Friday 25 November 2016

Almost December.

I've been enjoying our Autumn up until now. It's been relatively mild, relatively dry, no strong wind, and very little mention of Dec 25th.

However, we're now into damp, drizzly, wet, and misty, weather, and to make it worse everyone's suddenly talking about stupid bloody Black Friday, and bloody Christmas.

Do people not realise that all this bloody Black Friday nonsense is simply designed to relieve people of their hard-earned wages? Have nothing to do with it. Let them advertise their non-bargains for nothing. Tell them in no uncertain terms that it has to STOP.

Otherwise all is OK. Being a tree aficionado, there are plenty of leaves to rake-up and take to the compost, and just about everything else outdoors requires tidying in some way or other.

My main concern at this season is being able to cut wood without being either soaked or frozen. I buy my wood in metre lengths, and they need to be sawn into thirds. I keep quite a lot ready-sawn in stock, but it's a lot of work.

The colours this year have not been as good as some years, but it's still pretty good out there. The small woodland paths are beautiful, and kicking leaves is one of my favourite sports.

Just don't mention that bloody stupid Black Friday rubbish.


  1. What a beautiful picture of your yard.We here have a very very rare weather , very strong winds,dry air and a lot of dust, a lot of fire around us,houses and forests burn, this is the new terror here.So we also have a black frieday.((not only in the shops,also in the woods).

    1. I've just been reading about the fires in Israel. Horrible.

    2. I heard about the fires in Israel when listening to the radio in the night. I do hope that it is not near you Yael. It said that they were not accidental!

    3. Good luck Yael. Down here in Oz we know all about the terror of fires.

  2. They have started black Friday here as well. I always thought Black Friday was Friday 13th and nothing to do with sales.

    Hot here - in some places the second hottest temperature ever for November - late 20's here.

    1. Write to your PM, and get them to stop it.

    2. I think with the earthquakes he has enough to worry about without me writing to him.

  3. I despise the whole concept of Black Friday. Luckily I don't go to work until 2:30pm and hopefully the hardcover BF shoppers will be worn out and headed home by then.

  4. Is it nearly Christmas? I don't care, I'm going camping.

    1. They seem to think it is. For me Christmas starts around Dec 23rd.

    2. Wow, you start a day earlier than us Cro - 24th here !

  5. I hate this black friday nonsense. Another American import to make people spend money they don't have on trash people don't want.

    1. EXACTLY. And the silly Brits have adopted it like a bunch of stupid sheep.

  6. If silly people want to spend their money then the are plain stupid and let them get on with it. A tangerine and a sugar mouse is all I want for Christmas.

    1. Bugger; I was going to send you some Brazil nuts.

  7. That picture looks like a painting! I also like kicking dry leaves but they can get very slippery on pavements when wet.
    I don't know what Black Friday is, fortunately it hasn't taken up here yet.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. Pray that it doesn't catch on. It is simply a way of telling gullible people (falsely) that they can buy bargains.

  8. Black Friday here as well for the first time. A few short queues. Ridiculous. Who has extra money to throw away here. Hope it's the last year too. Xmas still not obvious thank goodness. Just means more eating here and we do enough of that already

    1. I enjoy the eating, but only for a couple of days. We do give each other small presents, but the emphasis is on 'small'.

  9. Couldn't agree more about the mindless orgy of spending on this American phenomena called Black Friday, or the ever-earlier start of all the Christmas hype.
    All designed to part us from as much of our hard-earned as possible.

  10. Lovely photo Cro. - it has an autumnal mellowness about it.
    I'm surprised with the way the pound is falling in value, and prices on basics are increasing, that anyone in the UK has any spare money !

    1. The less well-off simply borrow the money from the better-off, and the better-off buy more property. Life's circle.

  11. I'm off to Bristol today. I think that the only thing I'll be buying today is a few beers to share with my friend Red Mel. Shopping 'til I drop brings no pleasure these days. x

    1. Try to avoid the crowds; they'll all be flooding down from Welsh Wales.

  12. I heard that Britain spends more on line per capita than any other country in the world. Black Friday could have been made for us.

    1. The only pleasure the less well-off have is to spend money they don't have.

      On the plus side I hear that the shops have been noticeably empty today, so no actual fighting between the aisles.

  13. The brilliant green in your photograph really provides a great setting for all the other colors. Nature is a very fine artist.

    This time last year, I was still involved in the fashion retail world, and am very relieved that retirement has now spared me that exercise. I hope by now that most folks realize that it's just a promo game.

    I'm staying at home making more gifts, listening to the radio. Quite a peaceful morning. Afternoon walk in the Park later today.

    1. It's been a slightly miserable day here today, so your plans sound perfect.

  14. Agree about Black Friday Cro.
    The farmer enjoys sawing up our wood for the wood burner. His father always used to say that burning wood was the best way to keep warm as it warms you three times - when you saw the tree down, when you saw the logs up and when you burn them. As for larch - that warms you four times because you can add once when you are dashing around the room jumping on the sparks which have flown out.

    1. It's a good, and correct, adage. It's the best exercise, and way to get warm, that I know of.

    2. As you know I really like just throwing the switch.

  15. I seem to have spent most of today in the car sat in a traffic jam...I was taking Pa to the supermarket and kept wondering where all the people and cars where coming from and going to...Black Friday explains a lot.

    1. I'd heard that people were not so keen this year, and preferred their lunacy to be 'net' focused.

  16. To put it mildly, my island community here in Canada is highly atypical of much of North America. We are having a "buy nothing" day today rather than the odious aforementioned marketing exercise that dare not speak its name. More power to you, sir!

    1. Well done. I hadn't heard of this, but thoroughly approve!

  17. Yesterday we took delivery of some wood from a chap who has retired and therefore feels it necessary to get himself a pellet stove instead. He has some wood to sell, so we agreed to buy it. He was good enough to help us stack it in the barn, then coming in for coffee, warmed himself on our stove and admitted that he was only getting the pellet stove to save his missus from having to cut and/or lug in wood if anything happened to him. I thought that was so sweet. OH thought so too but thinks a pellet stove wouldn't be man enough for all our radiators. So, it's back to luggin' in the wood...

    1. It's certainly a chore, but whilst I'm still able I rather enjoy it. I have a bad back which makes things a bit painful, but even so...

  18. I apologize for the American export of black friday.
    I understand the business term but dispise what it has turned into.
    What I buy for gifts is already done and will finish the hand made gifts soon (I hope)

    The photo today was lovely.
    cheers, parsnip

    1. Yes, I'm afraid it's another thing we can blame you for. Somehow I think its life is limited over here; people just don't like it.

  19. Oh if only we were heading into winter instead of summer!

    1. On warm-ish sunny days, Autumn is beautiful. On days such as we've been having recently it's ghastly. My daughter is up in Queensland, and my youngest son is in Byron Bay, they both adore the summer.
