Friday 2 December 2016

Speed with Guy Martin

England seems to specialise in breeding daredevils.

Lawrence of Arabia, Donald Campbell, Scott of the Antarctic, Eddie the Eagle, and now Guy Martin; to name but a few.

I really know very little about Guy Martin other than he's a pro' motor bike racer; what I do know, however, is that he's fearless, incomprehensible (he needs subtitles), and totally nuts. Anything that goes very very fast, he'll have a go at.

He has a TV programme called 'Speed with Guy Martin' which is certainly worth watching; if you enjoy such things.


  1. Geoff Duke lived into his 90s.

    Let us hope Guy Martin does too.

  2. Our family friend flies a glider and he keeps telling me to go up with him; just the tiny cubicle frightens me to "throw up"!
    Greetings Maria x

    1. Take a bucket. The experience would be worth it. We went up in a hot air balloon a couple of years ago; it was wonderful.

  3. Can't say I've ever heard of him. I should imagine that his life insurance premiums are pretty hefty !

    1. And his wife (if he has one) is probably covered in Rabbits feet.

  4. Guy Martin is a 'proper' bloke.
    Down to earth, likes a laugh, all things mechanical, and a decent cup of tea.
    I've read his first two books, and would highly recommend them as they provide a terrific insight into the man who loves his day job as a truck fitter above all else.

    1. He's the sort you'd love to have as a friend, even if he does need subtitles.

  5. I am so glad to see that you have included the great Eddie Edwards in your list.... to date, the only Brit ever to have tried ski jumping competitively....never saw or heard of one of his critics having a go!!

    1. Eddie was an unlikely hero, but his adulation was well deserved.

  6. I agree with Dave Martin, I've seen several of Guy's programmes on telly and he makes an uninteresting (to me anyway!) subject interesting because he's so enthusiastic about whatever it is. He's done a couple of travel programmes, usually on a motorbike in a kind of 'Top Gear' type style. He's great fun, with that wonderful Bolton type accent and his delight in everything.

  7. Guy Martin is a fascinating chap to be sure...he's also the kind I would like to have in my lifeboat if push came to shove.

    1. Too true. He'd be able to fix (or make) anything.

  8. He's not my favourite ..... for some reason, i can't warm to him but I'm not sure why !!!! Maybe the subject matter doesn't appeal. .... Good on him for doing the things he loves and enjoying life though ! XXXX

    1. It's probably because you can't understand what he's saying.

  9. I do not understand why some people test death as a way of life. Watching him makes me ill.

    1. We know it all ends well, otherwise they wouldn't show the programme.

  10. He lives just down the road from here. A really nice young man.

    1. He looks like a good bloke. A bit mad maybe, but someone you'd like to spend an evening with in the pub.

  11. Not sure I approve of such programmes really - I can't help but wonder if it encourages young folk to emulate such things on our roads. This morning, as I was walking back to the auction mart, an idiot overtook me (I was on the pathway) doing at least 50 in a 30mph zone.

    1. I would have thought that it would discourage people from excess speed. The dangers are all too obvious.

    2. Unfortunately, the danger is probably the whole point.
