Monday 19 December 2016

Festive spirit.

What a trooper; whilst Cro was elbow deep in plaster, Lady Magnon was dressing the tree.

We had to hold a draw for who got to be this year's 'fairy', and Golly won. 

Our new 'blinking' tree lights are useless, they spend more time off than on; cheap Chinese rubbish. We'll have to buy some more.

You might spot our this year's new decoration (we buy just one each year); a mini Norwegian jumper.

We're starting our festivities a little earlier than usual this year, and are rather enjoying it. Dinner parties are being planned, and big-day foods are being purchased. 

I think the tree might need a few more baubles; and certainly more lights.

One week to go, and all is well.


  1. Happy, happy holidays to you, dear Cro! You sound so happy--I'm glad! 🎄🌟🎅

    1. I'm getting in the mood. No humbug this year!

  2. It looks good - what is being plastered this time?

    1. An important upstairs wall at the barn. It's finished now!

  3. I do like to see a proper tree. It's good to hear that you are enjoying yourself and getting plastered.

    1. You should be here; lovely weather, and low-key Christmas.

  4. Love the golliwog. The spirit of this year's christmas

  5. How happy this, your post, has made me. Whilst I am not sure what a golly wog's place is on a Christmas tree at least you name a golly a golly. I could kiss you (under the mistletoe) for that alone. Last time I mentioned a gollywog, when relating how my father brought one home for me, and how much I loved it, and how black it was with those most amazingly white eyes contrasting its skin, several people on the net tried to stone/crucify me (emphasis on "trying"). Nothing new there. And, as usual, unsuccessfully so. Though they, successfully, managed to make complete fools of themselves. Yes, political correctness gone mad. Decades after the event I was relating.

    In what good spirits you are, Cro. Long may they last. Love yesterday's Bock.


    1. Last year we had a very old Micky Mouse as our 'fairy'; each year something different. Ursula, there will always be mischief makers out there who try to attach the word 'racist' to anything and everything. To me, my Golly is simply a child's soft toy. No more, no less. Much loved by everyone of my generation. I'm pleased you like it.

  6. Gosh, you have begun your celebrations early - we're just starting to think about ours ! Maybe the tree could do with a few more baubles, unless you are practising the "less is more" philosophy this year? The Golly is a nice touch.
    We have a set of tree lights (if we can find them) that have a selection of phases.... blink fast, blink slow, running lights and permanently on. After a few minutes of each we settled for on all the time ! Anything blinking is sure to drive you barmy after a while !

    1. I was surprised that our set doesn't have any settings on it. They really are less than useless.

  7. That's not your normal spruce tree, have you been trimming the hedges Cro? Love the gollywog, Happy Xmas to all of you.

    1. Yes, it's the top off our Leylandii hedge. No dropping needles, and it's free.

  8. It all sounds pretty perfect. Love the jumper decoration. Have a wonderful Christmas Cro. 🎄 X

    1. Thank you Jules. It looks as if it's going to be a very good Christmas.

  9. Plenty of Christmas cheer going on here today x

  10. It's so good to hear some Christmas spirit Cro ..... there is a lot of bah humbug going on in blogland !!!! I LOVE your golly .... I had one exactly like yours except mine had a blue jumper and he was my favourite toy as a child. Our decorations are done and half the presents are wrapped .... am going to go to London and have friends to meet this week in the lead up to the big day. I know that you and Lady M will enjoy every minute .... PS: Lady M has beautiful hair !! XXXX

    1. Christmas Day is always special to me; even though I dislike all the early hype. We're pretty much done I think; the cake is made, the presents are wrapped, the tree is up. All we need now is a roast Turkey and Plum Pud', and we'll be very happy.

      Lady M has always had nice hair. Firstly blonde, then a bit darker, but always lush! I've told her what you said.

  11. It's original and I love it! I remember last year's Mickey Mouse too. I agree with Jackie, Lady M's hair is lovely.
    I can sense your happy spirit, Cro.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. Cold here today. We're spending the day by the fire. Mince pies for tea.

  12. Enjoy the festivities. I always enjoy this week before the big day. I like to be well organised - and I am this year, so I can relax and just beware of eating too much before the big day.

    1. I'm always well organised, if I wasn't it would be chaotic. Everything is planned.

  13. Only the Cro household would not only be brave enough to stick a Gollwog at the top of the tree as a fairy, but tell the world about it over the net - with photos. You can love Reggae too much, you know...

    1. No-one's had a go at me yet; I'm rather disappointed.

  14. I can sense the excitement building . . .

  15. The week before Christmas is always more festive than after. I hope you and those you love have a splendid holiday.

    How do you get in your cupboard with the tree up against it?

    1. We don't. All the bits I need for the big day were taken out in advance. I cheated.

  16. As we started the Festive Season ages ago I am proud to report that the lights for outside (Back & Front) and the four windows are at last all On and Off at the same time. Hall and living room are still manual so we are able to go to bed early or late and not inflict the change of lighting on The Dog and our canine-ess visitor.
    Needless to say we have a teddy on the top of our new Two Dimenional Tree.

    1. Our Teddy, and our Monkey, will have to wait for next year. To each his/her turn.

  17. Cut our tree down and dressed it last week. Mince pies today, then get the sprouts, potatoes, carrots and parsnips in for The Dinner on Wednesday; the turkey arrives on Wednesday also.

  18. Hi! Nothing to do with decorations! Can you point me to your salting bacon post. I've just butchered half a pig and have put some belly aside.
    thanks Gill

    1. If you look in my search strip (top left) for 'Home cured bacon', you will find my method. I have since cured other pieces for just four days, and it is probably better (less salty). It's a matter of getting your own taste catered for. Let me know how you get on.

  19. I made a wee doll over 40 years ago that looks like a female version of your tree topper. I had no idea my lovely girl is called a Gollywog. I've always called her my Poppet and love her dearly. Think I'll move her to a place of honor on top of my tree right now. X

    1. Gollys are not too PC these days in the UK. Thankfully I come from a generation before the invention of 'racism' etc. I'm very proud to have Golly on the top of our tree (we leave off the 'wog').
