Monday 22 August 2016

Profile Not Available.

Occasionally I try to catch-up with pages that I haven't visited for a while (by clicking on the name of a blogger), only to be met with the message 'Profile Not Available'. Grouchy in Florida, and Maria are two examples that come to mind.

I don't know if there's a particular reason why bloggers should restrict their readership, but it must be very frustrating for them to have a limited number of followers.

May I suggest that people check their settings, and enable access to all; as advised above.


  1. I wish Maria will have a blog someday:)

    1. Has she not? When I click on her name all I get is the above.

    2. Thank you Yael,but I wouldn't know what to write x

    3. I can understand that Maria, i have a lot tosay but my English is so embarrssing so i don't write much.

    4. Yael, never be embarrassed. Your English is a lot better than Hebrew or almost any other language foreign to most English-speaking British people is. Indeed these days there are fewer and fewer of even those people with a good grasp of grammatical English.

    5. My blog is just embarrassing full stop

  2. Having been victim of a trolling episode more like a stalker last night I am surprised you find a blog let alone a profile of me this morning.

    1. The stalker had no blog of his/her own of course and as for profile, well profile wasnt even mentioned.

    2. Was this one that we know of? I did notice that your 'barmaid' piece had been deleted.

    3. It was more of a stalker type. Could be anybody with a new chosen identity for the job. Who knows.

  3. I do not have a blog Cro so I do not have followers. I do not know if I could write one either; I would have no idea what to write; I'd run out of ideas after two posts. I have no profile but I have revealed a lot of myself in comments here and in other blogs. I hope I am not been rude because I do not have a profile. I know I am entering someone's "home" and the least I could do is introduce myself. I will see what I can do about it.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. I'd imagined that you had a hidden blog somewhere to which I was banned. I think you should consider one!

    2. Certainly consider it Maria, after all it cannot be any worse than the drivel written by Cro and myself ;-)

    3. Oh, do Maria! I would love to read your blog!

  4. This sometimes happens to me too Cro - when it does, because my computer skills are rather limited, I abandon it and carry on with those blogs I can reach.

  5. Grouchy used to have a blog and then he just suddenly disappeared.

    1. I think he still has it, but one can no longer get access.

  6. I think that some have just given up writing on Blogger and removed their profile and blog. I know that is the case with a few people that I have followed.

    1. I think if they'd just stopped, it would say 'Blog page no longer exists', or some such.

  7. I have had that same dead end experience, when trying to access certain blog sites. Sometimes it is disappointing to discover that a familiar site has, like Elvis, left the building.

    I also wish that Maria would write a blog. It could be about anything, dear Maria, and appear as often as you wished.

    Switching topics, I made another chicken curry yesterday and thank you again, dear Cro, for reminding me how delicious such simple dishes can be on a hot summer evening. It's cooler here today after overnight rain, but the leftover curry will be even more delicious this evening.

    Best wishes.

    1. I always have my leftover curry for breakfast. 2 mins in the microwave, and I'm set-up for the day.

  8. Thank you. I will track down a teenager, a kid, a nerd, anyone to help me start a blog of my own, but I doubt it; I already have stage fright to see my name here! x

    1. I am happy to see your comments Maria. That's fine with mexx

    2. Maria, I have been reading your comments on various blogs for ages now, and you sound like a lovely person, who I am sure could entertain with your own posts. I am always interested to find out about the lives of others, however boring they think they are! My dog walking pal says I am " nosey" as I know a life story after a few minutes chat with a newly met dog walker…..I call it interested in people.!

  9. For several years I have quietly floated around Blogland enjoying the fruits of your labours. Every now and then, I am compelled to comment but to do so, I need an identity. It has never been my intention to hide or have a blog. Sorry! I do so enjoy your blog!

    1. If you've never had a blog, that's different. It's the ones I used to follow (that suddenly became unavailable) that I miss. I don't understand they're sudden privacy.

  10. I deleted mine. Nobody wanted to buy puka shell neclaces and bracelets.

    1. No you haven't; I was just reading your piece about FFJ.
