Wednesday 12 October 2016

Twixt one and t'other.


Autumn does have a few qualities that I can appreciate. The intervening period of early falling leaves, and total arboreal nudity, is quite beautiful. The woodland path (above) is at its best at this time of year. Green canopy and bronze path, dappled with sunlight.

Still no mushrooms, the Cranes have flown over on their way south, and really quite cold mornings. We've been lighting fires for the past four evenings; a trend I see continuing.

The Chestnut season is in full swing, and I have already given my faithful Husqvarna it's first outing.

Logs are being stockpiled in case of a long period of poor weather, and Lady Magnon has retrieved her furry waistcoat from her winter wardrobe.

My mind has turned to winter stews, warming soups, and sumptuous roasts. I shall not deprive myself, even if my doc' rebukes me. I intend to enjoy Autumn, whatever they say!


  1. Something rather wonderful about a proper autumn. So much to be enjoyed and appreciated.
    Around here it is still very green and few leaves have fallen; very peculiar and not at all typical.

    1. I think our leaves falling is more about the dry weather we've been having, more than Autumn itself.

  2. Your autumn walk looks lovely. As long as you keep on walking you can enjoy your sumptuous feasts and doc will be happy too!

    1. With an energetic dog in the house, our walks are pleasantly obligatory.

  3. Such a beautiful post today with the photo and your enjoyment of the fall days. It is fall here but summer is still hanging on. The evening are cooler but the days very warm, in the 90's. The pool is still in use.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. We closed our pool two days ago amidst falling leaves, which made things tricky. The final temperature reading was 17 C.... far too cold for swimming.

    2. Our pool is 31ºC, but we have put the heater on overnight for the past few days. Probably around 26º without it.

    3. What sort of heater do you have? We've been thinking of installing one.

    4. Sorry Cro, can't be of much help with the details - it's electric, and was fitted a long time ago so all the labels have worn off. I think the size, and output. of the heater is governed by the volume of water to be heated.
      Ours was installed about fifteen years ago, at the same time as a pool cover (which needed to be electrically operated because the cover is heavy - a thick waterproof rubberised fabric that we can walk on).
      These things have improved over the years, and if we were starting again we would opt for solar panels.
      I would imagine that a pool shop or the pool section at a hypermarket would be able to give you more precise details.

  4. Those of you with good eyesight will spot Monty in the photo. I forgot my camera yesterday, but remembered this old picture as being exactly the same (apart from Monty of course).

  5. No real outumn here, still hot but more clouds on the sky.

    1. 8 C this morning here, and rising to 16 C later. What a change from just over a week ago.

  6. I did spot Monty, but I thought it was a little deer or some small animal. What a lovely path, I need a dog to take me out for walks.
    It is 3C this morning and I can see a sprinkle of snow on the surrounding mountains. After months of eating cold salads, last night I made a stew with polenta; typical autumn/winter dish.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. Yesterday morning I passed through a low-lying village where there was some frost. I've only made polenta once, and it wasn't very good; I think I need lessons.

    2. I must admit, polenta is nothing special really; it is a poor dish. It is the, stew, gravy, sauce or dish around it that makes it tasty.
      It is nice the day after, slices and grilled and then put sliced salami or "sorpressa" (Venetian fat salami) on top while the polenta is still very hot; eaten with pickles as a side plate, and washed down with a glass of red wine. X

    3. My brother who lives near Washington, DC, is a great cook. We often send each other some sort of cooking ingredient as a gift. One year, after we'd chatted about the magnificent traditional cooking of one of my boyfriends' Italian grandmother, I sent my brother a box of authentic Italian polenta. Ever since then, he continues to enjoy preparing the dish and experimenting with ways to modify it "the day after."

      Let's toast wonderful autumn dishes!

  7. Our weather here just north of London is much the same as yours…. gloves on morning dog walk, heating on in the evening, and " hot wheat bag" in the bed at night. It is nice to be able to wear some different clothes ( warm ones) after the long summer of as little as possible!

  8. ps. Finally managed to spot Monty !

    1. I've been wearing my M & S Thermal vest, and long trousers, for the past few days. My oldest son lives in Bishops Stortford, so you are probably neighbours.

    2. We are in Harpenden, so he is about 3 quarters of an hour away. He will def. get the same weather as us!

  9. Buddy would just love to run along that woodland path.

  10. I cook my beef in beer when the cold weather comes - it is delicious.

    1. I've never tried cooking with beer; I cook my beef in red wine.

  11. Monty's coat was great camouflage amongst the rusty coloured leaves ..... I am sure you all miss him a lot.... such a beautiful photograph. Our friends are off to their house near Lectour today and it seems that the forecast is rain so maybe the mushrooms will appear !!! XXXX

    1. We're supposed to be having two days of rain, so fingers are crossed.

  12. Hat and gloves for me on the dog walk and we shall give the oil heating a test blast tonight. Strange that it's so 'pleasant' during the day with short sleeves still being worn.
    My eyes were only good enough to guess where Monty was. But please let us have a few more Monty retrospectives - with Bok of course.

    1. No gloves yet here, but almost!

      Poor old Monty, we miss him. 4 years old was far too young to die.

  13. Good attitude, Cro. It is getting cooler here and my summer plants are beginning to wane. I have not turned the fireplace on yet but it won't be long. Fall is a beautiful time, unfortunately, it goes by too fast.

    1. Yes, and then we get Winter; not my favourite season.

  14. Yes, may as well get us in the mindset of the long, cold, winter months since they're just around the corner.

  15. Autumn is my favorite season, but here we are heading into spring and mega-heat, dammit! Come back green winter!

    1. I like 'warmth', not excessive heat. Give me 25 C and I'm happy.
