Wednesday 9 November 2016


The poor girl was trying to be serious, but some joker had just informed her that TRUMP was to be her next President.


  1. It looks like he's going to win. I'm physically sick over it.

    1. I'm watching the BBC at the moment. They are all in total disbelief.

    2. The BBC has been so biased to Clinton all along I am sure they are in total disbelief.

      But wait until all the votes are counted.

    3. Political Pundits just HATE to be wrong, and, boy, have they all been wrong recently. Yes we have to wait, it's not over yet.

  2. Apparently Canada's immigration website has crashed.

  3. I'm horrified, angry and sad.

    1. And the others are thrilled, happy, and elated. The US is split down the middle.

    2. Rather like us, Cro, I think.

    3. Now we need to beware of Marine LePen.

  4. Amazing....polls were totally out. I really don't want to see his face in front of me every day for the next four years. Ti Na kanoume (what will be will be)

    1. If he is confirmed as President, he will be closely watched by all his advisers and flunkies. No wall building or banning of Muslims; he wouldn't stand a chance.

    2. You said it, Cro. He'll not do any of the kooky things he's said he will. He'll likely be on a short lead.

    3. He'll be watched like a hawk!

  5. Oh Cro, I do hope you're right, but who'll gag him when he's out there speaking in public? He has such a massive ego, and no sense of diplomacy, that I fear for the world.

  6. Replies
    1. Indeed. I wonder if he'll survive his four year term?

  7. Thank you for that video, Cro....
    Methinks the world needs that in the years to come!

    1. Laughter is the best medicine; or so they say!

  8. I'm not sure that President Trump got where he is today by even listening to advice never mind taking it.

    1. Well I think he'll have to start pretty soon. He won't be able to bamboozle his way around heavyweight politicians.

  9. Shall we all calm down, and wait and see what happens next? As Cro says, he will be closely watched .

    1. I'm sure that's right. It's his apparent lack of intelligence that worries me the most.

  10. I got a text from my German mate this morning saying that Europe needs to be stronger than ever now. First Brexit, now this. My blogsite has frozen, but that maybe a comments overload.

    1. Farage wants to be his ambassador to Brussels. Now that would be fun!

  11. I have not been on Blogger in awhile because a loved one has been critically ill. I also am not well. Today, when the worst happened (and no one understands how) I feel like crawling into a cocoon and not waking up. This is the most horrible thing that has happened to my once wonderful country. Something is not right. It seems like a game of dominos is being played and who or what is behind it is very frightening. Who next, Germany?

    1. France has elections coming up quite soon, and the hard right Marine Le Pen is again on the rampage. Gawd help us.

  12. Actually the polls were out because they are now irrelevant and reflect the bias of the pollsters, which they always have. Voters no longer rely on polls, the carefully selected letters to the editor, the talking heads on TV or journalists. The Internet means that they can talk and listen to their peers without the information being filtered. They can see all the dirty washing that mainstream media would hide. To compound that they can also see that collusion by the media and they will reject it.
    As for Trump not being able to ban Muslims from immigration he can can as can as the legislation already exists and has been used previously by Jimmy Carter who deported 50,000 Iranian students and banned Iranians en masse from the USA.
    Apparently when he did so it was okay because he was was a democrat though.....

    1. I expect he'll continue his tub-thumping for a while, but no doubt 'diplomacy' will kick-in eventually.

    2. I don't know why the world's pundits, and Hillary supporters, are all so shocked. I've been predicting his win for ages. People just couldn't stand the idea of Mrs Clinton having the job.

  13. What a shocker! This result even affects us here in little ole South Africa.

    1. It affects everyone, but he has a good attitude towards world trade, relationships, etc. We'll see!

  14. Having not slept well at all last night, I am still wobbly, trying to find a way to accept what has happened.

    I grew up in a part of the States very different from where I now live. I can understand how Trump won. No fan of Hillary, I am now worried about one party being in charge of all three government branches.

    Right now, I am doing laundry, and waiting to here Hillary's speech.

    1. She had a good speech writer, and said all the right things. Personally I'm pleased she won't be the next President, but I'm still not sure about TRUMP.

      Maybe he'll be OK; who knows!

  15. That half of America would vote in a man like Trump is an America at a new low. When he lowers his uneducated follower's wages, takes away their new health insurance, bans abortion and women's rights to choose, cuts Social Security and Medicare benefits for the old, we'll see how well they do.

    1. I thought he wanted to stop illegal immigration, prevent the flow of Jihadists, and revamp industry. I hadn't heard of the policies you mention. Why would they have voted for him in their droves if you're right?

  16. Somebody has to drain the Washington swamp. Trump manned up.

  17. "Donald Trump's win comes in part because the left's constant accusations of racism, bigotry, hate, sexism, and stupidity of an entire segment of the population that isn't any of those of things. So what does the left do all day today? accuse the opposition of racism, bigotry, sexism, hate, stupidity and everything else under the sun. Here's a novel idea: perhaps your idea of economic planning, expanding executive power and consolidating democratic power was an awful idea, and "main street," supposedly the people you so care about, repudiated your vacuous ideology. What's noticeably absent is a single, cogent, comprehensive argument, just hateful, unfair rhetoric about your fellow countrymen. The irony is palpable. And to those on the right: have some charity towards those that disagree. Be stewards of grace and humility and show them what being a tolerant, patriotic American really is. Remember, if you demonize the people you disagree with, paint them as racists and oppressors and tell them that any and all of their successes are a result of some unearned "privilege," they will create a counter-revolution. Trump is the consequence of your actions, your rhetoric, and the identity politics you brought into American politics. You made your bed, now lie in it is the response you are going to get from most people. That you are suddenly afraid is a product of your own mind. NOT reality... nothing has changed overnight, other than your candidate didn't win."
