Wednesday 2 November 2016

Almost time to toss that coin.

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I have just heard that Obama has amassed more national debt than all previous presidents put together; that's some legacy! I hope he spent it wisely.

Of the two current hopefuls, Le Trump has promised to give back tax-payers money; La Clintone has promised to take more away. One presumes it is such electioneering that will swing voters one way or the other, rather than Mexican wall building, Trump's non-triumphs, or Hillary's Emails. All one knows from this side of the pond is that Socialism always upsets an economy, and Capitalism always improves it. Of that there is no question.

Of course those on the left of politics are not averse to raking in the cash. I heard recently that dear Hillary has allegedly made twenty one million dollars over two years, by after-dinner speaking to 'bankers'. I wonder why they gave her all that dosh? And did I hear Trump bragging that he makes 500 Million dollars per annum?

So, you've had your half-white Afro-American, now you'll have either an ex-President's wife of English Welsh and Scottish descent, or a German/Scottish orange painted billionaire  .

Once you've done with all this nonsense, maybe in a few years time you'll have a serious President who wins through merit, intelligence, and a genuine desire to improve standards across the board; regardless of his/her colour or sex.

I look forward to that day rather than November 8th 2016. I pity you!!


  1. Yes, merit, intelligence and a desire to improve.

    Sadly such qualities seem to be out of fashion?

    1. It's just a temporary glitch... normality be be resumed; EVENTUALLY.

  2. I'm glad I don't have to make a choice between those two....but our lives will continue whatever happens. Hopefully we will continue to watch sunrises with a hot cup of tea and sunsets with a glass of red.

    1. I genuinely feel sorry for them. I certainly wouldn't want someone like Hillary as president, and as for Trump.. Heaven help them.

  3. I don't involve myself with politics, but have watched the circus that the American elections have become with some awe.

    1. It's the first true Comedy Presidential Election that I can remember.

  4. Hillary Clinton will be remembered as the most hated US President ever. On the 8 Nov the world would be wise to be focused on what Vladimir Putin is doing.

  5. Put aside Hillarys corruption for a moment and ignore Trumps supposed shortcomings.
    The American founding fathers specifically warned against political dynasties.
    For the last 28 year 71 percent of the time either a Clinton or Bush will have been in power. If Hillary is elected then it will mean that over 32 years that will rise to 75 percent.
    Yes it is also true that Obama has created more national debt than every previous administration combined. What is more there is no obvious gain for all this additional debt. A rise of two percent in interest rates will see their national debt consume two thirds of their income taxes.
    Personally I suspect that the next US president will be Trump. If only for the reason he's not Hillary.

    1. I suspect there may also be a mountain of spoiled votes. That would be own personal option.

  6. Whoever gets voted in, we should all, this side of the pond, worry about the inevitable "knock on" effect.

    1. I think we should worry about everything. With either of those two at the helm of allegedly 'the most powerful country in the world', nothing can be safe.

  7. When I was in New York I went round Trump Tower - said it all about the man really.

    1. Glitz, glitz, and more glitz. Not qualities for leadership.

  8. The national debt will not be the only one to be called-in during the coming months.

    1. Does anyone know who all the world's debts are owed to?

    2. The ioan stock/loan notes/and government stock I was selling as a broker make it owed to investors around the world.

  9. Yes, it is the lessor of two evils. But for you if Trump wins, the path of all the refugees ends in France.

    1. Our (ex-Calais) refugees are being sprinkled around France like snowflakes. I wonder how long it will take them to all reassemble in Calais?

    2. Not long, but done by stealth next time.

  10. I heard that Hillary's so-called backer Mr Soros is supplying the voting machines to the swing states.
    And I heard that Republicans who deserted the Donald are now returning to the fold. It'll go to the wire. It's neck and neck.

    1. Maybe they'll kiss and make up, and form a coalition Presidentship!

  11. We have terrible choices. The long processes that resulted in the two major candidates were painful to watch, even though much of those processes were accomplished behind the scenes.

    I would not completely believe anything that either candidate says. They both lie.

    Nov. 8 will also be a time to vote for local and State officials, determining which of the two major parties will dominate in the legislative process. Many predict a continuation of the stalemate that has been in place for the past eight years.

    It's all quite depressing. Many issues were never even raise, much less discussed during the months of the campaigning. Personal bragging and insults attracted attention.

    1. The thing that worried most of us on this side of the pond was the combination of comedy and despair. It hardly seems believable.

  12. Hate them both, didn't hate Obama, though I didn't vote for him, but we've had 8 years of nothing getting done and race relations getting worse. I think she's more qualified, but because she's a woman will feel that she has to be more forceful. I know the Republicans won't work with her, she's alienated too many people. Trump would just be incompetent. What a mess.

    1. I think Hillary is the more devious of the two. Trump is just a Chump.

    2. You are wrong, Ms. Clinton is experienced, very smart and more than qualified to be president. tRump, on the other hand, is dangerous.

    3. Hillary has a very thin candy coating that she presents to the world. She is a horrible, money grubbing thief, pass the buck lier who expected this election to be handed to her. She is everything Trump is without the candy coating.
      They are both disgusting humans.
      When she is elected all it will prove is that a Woman can be as horrific president as a man.

      cheers, parsnip

    4. That confirms just about everything I've heard about her. Power crazy dynasty in the making. Next it'll be Chelsea.

    5. My x knew people in the Clinton circle,
      You just can't believe what they are like.
      Trump is no better.

    6. Reason Pres.Obama could get very little done was (is) due to the obstructionist Republican congress.....

  13. Hillary is that president you speak of. She is a politician, but a good, intelligent person and will make a great president. God save America if Trump wins. It will be the death of a good nation.

    1. You seem to be a lone voice, I just hope you're right.

    2. I agree with Donna 100%. A Trump win scares the crap out of me !

    3. Trump will destroy the country if not start a nuclear war.....scared to death of him and voting CLINTON on he will set women's rights back 75 years....

  14. I think I'd go for the lesser of two evils.

  15. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. Uninformed, sardonic humor is part of the problem.

    1. I really don't know what the solution is; nor it seems do the Americans.

  16. We've got the French elections to look forward to next year.

  17. Interesting to read not only your post, but all the ensuing comments. Sad to admit, I have all but given up on reading any current news stories of the Presidential contenders, who are anything but newsworthy in my opinion. And, the saddest part is that the future of the country is at stake.

  18. Actually Obama has managed to REDUCE the debt left by Bush...wonder who your sources are? Sounds like you favor Trump...who is amoral, unethical, a liar and a sexist, rascist bigot....
