Tuesday 31 January 2017

All neat-n-tidy.

It is said that you can always tell a good tradesman by the way he leaves his work site each evening.

I think I can say that this man's example is impeccable. He is superb!

Everything swept clean, and all his tools neat and tidy. He puts me to shame.


  1. I thought you were going to say that you had tidied that kitchen drawer.

  2. A place for everything and everything in its place. I can hear my father's voice in my ear right now. Pity I'm not the not the same

    1. Me neither, which is why I admire the above so much.

  3. Replies
    1. It does look a bit like that, but I'm giving him the benefit of my doubt.

  4. Can you send him over to me ? We can never find anyone to do stuff for us !!!!! XXXX

    1. We've lost him. He was supposed to be coming back to do another small job, but no sign of him for the moment.

  5. I am reliably informed that a man drawer should never be tidy....it's very purpose is somewhere to "stuff stuff" according to Mr GBT!

    1. When he takes all his tools back home, that's exactly what he does. The above is only to impress.

  6. My man is the same. The sign of a good tradesman indeed. And no, not OCD, just well trained, sensible and aids efficiency. He always knows exactly where everything is and no time wasted in searching for the right tool, screw, lever, brush, torch, drill bit and so on. I greatly admire him for it. And brush and dustpan always to hand.

    1. I totally agree. The best example I've seen for years was our roofers up at the barn. Everything was left impeccable every night; in their case there was nothing to photograph.

  7. In this country, you have to sign paperwork promising to leave your tools and equipment neat and tidy. I have just signed such a form. H&S, you see.

  8. I wish that I could be like that, but it just wasn't in my genes. I do appreciate organization and try my best but my AADD gets in the way.

    1. If you could see my workshop storage area, you would see that I'm not Mr Tidy. However, there is some organisation in my messiness.

  9. I am dreadful about tidying up after myself! But I do have order underneath the messiness!

    1. I'm much the same; I always know where everything is.

  10. I will only say that the farmer's bench in the big shed is absolutely covered in stuff. So much so that one year a robin built its nest there and raised the young before the farmer heard the noise they were making one morning waiting to be fed.

    1. I don't think I'm that bad (good). I did have a Robin nest in a coat pocket once.

  11. Because my apartment is small, it really does require some tidiness, but I try not ot overdo it. Just knowing where to find everything does save time. Sewing stuff is kept away from knitting stuff, which is kept away from drawing stuff, which is kept away from painting stuff, and the kitchen stuff is in its own little zone.

    1. Some organisation is essential, but we all organise in our own peculiar ways!

  12. I've just tidied up. I put everything in a load of carrier bags and hit them in an upstairs room. The guest who was coming then rang to say she couldn't make it. All that wasted effort. Not to mention the time.
