Monday 3 October 2016

Memory Man.

As students we gave each other lots of drawings, and other works. If someone liked something of yours, it was usually given away in unexpected appreciation.

Having said how much I liked it, my friend Bill K gave me the above drawing entitled 'Cloud'.

A couple of days ago I was cleaning its glass and wondered what had happened to him. I googled his name and found that he was living (and had exhibited) somewhere in Yorkshire; of where he was a native.

I sent him an Email and said I had a drawing to show him. He replied asking if I was XX from college, and was the drawing of a 'Cloud'?

Considering that the gift was made in around 1969, and that it was just a scrap of paper 4 inches by 6, I was AMAZED that he remembered it.

Anyway, I sent him the above photo, just to remind him.

Some people's memories are quite remarkable.


  1. Did he sign it back then? It could be valuable today.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. No he didn't. Today he makes Whacky Lamps, made from 'stuff'.

  2. Amazing the trivia that sticks in our memory.

    1. I was amazed that he remembered exactly what he'd given me.

  3. What a wonderful memory.

    cheers, parsnip

  4. What a memory, I struggle to remember what day it is!

    1. I can remember conversations (word for word) from way back, but what scraps of paper I gave to people; no.

  5. That cloud looks like the face of a mouse. Just needs two dots for eyes, a blob for a nose and few lines for its whiskers.

    1. He did say at the time that if I didn't like the title 'Cloud', I could call it 'Potato'.

  6. Sorry Bill K, I thought it was a joint of ham!!

  7. I have a good memory. I always assumed everybody did. It was a disappointment when I discovered this is not so.

    1. As I said above, I can remember conversations word for word, I can also remember faces.

    2. People who "can remember conversations word for word" freak me out a little. Why? Once upon a time I was married. My husband often used to say he wished he'd "recorded" a (heated) conversation we had had - in order to play it BACK to me. At first I didn't give it much thought. Later I realized it was the first stage of "gas lighting" someone. You know, when you are beginning to doubt your own recollections? Dangerous game to play.

      Anyway, congratulations on your good memory. Just remember that others have one too.


  8. I suppose there are some that you would sooner forget.
    The cloud/mouse/ham is fair enough.

    1. I suppose the fact that I can remember where and when he gave it to me, means that my memory is reasonable.

  9. Good on you for framing it and still having it on your wall. Must be good.

    1. It's not exactly on the wall, but it is on view (just).

  10. Memory - a strange thing isn't it? I find that as I get older my earlier memories seem to push to the front - but of course, how accurate they are is another thing.

    1. My short term memory is certainly diminishing. My long term memory rests OK. Odd!

  11. See it for what it probably is, and in an even more flattering light: Some people make an impression. You clearly did on him. Some people are very impressed by their own handiwork. Combine the two - et voila.


    1. I hadn't considered that.... I'm not sure!

  12. My memory used to be a lot better than it is now. Some of the reason for that is as I've gotten older I just can't be bothered! I have never been good at remembering entire conversations -- just a snippet or two that seems relevant -- and these I will remember for years and years. I have friends that can remember anything they ever memorized -- poetry, plays, songs -- this ability has always particularly impressed me.

    1. I can't remember names from one minute to the next, but other things I remember very clearly. For example, I never forget a road (route).

  13. I'd be interested to know what it was that you liked about it - a genuine question, by the way.

    1. I think it made me laugh; which it still does.

    2. It looks like a round straw bale that the rats have been at....

    3. I'll tell him you said that!

  14. Very cool Cro, that you would take the time to do all that. I recently found a pic of an old friend of mine taken in 1976. He was only 17 and a bit drunk but the pic is very funny. He is an accomplished estate lawyer now, but I emailed it to him anyway. I'll either get a great big thank you or a slander lawsuit.

    1. Bill wrote to me yesterday thanking me. He was very flattered that I still had the drawing.

  15. How nice of you to call him up after all these years. I am sure you made his day.

  16. Reading this post has reminded me of when I was studying art...and economics long ago. I remember many of the paintings done by fellow students, and also the personalities of those students.

    Back then, I don't remember any of us giving titles to our paintings. Could this have been because we were females? Girls then, calling ourselves women arrived some years later.

    I still think I have a good memory, and it annoys me quite a bit when I cannot remember something, particularly something of which google has no notion.

    Best wishes.

    1. I think with Google that the art is knowing how to ask the right question; one gets there in the end.

      We did give our paintings titles because of exhibitions. Of course most were rather puerile.

  17.'s probably worth a bit and he wants it back:)
