Sunday 11 December 2016

JohnD's End of Days.

Certain bloggers, and certain of their blogs, touch us much more than others. This below (entitled 'End of Days') was JohnD's final posting, and all who read it were devastated.

I didn't know John personally, nor did I know much about him, but his comments were always filled with wisdom, and he was without question the sort of person you'd love to have met. He mentions in his final paragraph that his daughter Kat would let us know of his demise but I'm afraid she never did. This is not to blame her; she may not even have known how to do such a thing.

The power of this his final farewell, posted on Dec 4th 2012, is still etched into my memory. Here are his final words.


Hi All! Finally feeling well enough to put up a post even if it is not a pleasant one.

I am definitely unwell - Sarcoidosis effecting both lungs has resulted in complete respiratory collapse, congestive cardiac failure, pneumonia and advanced asthma. Just had 3 weeks in Calvary Hospital, Canberra, and now back home on "Home Oxygen" 24/7. Specialist says to sort out my affairs and make an appt. to see him in 3 months (nice way of giving you a 'time-line'!)

Cannot eat - have lost 15kg (over 2 stone) in 3 weeks - Rhonda and I are making 'Life adjustments with a spirit of inevitable denial - we know what is coming. Grandsons coming down Saturday to see "Pa!" - guess that'll be their last Christmas with "Pa"!

Guess you won't see many more posts on here from me but when up to it I'll try to manage a few words. When the day arrives I'll have my daughter, Kat, put up a final message.

I really don't know what else to say this afternoon - we are going to fight this 'thing' for every hour and day we can claw back from it.

Must go for now, too tired to write more today but will post again. Have arranged for our daughter, Kat, to put up the eventual final post! Pain hurting, must go!

That was it; the end of JohnD. It was posted on the 4th, so he probably died about 4 years ago, this last week. Not forgotten; RIP.


  1. I didn't know that blogger, but that is sad.

    1. It was an extraordinary thing to read; I don't suppose it'll happen again. In a way, we were privileged.

  2. I did not follow him either but it illustrates the bond that does exist between bloggers. It is a relationship that garners respect, as important as perhaps the "pen pals" many of us had as children, back when writing and friendship via the written word, was a valued skill.

    1. In a way that's what we are; pen pals across lands and barriers.

  3. It is sad.We all are real people here with all the sadness and happiness that life brings to us.

    1. And it makes it all the more real when you read such as the above.

  4. I didn't know him either. i feel awkward about this altogether and even if I had known his blog I would still feel awkward about it. Blog people are just that, blog people. If we never meet we have nothing private between us, nothing to really care about.

    1. I suppose it was experiencing someone 'sign-off' permanently that was so shocking. Being taken into that most private moment of life was quite bizarre.

    2. That's it isn't it, that private moment. it shocks us. But we don't know each other, we are strangers. It makes me feel like I am intruding.

    3. BTW I wasn't knocking you for posting this, although I don't for one minute think that you did, but it is just a blogging thing I have yet to get my head around.

  5. Very sad ..... but very brave. Blogging is a strange thing really. There is something about people's words and the way they write that endears us to them and we feel we know them. I think that we know when we like someone even though we have never met.
    I hope JohnD's last days were as peaceful as they could have been. XXXX

    1. I hope so too Jacqueline. I wonder too, how long he lasted. Probably not too long after the 4th.

  6. I didn't know this blogger either. How did you find out that he'd passed away eventually, Cro? I think it's a poignant post and applaud him for posting it for his blogger friends even so close to the end.

    1. We didn't find out; it just stopped and the daughter failed to inform us. I just presume he had died.

  7. In a way, it was very considerate of him to post that. Bloggers do wonder what has happened when one of their circle stops posting. I've seen that concern expressed among those I follow. We give each other a passing glimpse into our lives; it feels right to know when the curtain is being lowered for the last time. Thank you for reminding us of this, Cro.

    1. That is really why I posted the above, also in his memory.

  8. This post and its immediate predecessor remind us of sadness and joy that we each experience. I believe that the two posts make good companions.

    Best wishes.

    1. We all experience both. Preferably more joy than sadness.

  9. I have a vague recollection that John G had a post about John D after he heard from his daughter.


    1. I don't remember anyone hearing from her, maybe John will tell us.

  10. one can feel close to a fellow blogger after many years of writing and commenting. They become part of ones life.
    At least you had a good idea that he wouldn't last long.
    Being left hanging,as it were, by a friend, hurts, virtual or not

    1. Yes, he left us in no doubt. Better than just disappearing.

  11. I appreciate the respect that John G. afforded his blog readers by providing a final comment.
    Here is a post from John about John G.:

    1. I remember John's piece; I think I even left a comment. It was quite a shock at the time.
