Friday 23 September 2016

Veggie's to the left of me, veggies to the right.

Lady Magnon (and Cro to a certain extent) is slowly becoming veggie.

One of her favourite dishes is a simple veggie curry. I've experimented with several recipes over the years, but she 'demands' this one, far more than any others.

It is a three ingredient (plus spices) curry; Red Onion, Red Kidney Beans, and a small Aubergine. Home grown other than the tiny tin of beans. It couldn't be simpler, or more delicious.

Method: Fry a finely sliced Onion in plenty of Rapeseed oil, add a teaspoon of medium curry paste and about the same of Garam Masala and fry for a while, add the Aubergine (quartered lengthwise then halved) and fry until half cooked, add enough water to make a thinnish sauce, then add the drained Red Beans and cook until you're happy.

I also added S & P, a quarter of a vegetable stock cube, a splash of Lemon juice, and as I had a couple of long thin (not hot) peppers handy, I threw those in as well. I cooked it about 2 hours in advance, then re-heated it to eat.

Serve with Basmati Rice, a few Poppadoms, and your favourite Indian Pickles or Chutney.

If you fancy a really authentic, meatless, Indian domestic curry, then try this one; you wouldn't be disappointed.

If consumed accompanied by Indian music; you'd almost be in Rajasthan.


  1. The Bonduelle red beans are already cooked and you still cook the whole stuff for 2 hours?

    1. No, dear. Two hours in advance; then re-heat later.

  2. Sorry my English understanding must be improved.

  3. Darn I wish you were my cook. Simple and it has got to be tasty and smelling out the house with maddening aromas. No- one but me eats these curries but like your chicken one I've just got to try it!

    1. Lady Magnon keeps asking for this one; she even asked me when we were having another!

  4. I am saving your recipe to try it this weekend. I have all the ingredients even the same brand of beans. I do not have curry paste but powder. No chutney.
    Italian culinary is not based on curry and the curry powder that is sold in supermarkets is very, very mild, can't even taste it when added to a dish. I have now learnt to buy it in small African or Asian stores. I did see chutney in one of the stores, but I do not know what it is and not sure I will like it. Now you have aroused my curiosity and I should buy it.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. If you see some Garam Masala in an Asian store; buy it. It makes all the difference to that true authentic Indian flavour.

  5. All people can experiment. Why are some people shy of this? Readers here obviously benefit from your posts.

  6. I love the sound of this and will give it a try. I'm eating more veggies these days, too. What type of curry paste do you use? From a jar?

    It's still a while before I plant out eggplants, tomatoes etc as it is still fairly cool, here. Though the snails enjoyed my tiny seedlings in the little 'greenhouse'. Back to the drawing board! I might have to buy seedlings which goes against the grain.

    1. Yes, I buy medium hot paste in a jar. The best ones are probably Patak's, but most others are as good. When started, I float oil on top to keep the paste fresh.

    2. I mix my own curry from spices. I am very surprised that you dont.

    3. Me too, it's fun mixing spices.

    4. I usually mix my own spices too, Rachel, but I thought I'd try Cro's version first so I could get a sense of the taste. If I don't expect to use all of a jar any time soon, I freeze it in ice cube trays. Patak's has an authentic taste so I'm happy to use it if I haven't got what I need at hand.

    5. I do occasionally, but the jars of paste are so good that it's hardly worth it.

  7. Sounds good, I might try this one on my vegan family next week.

  8. Following the success of your previous three ingredient curry this one is a must for me to try. X

  9. We are vegetarian for a couple of nights a week ...... there are so many delicious veggie meals to have aren't there Cro ? Our niece's wedding breakfast was veggie and it was delicious.
    I get a lot of inspiration from your recipes, thanks. XXXX

    1. I think we're much the same, although my wife wishes it was more like four times a week. This is one of those dishes that doesn't feel as if it's meatless; very satisfying.

  10. It sound and looks delicious. I think we will try this next week. Thanks that is one nights dinner sorted

  11. I'll be sure to try this variation...probably adding some other veg to the mix.

    I've used Patak's mango chutneys, originally bought them to add to turkey and apple sandwiches. On ciabatta. This was in the days when I packed a lunch to take along with me to work.

    Happy weekend.

    1. All the Patak's products are good, unfortunately we have to drive a long way to find them.

  12. I would be veggie were it not for the farmer's liking for meat. Last Sunday, out with the girls for a meal, I had diced sweet potato and chick pea curry served with rice and chips. It was delicious.

    1. Rice AND CHIPS? I'm rather like The Farmer, I like my meat too much to give it up for good, but I'm quite happy to eat veggie several times a week.

  13. I wish I could do the same. I didn't eat red meat for five years because of the way animals are treated in the states. May you be hale and hearty for many years to come. I stopped cooking and haven't had hardly any vegetables of late. I wish I could just take a pill. Solyent green perhaps?

    1. That sounds like an interesting diet. Animal treatment is always an issue, no matter where.

  14. Having lived with a vegetarian who was the most superb providers of interesting of food I have eaten many vegetarian meals in my life. In fact I eat many even now. I don't consider myself a vegetarian though; just a person who eats relatively little meat.

    1. That sounds like us Graham. My youngest son, and his wife, are veggies so we tend to be meatless quite often. However, I couldn't give it up for good.

  15. Ahah! We had something similar for our Friday night meal. We are doing the no-carbs diet due to OH being type 2, so instead, I do a load more vegetables as there is no rice, and this time used a few chick peas for me and a bit of chicken breast for OH. Delicious!
