Sunday 30 October 2016

The Evil Sugar.

The well-meaning, as well as government departments, have been constantly warning us of the dangers of over-consumption of sugar. It makes us obese, possibly causes Diabetes, and shortens our life expectancy.


I was amused (and somewhat horrified) to see recently that a bag of bio, healthy, artisan-made, throat pastilles, apparently including honey made by 'free-range' Bees on the Bio Mont Ventoux, are basically 99.99999% Sugar. 

Sugar (the main ingredient) is of course Sugar. Glucose Syrup is Sugar. And Honey, which is basically a combination of Fructose and Glucose, is also Sugar.

So, 200 gms of Sugar, dressed-up as healthy throat pastilles (and costing €4.30 no less), turns out to be just as unhealthy, and obesity inducing, as a cup full of granulated sugar; with a tiny, tiny, bit of Honey flavouring.

Could you honestly imagine yourself filling a cup with 90% sugar, and 10% honey, and eating it to soothe a sore throat? No, nor would I.

No wonder the Sugar industry is fighting back.


  1. And "sans colorant" very healthy.

    1. Yes, I'd forgotten to mention that. Thanks.

  2. Almost impossible to avoid, when I developed diabetes I started checking the contents of everything in cans, it's amazing to discover where sugar turns up.

    1. Tomorrow evening I shall be adding to the sugar overdoses of our local children.

  3. Better to make your own hot toddy for your throat.

    1. Honey and Lemon. Not that I have a bad throat.

  4. I once went looking for a pack of ham that didn't contain sugar, but they all did.

    1. When I made Ham, and Bacon, etc, I always used some Sugar with the Salt as a dry curing mix. Commercially I expect they use a lot!

  5. Well…thank goodness there is no colouring in them!

    1. Yes, I suppose one has to grateful for THAT.

  6. We do try here to eat as little sugar as possible - we don't have puddings (fruit instead), cake (fruit instead, but the farmer has a slice of cake each week-end day for tea) and a bag of sugar lasts me for ages. But I fear that there is so much 'hidden' sugar in tinned foods that we get more than our fair share there.

    1. I haven't eaten sugar since I was first married. Lady Magnon was HORRIFIED that I put Sugar into my coffee, and she banned me from ever doing it again.

  7. ..... and how on earth is neat sugar going to help a sore throat ?!!!! The world is going mad !!!
    Have a lovely Sunday Cro ..... what's on the menu ? XXXX

    1. Long slow Roasted Belly of Pork, with no added Sugar. One of my favourite dishes.

  8. The artificial sweetener Aspartame is actually worse than sugar and it is that which is causing people to put on weight, for it creates both hunger and thirst.

  9. At our local bookshop if you buy anything they give you a free packet of werthers original toffees. Deadly.

    1. Get those kids coming back for more... good marketing, good for the Dentist too.

  10. At least the bees were free-range. I hate to think of all those caged bees in factory apiaries.

    1. Not to mention those indoor caged Sugar Beet.

  11. I use very little sugar (none in tea or coffee) and try to keep processed foods to a minimum. It was a grocery shop cashier who taught me to check the sugar content listed in very fine print on the back of Greek yoghurt containers. I still thank her for revealing widely differing numbers.

    Best wishes.

    1. It pays to check every pack. It's amazing how much Sugar there is in quite ordinary products. The same can be said for Water.

  12. We take in so much sugar daily; even bread has sugar added to it! So I bake my own bread with no salt and no sugar - tasteless but we are used to it. No sugar in coffee or tea either. Better on the teeth too.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. Maria, I bet your bread is delicious...I'd toast it and add butter...or...Marmite...or both.

    2. Doesn't the Yeast require Sugar to work?

    3. I make them into rosette shaped Frances, thank you.
      Cro, I started making bread years ago. I bake once a week and freeze it. I use to add a spoon of sugar to the yeast and I slowly decreasing it until I stopped putting it altogether - it works well even without.
      I used to have sourdough, but unfortunately I let it die last year when I was away ill.

  13. It's scary how much sugar is added to food, especially where supposedly 'healthy' products are concerned. It might be zero percent fat, but look carefully and you're in for a nasty shock.

    1. This (above) is a classic example. Pretending to be healthy, but in fact is the total opposite.
