Friday 28 October 2016

Satan 2.

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This monstrous military object is Putin's new RS-28 Surmat Missile; also known as Satan 2.

It is a 40 Megaton weapon, 2000 times more powerful than the bombs that fell on Hiroshima or Nagasaki.

It travels at 7 km per second, and has a range of 10,000 kms.

Putin is moving these things up towards the Polish border. If aimed (and fired) at London, it would wipe out all of England and Wales, plus a lot of Northern France, Belgium, and Holland.

If fired into central France, it would destroy the whole country.

I just though I'd let you know what he's got pointing at us.

The only solace in this whole tawdry affair, is that, if he did press that button, so many similar Missiles would rain down on Russia that Putin's teeth would melt.

p.s. The distance between Moscow and Washington DC is about 7,900 kms; also well within range! You'd have less than half an hour to dig a bunker.


  1. Awful piece of "technology" there, enough to make me indulge in all the things I keep avoiding. Please Cro, if you get a heads up from Putin don't bother giving me notice. I'd like to be obliviously milking my cow singing old Leonard Cohen songs when the Big One hits Illinois.

    1. We're a bit closer to Russia than you, and I occasionally shout at him above the tree tops. It's done no good so far!

  2. Let the US hope that darling Hillary Clinton doesn't wade in too trigger happy fast when and if she becomes president of the US.

    1. The whole world needs to tread carefully at the moment, wars can appear out of nowhere.

    2. Hillary Clinton is the most likely person to start a world war

    3. Boris isn't exactly best pals with Putin either.

    4. Hillary Clinton has a history of rushing in with guns blazing as Secretary of State for Obama. She is dangerous.

  3. The largest nuke ever detonated was the Russian Tsar bomb in 1961 - 50 megatons.
    The Satan 2 may be a little shy of that but is no less terrifying, and I worry that we may be edging closer to another cold war.
    If such a confrontation ever did kick off I wouldn't bother hiding because there'd be nothing worth surviving for.

    1. All we can do is cross our fingers and hope that those in power keep their calm.

  4. No doubt a fantastic engineering and technological achievement, I don't even like to contemplate what it cost to develop and build.
    Pity they can't direct these funds to alleviating poverty.

    1. The main objective of all 'leaders' is to defend their country's from attack. I fear this will remain the case, but some 'leaders' see it as preparing FOR attack.

  5. Big hope, I know, but I always think that these 'bombs' are old and have lots of tech problems and if a button - God forbid - were pushed it would just tip over onto the ground.

  6. Thank you for those cheery thoughts. My only thought in reply here in the UK is 'thank God that Corbyn is not in the hot seat.'

    1. It's a lovely sunny day here; just a depressing thought to accompany it.

  7. Horrendous. I suppose the only consolation is that if the button were pressed we'd not know a lot about it, we'd all be gone in no time at all. And with a westerly wind, hopefully all the fall-out would rain back down on Moscow....

    1. I think he must be aware that if he were to push buttons, his own country would be obliterated as well.

  8. Well thank you for that cheery start to the day Cro ..... I feel quite miserable now !!
    But, we have clear blue skies here, we will be babysitting the grandchildren and there' s pasta for dinner so I'll hold onto that !!!! XXXX

    1. Lovely day here too. We had Trofie with green Pesto last night. Lovely, and so simple.

  9. I might not bother to go to work today, just hang around enjoying myself.

    1. You could try singing as well. "The hills are alive with the sound of Missiles"...

  10. You are a little ray of sunshine today x

  11. Yesterday, I saw an interesting local news story on television about a Brooklyn-raised chess grand master teaching very young school children how to play the game. The look of concentration on the faces of the students was wonderful.

    Somehow, I'd rather think about those children being given a great opportunity than to think about huge weapons of destruction and those who command their power.

    Best wishes.

    1. I agree, but he's not to be ignored. He's unstable.

  12. Replies
    1. Don't worry, Jeremy Corbyn's going to have a word with him.

  13. Trump and Putin seem to be on good terms. Maybe this will be our salvation. It's getting like the Cuban missile crisis again under Obama and his friends who control the insatiable EU octopus.
