Tuesday 3 January 2017

New Year wish list.

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1. I would love it if someone would sort-out the awful blood-letting in Syria, and Iraq, and Yemen, and Afghanistan, and Libya, and Turkey, here in France, and so-called Palestine, etc, etc) . The barbarity of these murderous 'Jihadi' groups is beyond anything we associate with 'humanity', and simply HAS to be stopped.

2. Will all newspaper editors please please stop plastering your pages with pictures of bloody Kim Kardashian and bloody Kanye West. We've had e-bloody-nough!

3. Will someone (Theresa May?) please ban the nonsensical 'Black Friday'.

4. Could someone (Theresa May again?) please stop handing out UK tax-payers £billions in 'foreign aid' to every crook and conman on the planet. The UK needs that money at home!

5. I was going to suggest that the UK Labour party find a proper grown-up leader, but on reflection it's probably better to stay with Corbyn; at least it keeps them confined to the opposition benches for the foreseeable future.

6. I would like to wish for a total collapse of the €uro, but maybe that's a bit mean.

7. Please, please, will someone have the balls to kill-off the UK's Railway Unions (RMT, Aslef, etc?). Political based striking is so tedious and destructive; it should have been banned decades ago. Maybe vigilante commuter groups should find out where those train drivers live, and nail their doors closed. Stopping folk getting to work should be applicable both ways!

8. I suppose I have to mention 'Brexit'. As of January 1st 2017, I think the UK should simply stop paying the daily millions, turn back all foreign lorries and container ships at her ports, then sit back and watch how quickly the EU attitude changes. Take the high ground!

9. I would also like to see people facing-up to the consequences of their own poor behaviour, and stop blaming others; but I think that might be asking too much.

10. And then there's Trump...... I suppose all that we can wish for is that his posse of big-business-brain moguls can turn the USA around for the better. Everyone keep your fingers crossed!



  1. A serious list. Really like 4 and 8.

  2. I totally agree with all of those points. I love the idea of nailing the rail strikers doors up.

  3. We should come out of Syria, as also should the US. It matters not a jot to us who runs the country at the end of the day. It does matter to all the rest so leave them to it.

    My 8 and 10 would be take a look at yourselves you smug fancy bastards and get a grip.

    1. I'll second that Rachel ! And add that No 6 is one of the most selfish attitudes I've read about in a long time.

    2. Does that mean you WOULD wish for a total collapse of the €uro? I'm not so sure!

    3. No Cro, I wouldn't, but you obviously would - you don't seem to be able to interpret what you've written. I would be concerned for all those millions of people who would lose everything. You, presumably wouldn't care.

    4. Kim K's done a lot for women with big arses. Black Friday is great for those who want it, including retailers. Did you get out of bed the wrong side?

    5. You're not reading No 6 as I intended. I've always thought the €uro was a flawed idea, but I wouldn't want to see it totally collapse now that it's there.

    6. No, Rachel, I hate newspapers concentrating on KK just because she's got a big backside, and as for Black Friday, it simply encourages people to spend what they haven't got. Micawber was RIGHT.

    7. Well Cro, how else do we read that you'd like to see the total collapse of the Euro - even if you do add that's a bit mean?

    8. I just popped by to see who the Colonel has upset today. There's a couple missing - maybe they have gone back to work and will attack him tonight.

    9. I didn't think I'd said anything nasty enough to annoy anyone; I was wrong.

  4. Replies
    1. My attitude to most things is simply what politicians are too afraid to do anything about.

  5. I agree with #1 and #2. Except for # 9 and 10, the other statements have to do with Europe, and I don't comment on another country's politics. I also don't want to say anything about the maniac who will soon be the leader of my country except to say that I fear very much for what lies ahead. Nothing is his fault and he knows everything.

    1. I guess I did, but the thought of him with all that power, always causes a reaction in me.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I worry about you. You need to lighten up. It may be not be as bad as you think. So much negative thought must be bad for you. x

    4. I don't worry about you, Rachel, so don't worry about me.

  6. I wish I'd had the guts to write that post.
    Respect Cro.

    1. I really hadn't thought there was anything controversial in there; I could have worded No 6 a little better, it's my own currency.

    2. As with everything worldwide these days, it's controversial only to those with different opinions who feel the need to admonish or enlighten you. See my wish below.

  7. But what do you really want? If you could pick one change?

    1. I suppose it would have to be No 1; I find all this blood-letting very depressing.

  8. Is this a list for signing - if so I will endorse willingly.

  9. Great list. As for Trump I'm hoping he'll get bored and go back to hosting The Celebrity Apprentice.

    1. All we can hope for, is that he doesn't totally mess up. I'm prepared to give him a go; not that it's anything to do with me.

  10. Reading your wish list (+ comments) with a mug of coffee almost halfway around the world. My #1 wish for 2017 is people will learn how to disagree. Opinions differ. That's a GOOD thing. My focus will be on my own household this year. We're expecting some BIG changes. Each day will hold its own challenges and blessings.

    1. Well, I hope your BIG changes go well. It sounds interesting, do keep us informed.

  11. A semi-empty nest (at least) is upon us and we'll be downsizing again for our final decade before retirement. This is the longest I've lived in one house, 14.5 years, but it'll be my 33rd move in 55 years. Move is a 4 letter word. Still, change can be positive. One hopes!

    1. WHAT! 33 movers in 55 years! Are you in the services? My wife moved around a lot when she was small. She was the daughter of a diplomat, and they moved every 3 years.

    2. Yes, parent in services as a child, then my mom couldn't decide where she wanted to live after the divorce, then I married & DH worked for IBM (aka I've been moved). I do know how to pack boxes, though!

  12. Yes to all of what you wrote !

    cheers, paranip

    1. I don't know why Coppa became so irate, almost everyone in the EU would like to return to their own previous currencies!
