Sunday 16 October 2016

Putin's wager.

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So, what's he up to?

He's advising all his foreign envoys to repatriate their wives, and children, etc. Could he seriously be thinking of escalating aggression towards the USA, France, and the UK?

We also hear that he's moving nuclear-capable missiles up to the Polish border, whilst sending warships to bomb Syria.

Maybe he should wait another month until after the US Presidential election, when he may have to deal with the unstable President Trump. He and Trump will probably have a lot in common!

Times are certainly interesting, as well as being bloody dangerous.

I don't like the look of it; no, not at all.


  1. It's all such nonsense there really is nothing to fight about. Apart from a few radical idiots, ordinary people just want to go about thier lives.Power seems to corrupt them all.

  2. I agree. Which is why some days I just bury myself in silly stuff like remodeling old farm stores and making lights out of junk. It does nothing to help the world, but does nothing to harm it either.

    1. There is no question. Donna, that you will leave this world a better place for having been here; even if it is through jam jar lights and moving buildings. We should all aim for that.

  3. Posturing he may be, but agree it's an extremely dangerous form of posturing, possibly taken as threatening.

    My biggest nightmare is the possibility of deploying nuclear weapons, the destructive power of these things cannot be under-estimated, witness Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that was 70 years ago and the capability of such devices has no doubt escalated since.

    Unfortunately we can do nothing about this, all it takes is some unbalanced despot megalomaniac to press the wrong buttons.

    1. And with two of them in the two most powerful nations on earth; what chance have we?

  4. I think the world is getting very shaky at the to tuck in and concentrate on living the best life one can, and hope that the so called 'leaders' of nations get their act together and start being proper leaders.

    1. And try to live somewhere which is least likely to be affected.

  5. What is he up to? indeed, David and I were discussing this last night and we agree with you that this man is dangerous.
    ...and as for Trump!!

    1. It's not impossible that they could be squaring-up to each other before long. What a thought.

  6. Perhaps he's finally taking revenge because a Westerner described him as the look-alike for Dobby from Harry Potter?

    What is it with these violent types? Off to promote peace today by looking at what I can research to make the world a better place for people with advanced dementia, making moussaka and rigging up a Heath Robinson contraption where I can dry my lino prints! More productive than threatening to blow the nuts off other countries I think! x

    1. Maybe you could teach Putin to make Moussaka and Lino prints; he's bound to be a better person afterwards.

    2. I think you maybe right there. He has not had enough of a taster of the contentment of domestic creativity. x

  7. I just can't think about it. It is one of those things I can do nothing about, so I try to enjoy every day in my usual way.

    1. For those of us who live out in the country, it all seems so totally pointless. Proving, I suppose, that un-natural city life does something strange to people.

  8. Wow man, you've really got it all backwards.
    That's what happens when you just follow the pack.
    Even a cursory search will reveal what is really going on, the truth of what's happening is out there, just look!!!

    1. I've just re-read my piece, and I can't see which bit is wrong. Maybe you had better enlighten me.

    2. I will keep returning to your comments to be similarly enlightened


  9. Trump, Putin and now Dylan. The world has turned upside-down.

  10. If at all interested, Masha Gessen's book; "The Man Without a Face" is a riveting revelation and provides some insight on Putin's modus-operandi and how he became who he is.

    1. I see this was a 2002 article, and a few things have proved not quite right. He's certainly someone to be reckoned with, and as I said above; DANGEROUS.

  11. It would be very interesting to see your news source ?

    1. Look at any newspaper or TV report from the past few days... it's all there.

  12. I've heard the US and Russia have 'improved' nuclear weapons now. They don't do as much widespread damage; are more tactical. Make you feel better? I really think a war will be in cyber space. In the US, we depend on the satellites and we'll have no water, or electricity and all that that includes and all with the click of a computer button.

    1. They're always improving weapons. One recent interesting invention was the Neutron Bomb, which kills people, but doesn't damage property. Presumably they thought that property was more 'keepable' than people.

    2. It is all crazy especially Trump. That he has half of all Americans voting for him is so sad. It is not the way to make changes in the system. He is a nut to put it mildly.

  13. I, personally, can't wait for November 9th to get here--the day after our election. I hope with every fiber of my being that Trump goes away for good. And did you know that he just LOVES Putin? The thought of those two buddies in power just turns my blood cold!

    1. Don't dream too early; they're now almost 50/50 in the polls.

    2. Actually, Clinton has an 89% chance of winning. When you say almost 50/50 that does not take into account the fact that the election is not decided by direct popular vote, but rather by the complicated system of the Electoral College, under which the candidate who wins the popular vote in a particular state gets all the electoral college votes of that state. The more populous a state the more electoral college votes it has. So it very much depends on where the support for each candidate is. The situation is not as dire as it appears (fingers crossed).

  14. Replies
    1. And now the UK and US are threatening to impose sanctions on Russia if he continues to bomb Syrian citizens in Aleppo.

  15. That expression looks like something out of a science fiction film. Like he thinks he is the superior being and he is going to wipe the lot of us off the planet then take off in his spaceship.

  16. I found this really quite depressing and even forgot to comment when I read it.
