Wednesday 17 August 2016

Lilliput Living.

I must say, I'm not very au fait with camping equipment; in fact I'm simply not a camping 'type'; full stop.

However I must admit to being very impressed with this small sink-come-cooking-ring that Wills has recently installed in his Renault Trafic. What a superb bit of small area design; it almost makes me want to take to the road.

The cook would need to be pretty adept, but the sink is very handy.

And this is just a part of the wiring for the solar panel and its resulting electrical storage system. I'm pleased to say that it all works too. Gawd; all that wiring!

Now he's starting on all the interior 'furniture'... what larks!


  1. Following in his sister's footsteps?

  2. Ingenious! Is Wills going travelling?

    1. If he get's it all finished in time, he's popping down to Tuscany where his older brother has taken a holiday villa. A lot of the interior equipment still hasn't arrived.

  3. Amazing what can be squeezed in to such a small space, fantastic design.

    1. He's having a bit of a problem at the moment with the AC system, otherwise everything is going according to plan. It should be good when finished.

  4. I join you in the camping comments - my worst nightmares involve tents, caravans and the outdoors!

    1. I'd rather a one star hotel than a tent; not my idea of fun.

  5. Replies
    1. Looks like it will be good when finished, but still a lot to do.

  6. It looks great. I haven't been camping for over 45 years but I still remember how good that first cup of tea was in the morning, freshly brewed and drunk outdoors. Not sure that it quite made up for the rest of the privations, but we were young.

    1. One of the gizmos Wills has for the solar panel is a 12 volt kettle; it works too, but quite slowly.

  7. Camping has never really appealed here either, but things have improved a great deal since our one and only night's camping, in the South of France, early on in married life in the mid 60's.
    Will Kellog and Boo-Boo, be accompanying Wills, or is this a solo adventure to test the van?

    1. Kellogg and Boo Boo will probably now pop up to Sweden to see her family, then they will all make a trip together later; plans change by the day, mostly because interior fittings have failed to arrive.
