiffs calling.

      Best wishes to you and yours!

  11. I like what you have achieved, Cro. I believe that we make our life. Not everything depends on us, but most we can do to make it a comfortable life - if you have done well this year it is only because you and Lady M. Have worked to get it to be so.
    I have learnt so much here. Thank you. May 2017 be just as good! I am looking forward to other 365 post and plus (when you press the wrong button) :)
    Greetings Maria xx

    1. We did work quite hard last year, and no doubt will do so again this year. It's how I like it. Yes, I shall try to avoid pressing the wrong buttons. Very best wishes, Cro xx

  12. My year's been a good one, I've learnt to do several new things and have had several projects on the go. None of them needed money spending on them as I already had the raw materials. But the main thing is that I've been so always. I don't need 'stuff' to make me happy. Can't see next year being any different really, so that's got to be good! Looking forward to the swifts returning in May.

    1. We always look forward to the Cranes returning; they don't stay here but it's wonderful to see them flying by.

  13. I really judge the whole year by still being alive at the end of it!

  14. Happy New Year Cro and family.

  15. A year such as yours is a fine accomplishment, and with the arrival of a new grandchild in 2017 I hope you continue to be content and happy and healthy...and thank you for visiting and commenting on my is much appreciated.x.

    1. The new grandchild will be the highlight. Hopefully we'll keep busy too.

  16. A very happy new year to you. All the best in 2017!

    1. Thanks Bill. I too was swept-up in that tide of chess mania in the late 70's, early 80's. However, I was pretty poor!

  17. I've never thought terms you describe so it was a new experience for me to review my year in that way. I had 3 bad colds in 2016 so I'm hoping for a cold free year this year. The highlight was visiting Wales with a friend from Italy and proudly showing him and his lady friend around my home area of Snowdonia. We even took in a half marathon trail race in Coed Y Brenin. I'm looking forward to reading more of your exploits during this year. Prosit! From Austria.

    1. 3 colds in one year must have been a pain (if they're anything like the one's I get). Luckily we were reasonably ailment free throughout 2016.

      I know the area around Snowdonia a bit. The first home I bought when I left college was in N Wales (Powys); not far from the Shropshire border. A really beautiful area.

      All the best, Cro.

    2. Thanks Cro.

      The first land God made! some people say. I suppose they right in way. Before Cambrian there was only mud.

  18. Happy New Year to you and all your family.
    I lived through 2015 and 2016 so here is hoping 2917 is better !

    cheers, parsnip

    cheers, parsnip

    1. I see you've been on the Parsnip wine. Very best wishes, Cro xx

  19. I really can't stand being idle. A good year for me would be a year filled with activity, learning new things, and being with good folk. Lately, however, it's been about health matters, and, as of this moment, I'm feeling good. -good enough start to a new year, I'd say.

  20. I rarely assess times past for a measure of success or failure. I have tended always to look forward rather than backward. However you've made me think.

    What I can say is that I certainly second your statement "Let's all hope that we eventually greet 2018 with the same enthusiasm that we greeted 2017, and that all our projects were completed satisfactorily."
