Friday 27 January 2017

Half-Wholemeal Focaccia.

Our wood-fired cooker will be lit less frequently from now on. The frosty, -6 C, mornings should be less common, and slightly more balmy temperatures well above zero are promised.

So, as we have probably lit our oven for the last time for a while, I attempted some Focaccia. I used half/half wholemeal and ordinary flour, and proceeded as per usual.

I looks good, smells good, and tastes pretty good. Next time, however, I'll revert to my usual 100% ordinary white flour. I don't think the wholemeal flour added anything to the final product.


  1. As much as I love winter and wood fires (Not as cold as minus 6 here though) it is nice when the warmer weather starts to appear isn't it. Your Foccacia sounds lovely.

    1. I'm very much a Summer person. I don't function properly in cold weather. Luckily I think our very low temperatures have now gone.

  2. That focaccia looks very good, Cro! Have you also tried making it with rosemary and smoked pancetta (or bacon) before?
    Minus 5 here, but gradually warms up during the day.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. I've tried all sorts, but not with bacon. This one had Rosemary, Olives, and Garlic; quite simple.

  3. Still sounds too cold to me to stop lighting the oven.

    1. If we're busy (which we invariably are) we don't even light the sitting room wood burner until mid afternoon. It's cool indoors, but not cold.

    2. You must be tough - no heating at all at -6 degrees. I am frozen at + 6 degrees.

    3. No, when it was very frosty we lit everything, it's now that we don't bother so much.

  4. That bread sounds good. I haven't made any for a while. Hot out of the oven, with garlic and herbs wouldn't last long here!

    1. Half of it went very quickly, the other half will be warmed slightly and finished today.

  5. In the days when I baked bread I always found it easier to bake with white bread flour - if I used brown the bread was always a bit heavy.

    1. This was quite light, but I didn't think the flavour was as good. I shall stick to white in future. In fact I was just finishing-up a bag of wholemeal.

  6. It looks lovely. Paul and I had some with our meal in a restaurant last week and we just couldn't stop eating the stuff.

  7. It's good to experiment in the kitchen...sometimes it can result in a result that becomes a future favorite. I think I would agree with you about allotting the wholemeal flour elsewhere next time. Even so, that focaccia looks really delicious. I'm too lazy to make my own!

    1. I'd like to make bread more often, but our local supply is excellent, and I'm also too lazy.
