Wednesday 28 December 2016

28th Dec: Monty's Birthday.


Monty would have been 6 today. Unfortunately congenital illness decided otherwise.

I only ever did this one drawing of him, which no longer exists (damp got to it).

I tend his grave, talk about him sometimes, and we still miss him terribly.

He was a beautiful dog; not popular with certain neighbours, but he didn't hold it against them. He was also quite stubborn at times, but was always loving.

RIP Mont'..... Bok says 'Hi'.


  1. Beautiful drawing. Beautiful dog. You were all lucky to have each other.

  2. Replies
    1. He was still just a puppy in my drawing, but grew to be a magnificent specimen.

  3. I remember him too. He was a good boy.

    1. And still much missed, although I don't think I'll mention his birthday again after this year.

  4. Beautiful Monty. I think we all remember him. He loved to eat. I thought of him when I saw yesterday's picture.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. Labradors think of little else than eating. Going for a walk was OK, but only if he found something to eat!

  5. I think that the first time I read your blog you had just lost Monty.
    Years ago, Roger Mugford, the radio vet on the Jimmy Young Show, said that "a Labrador is a life support system for a stomach" ! How true that is, and each one of the five Labs we've had over the past thirty odd years, has lived up to that ! We have been lucky that each of ours has lived to be at least fourteen.

    1. On reflection I think that Monty had problems from the beginning. He always seemed slightly listless and tired, but did his best to hide it. Poor old boy!

  6. We never forget the dogs we have owned do we? All mine lie in a line under the trees - I talk to them sometimes if I happen to be near their graves and I still miss every one of them. It is the price we pay for loving dogs

    1. Monty is buried at Haddock's; my veg garden, so I think of him often. shall pop up in a while and put some flowers there.

  7. Like Kipling said " you give your heart to a dog to tear"

  8. A lovely drawing. And a lovely dog. His personality comes through.

    My dad's sister had a Monty. He was a Boxer and all his hair fell out and he had a permanent and strange odour about him, but nevertheless they loved him terribly. They never got another dog after he died.

    1. Bald, smelly, and still loved; he must have been special.

  9. The 28th is also Innocents Day, to celebrate (if that's the right word) Herod's massacre of the boys.

    1. It's marked on my calendar, but I had no idea what it was!

  10. I like your drawing very much. It surely captures a sweet soul, along with a puppy's profile.

    I certainly remember all the dogs who were part of our family. There are many memories that feature Christmas...perhaps because of the food and general excitement..

    Best wishes.

    1. He was half way twixt puppy and dog; 11 months old when I drew him. An awkward age for a dog.

  11. A very beautiful dog - of course you miss him!
    As to being stubborn: the blond Labrador of our neighbour was educated as a lifeguard - he was so eager to save you that one had to be on your guard when walling at the bank of the Elbe...

    1. Our present dog is mostly Border Collie, and even without training he will start to round up anything that moves.

  12. I'm so, so sorry. Now words can ever cover the depth of the loss of one's pet. I'm a cat person, having had them all my life, including 16 years of breeding Siamese. After that I went to just loving moggies (they're the best) But now I desperately want to have a rescue cat my DH won't hear of it He said I was too distraught by the loss )of my last cat. (He was kicked by a horse, but that was about 15 years ago. I am virtually housebound with MS and a cat would be an enormous comfort to me. We have an enormous garden, live in a 3 bungalow culdesac, and we are surrounded by farmland, so there is no dangerous traffic around, but he won't budge, even though my son is looking after a nine month old that desperately needs a home. I just feel so helpless. Am I being silly? I respect your opinion

    1. Our cat tends to look after himself. Of course I feed him once a day, and make sure he has plenty of clean water, but otherwise he goes about his own business of sleeping and mouse catching. I too have had cats all my life, and a house in the country without one is unimaginable. If you have a cat flap, I see no problem.

    2. By the way, ours is a Tabby.

    3. Oh Lesley I am so unhappy to read this.
      You didn't ask my advice but if your doctor OKs this I can't see why not. It would be really nice for you.
