Sunday 23 October 2016


Certain dogs are used as status symbols, others as thugs, and many as adornments.

Our two (we now only have one) just came our way by chance.

Monty (the Lab') was a rescue dog, and his best friend Bok eventually came to live with us simply because they were inseparable. 

Monty was much admired, and even the subject of some jealousy; Bok is just a lovely affectionate boy, who'd lay down his life for us. He loves everyone, and is loved by everyone. 

What would we do without dogs in our lives!


  1. Pets are so important. We don't have dogs due to being out at work all day, but have two cats. Growing up, we always had a dog. She simply was a member of the family. Yours looks lovely and friendly. -Jenn

    1. Our two were such good friends, unfortunately Monty had congenital problems (of which we'd been unaware) and he died much too early, aged 4.

  2. You know how dearly love my two; and I grieved for you when you lost Monty. Bok is a very good boy, I can tell!

    1. I imagine Bok has much the same character as your Ginger. Just good, honest, loving, dogs.

  3. Great photo. I know you 'adopted' Bok but I hadn't realised that Monty was a rescue dog. You must miss him so much.

    1. Monty came to us via the Phoenix Assoc', from a woman in Prats du Pd, who fostered them for the Assoc'. He was a lovely boy, but rather headstrong. We miss him more and more.

  4. What gorgeous dogs. I miss mine terribly, especially when out walking on the fells. I just can't commit the time to one just now. There's nothing like the love of a good dog. X

    1. They are very restricting. I haven't been away for over 5 years, looking after mine.

  5. I'm looking after a very friendly staffy for a week whilst his owner is away, he is a lovely boy.

    1. We used to dog-sit for years, and loved it. Then we got our own.

  6. I liked Monty and was saddened of your loss. How old is Bok now? Do you think you will get another dog? I was told that if you take in a small dog it picks up the nature of the older dog.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. Bok will be 6 on 28th November, I don't think we'll be having another. If Brexit makes our life difficult here, we'll be returning to our home in England which is in the middle of a town. Not ideal for dogs.

  7. God wanted to give us an example of unconditional love. He couldn't decide what to call it so called it God backwards. Marion x

    1. I'd certainly agree about unconditional love; it's what Bok excels at.

    2. I love that comment Marion.

  8. Our best friend came from Phoenix Assoc. and is a treasure. He has an estimated birthday given by a Vet but we know his anniversaire really is mid-way between our July birthdays and we always have a BBQ (with others) on that day.

    1. Phoenix do seem to have a wonderful selection of beautiful dogs.... one is tempted to have all of them. We hold birthday parties too; why not!

  9. Our two dogs are both retired breeding bitches. We drove to Switzerland to collect one, and the other was brought to us from near Malaga, by the kennel owner. We didn't ask what would have happened to them if we hadn't taken them, but can guess. One is eleven and the other just seven, and are ideal ages for us, as, with our advancing years, we couldn't cope with a puppy.
    We dread the day when we shall no longer be able to have a dog as part of the family.

    1. It's a big responsibility having one, or several, dogs. I'm sure you know what I mean.

    2. We actually had three dogs for some years, two yellow Labs and a Spaniel/Retriever cross, and coped pretty well. One Lab and the Spaniel were both rescue dogs. The vet's bills could be pretty horrendous though, but we accepted that - all part and parcel of having pets.

  10. We have recently adopted a little dog. He is already a full member of the family.

    1. If a dog is shown love, it will give love in return. I think this can be said for 99% of dogs; I have to exclude Pit Bulls, etc, as they have a built-in aggression that, sadly, can explode at any minute.

    2. Cro, I must disagree here. Our George is part pit bull, part lab, and while he did have some behavior problems at first (due to poor treatment and living at a bad shelter for two months) he's now such a sweetie and MUCH better behaved. Pit bulls are often raised in terrible circumstances and combined with their physical strength and terrier tenacity sometimes tragedy can result. But I consider that the fault of the humans. Most dogs of any breed can be wonderful companions if raised right.

    3. You're right Jennifer. It's rarely the dog's fault, usually the owner.

  11. A friend of mine's dog went away with him for a week, then they returned last night. I was amazed at how the dog (Myrtle) seemed to be so pleased to see me again. It was quite touching to be remembered.

    1. Bok and Boo Boo are already great friends, even though they only meet at yearly intervals. We were talking via Skype recently, and BB was calling Bok, Bok....

  12. I've never had or lived with a dog and, living in two countries on the other side of the world as I did for 10 years until recently, my lifestyle just wouldn't suit one either.

    1. No, it's not always easy. The times I've been here permanently I've had dogs, otherwise, when travelling around a lot I was dog-less.

  13. So true what you said dogs to some people are symbols. My sister just got a lab they have always been our families fav dog. Yes dogs are devoted man's best friend.

    1. I think they're the WORLD's favourite dog; and well deserved.

  14. There's no space in my apartment to honor a dog's presence, yet some of my neighbors do have dogs living in their equally small apartments. I've become chums with many of these pets via our shared elevator rides. One of my favorites is actually called Buddy.

    Best wishes.

    1. I don't think I'd have a dog in an apartment. The sort of dogs I like require plenty of outdoors space, and countryside. You're wiser than your neighbours!

  15. Your post today was so true.
    Dog just love you and if your smart you will love them back and your heart will grow 100 times bigger.

    cheers, parsnip

  16. I don't know what we'd do without our fur babies. They are pure love.
    I still miss Monty...I can only imagine how you feel.

  17. I would be a lesser person if it had not been for the animals who have passed through my life. They taught me so much - kindness, responsibility, empathy, reliability, and most of all, pure, unselfish love.

  18. You've reminded me that I need to blog about two farm dogs. They are such hard workers, well one is, the other is a bit of an idiot but still, we love him.
