Friday 11 November 2016

Election Firsts.

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The most important 'first' must be that the future 'First Lady' is the first to have appeared naked on a fur rug. This is very important in politics.

The next 'first' came as I watched La Clintone give her defeat speech. I'd just mentioned to Lady Magnon that it was the first time I'd ever witnessed a whole American Presidential election where none of the candidates had mentioned the word 'God'; then Hillary went and ruined it all in her final few words.

For a moment I'd thought that the world had advanced a tiny bit, but no; God still got a look-in.

So, after all that; only one note-worthy 'first'.


  1. First to be born and raised in a Communist country, speaks 4 languages and studied architecture also noteworthy perhaps.

    1. And Trump was the first President Elect to admit to wanting to shag his own daughter.

    2. That's quite normal where I come from.

    3. Normal for Norfolk? Or NfN,that local doctors were supposed to write on patient notes. And that was told me by a local doctor's daughter. Not that incest was im plied in that observation.

    4. Normal for Norfolk? Or NfN,that local doctors were supposed to write on patient notes. And that was told me by a local doctor's daughter. Not that incest was im plied in that observation.

    5. Normal for Norfolk? Or NfN,that local doctors were supposed to write on patient notes. And that was told me by a local doctor's daughter. Not that incest was im plied in that observation.

  2. I hope you're not suggesting she'll be a spy in the White House?

    1. No, but I am sure Vladimir will be happily giving her the once over.

  3. Oh dear. I really can't see Mr and Mrs Trump taking tea and cake at Buckingham Palace.

    1. I can picture it now; not a pretty sight!

    2. I bet it would be a lot more fun than tea with Blair and Cherie and Melania is one hell of a lot better looking than Cherie. Philip wont be able to control himself

  4. Bill will secretly like her.

    1. They may have already met (if you know what I mean).

  5. This morning on the radio I heard the young lady's husband say America will no longer be the world's policeman. Too many countries have been getting a free ride. We need the money to rebuild America.
    And his words made me happy. Already it feels that the world is a safer place.

    1. I have a feeling that people will be very surprised. He already seems the opposite of Blair, who swept to a popular victory, then later became public enemy No 1. Trump might well end up being the darling of the left.

    2. Junker will now get his EU Army but obviously without Britain. A Franco-German Army I suppose. If history is anything to go by, having read The Good Soldier Svjec which is about the Habsburg Army in WW1 it'll be worse than Dad's Army - total confusion.

    3. Blair and Bush were found guilty in absentia of war crimes by a court in Malaysia. How come they are still the good life?

  6. Actually it was also the first election where one of the candidates was under investigation by the FBI with two investigations currently running.
    It was also the first for having one candidate and her partner both disbarred from practicing law. The first of having one candidate to be married to someone impeached by the house. There's lots more of firsts too.

  7. Jean, given the odious dictators that HM has had to host on our behalf I doubt the Trumps will be any problem whatsoever.
    Gwil actually what it means is that many countries will have to massively increase their defense spending. For decades they have flooded their cash into social programs whilst letting the yank taxpayers pick up the tab for their defense. Germany alone will have to spend a €100 billion just to cover the minimum. On top of that they will lose the boost for local economy from the US bases.
    As for Trumps wife being born in a country under communist rule. That gives her the unique perspective of what it is actually like, unlike the rose tinted glasses worn by the liberal elite. I doubt that can be considered a bad thing.

    1. Jean, when I listen to the EU's propaganda drivel via Junker I hear that Germany wants to build the EU Army. The EU army without Brexit Britain. It'll be a disaster. An army with 20 languages. Whose tune are they going to march to? The one who pays piper names the tune. In other words Germany will pick up much of the the tab and give most of the orders.

  8. ' ALLEGEDLY ' Melania has done a bit of lesbian porn ..... just perfect for the First lady and a wonderful talking point when they take tea at Buckingham Palace !!! XXXX

  9. I wonder how she will decorate the White House - perhaps in gaudy gold with HUGE pictures of the Donald (paid for by his foundation) gracing the walls which once held portraits of Lincoln. Everything will be a first with the Trump administration. Thise last two words were so hard for me to write.

    1. Gold leaf manufactures are already working overtime.

    2. Don't forget the swastika in the background.

  10. Gwil, personally I think a fully fledged EU army has zero chance. Mainly because it would be a walking disaster. More likely Trump will make them stump up the extra cash and close some European US bases.
    Despite common opinion I also think Putin is horrified the Trump as elected. I think he signalled his support in the hope it would make people vote for Hillary. She is a known quantity and he has already established she can be bought. After all she made and tidy sum on the Uranium deal.

  11. Oh dear Cro - that photo sinks to a new low. What is the world coming to? Am I old fashioned? (don't answer that; I fear I shall not like the answer).

    1. Why? It was her job. She has a beautiful body. I don't get all these nasty comments about her.
