Saturday 17 September 2016

Final swim 2016.

We recently had a thimble-full of rain that fell during the night, and yesterday it drizzled throughout the day. What we had hoped would be a big storm, serious deluge, and four days of consistent rain, has turned into no more than a damp squib.

Anyway it signalled that 'High Summer' is over, and it's all change chez Cro.

Temperatures will now have difficulty reaching 25 C, and mornings will be much cooler. The Magnons will continue to splish-splash in the turquoise waters of the pool whilst the water stays warmish, but it's closure is imminent. 

I expect we'll also continue to eat outdoors for a while yet, but the duvet will return to the bed, and bedroom windows will probably be closed at night.

Still plenty of fruit and vegetable bottling/freezing to be done. And the imminent return of grandson 'Boo Boo' to be enjoyed when Wills and Kellogg get back from Sweden.  I'm not sure when they leave to over-winter in Oz; probably in November.

Otherwise it's Chestnuts, Chasse, and possibly Cepes..... Cheers. Autumn begins now!


  1. Here it is the first day that looks like the end of the summer,but it is going to be hot later.

    1. 18 C maximum here today; it feels like Winter.

  2. Chestnuts and chasse make cycling quite perilous.

    1. And you can't even stop to gather any Cepes.

  3. So you didn't get a downpour, just enough to settle the dust. Spring and autumn. Oh I just love them. Even here temps are down to low low 30s and nights are cool. A time to enjoy and for us to come back to life after all that heat.

    1. Elsewhere in our area they had more than enough, and the storms cut off the power to 28,000 homes. Some people have all the luck!

  4. 15 deg here yesterday: felt like summer!

    1. I've just returned from early morning dog-walking and it was about 15 C outside....I had to wear a jumper.

  5. I like your poetical final, but I love your pool more :)
    My husband brought another watermelon home on wednesday; it was 33C .
    It rained all day yesterday and it is raining now; it is 17C. Watermelon season is over, I'll have to find a winter substitute now.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. We've had some wonderful Watermelons this year, the new seed-less ones are very good.

  6. We had lots of rain on Thursday night and our little local river ( River Lea in Harpenden) rose by about 3 ft by yesterday afternoon. ( it is usually around 2ft deep in our stretch). Raining again this morning. I am hoping it will give my veg plot the boost it needs!

    1. The big rain passed us by, unfortunately. Anyway, I shan't water Haddock's any more, just let it get on with things by itself.

  7. We have had a lot of rain here, thank goodness, but the temperatures are down with a wallop so summer is now done with. I can't say I am sorry, the heat was getting us all down. Love your pool. Would not want one myself, but it is nice to share thoughts of splashing around in the water!

    1. Pools are not as much work as one imagines (except for when they turn GREEN). I expect we'll close-up quite soon.

  8. I will keep my fingers crossed for those cepes - and looked forward to seeing their photograph!

    1. I fear there'll be no Cepe photos this year. But a few other varieties are bound to appear later on. We'll see!

  9. It is more like a swimming pool here after yesterday's rains.

    1. I've just heard that a big new archaeological find has been made near Norwich. Early Swimming pool perhaps?

    2. New Age travellers encampment from the 1980s more like.

    3. Have you seen it? Looks like a load of post-holes to me!

  10. I had the wooly with the jeans for the morning dog walk, I have decided that it's long trousers for the day. The shorts may have to be put away. The fierce wind the other night took off roof tiles and disconected the water butt from the down pipe so we lost the water that did fall.

    1. I refuse to ditch my shorts until the very last moment; usually late October. Last Tuesday night's 'storm' passed us by, but others had it pretty bad too.

  11. Sitting here in the middle of the Lot and it's 12 degrees. We have had a lot of the rain you didn't get and now the grass is starting to turn green again, much to my husband's delight. Lovely pool you have...

    1. Even with the tiny amount of rain we've had, our grass is looking much happier. No doubt I'll have to start mowing the wretched stuff again before long.

  12. Yes, closing up the pool is on my husband's list of what to do this weekend. We haven't been in it for quite a while now. -Jenn

    1. I hate closing the pool; it's a bit like admitting defeat. It'll be another 8 months before it's opened again.... far too long.

  13. The summer season is also beginning its gradual farewell over here. This makes taking longer walks a joy, rather than a testing of heat endurance.

    It's almost cool enough to consider wearing socks and putting the sandals away. Almost.

    I'll be looking for those mushrooms at the market, if we receive more rain. For now it's all clear blue sky.

    Best wishes.

    1. I think we're all feeling the change together. I've already been wearing socks and gumboots, and a jumper. We might have something of an Indian Summer next month, but we'll see.
