Saturday 20 August 2016

Autumn in August?

Climatically its been a strange year. Already we have trees turning autumnal, and shedding their leaves. Above is a Pear tree that will probably be leafless within a couple of weeks. 

And this is the scene beneath my Greengage tree, and I've already swept up lots.

What happened?


  1. Climate change taking some strange ways.

    1. Usually the first trees to drop their leaves are the wild Cherries; but not this year.

  2. Here too i see some autum flowers and ask myself the same.

  3. The weather is strange; my long stem white rose, that is in a pot on the balcony, blooms once a year in May. It is starting to blooming again.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. My Tomatoes had some early fruit, then have taken a long break before we shall have more in about two weeks. I've never known that happen before.

  4. Now you mention it, the wind here in Brittany is positively autumnal. Please pop over to my blog. It tells the take of how I may have spotted you the other day! x

    1. Yes, I popped up for a few days by the sea, and you're right; Lady M stayed at home.

    2. It's amazing how manly grooming goes tits up when the lady of 5he house isn't around! x

    3. In my case, even when she's around.

  5. Drought is causing the current leaf fall.... But it isn't all climate change...there are cycles to be taken into account, too... This year is almost the same weather pattern as 1915 when the poor lads in the trenches were getting foot rot because of the wet through into late April...and then the mud they were fighting in turned to concrete that summer....
    this year it was a longer wet period into May....followed by a more intense heat this Summer....and, if the Meteo is to be believed, hotter next week. This is down to the addition of Man's global warming efforts added to the natural cycles....
    And we are just going to have to adapt !!

    1. We've just had some overnight rain, and it'll be interesting to see if some of these early shedding trees will try to re-grow. Yes, back to hot weather next week.

  6. I expect the trees and plants are as confused as we are with the weather this year. Refreshing to see some rain this morning.

    1. Not much of it, was there. Hot again next week.

  7. Has it. It's just been a nice summer here.

    1. We've been swimming a lot, which is the sign of a good Summer; it's just nature herself who's been a little confused.

  8. Up here in North Yorkshire I always think that Autumn arrives with August and already the leaves are turning - quite sad really.

    1. I find it quite depressing. I think our early Autumn is due to drought more than anything. Mostly things look pretty lush.

  9. It has been consistently very hot with little rain and then the Japanese beetles came and ate up the foliage. Many of our trees' leaves have turned yellow and are falling also. Tomatoes have been a disappointment too but there have been enough for us to enjoy and share.

    1. I had plenty of early Tomatoes, then nothing; now we're waiting for a late surge and a glut. Most odd.

  10. When I first few the falling leaves I am sad. Summer went too fast but then I get excited. I LOVE fall more than any other season, more than chocolate cake, more than good coffee, more than se.... Never mind.

    1. Autumn makes me realise that Winter is just around the corner, and I hate Winter. Otherwise Autumn is OK by me.

    2. I feel the same Cro and, our fall is coming a month earlier than usual. Not because of rain etc. Must be El Nino or La Nina, something in the northern climes.

  11. I wish autumn would come early here. It's been a long, hot, uncomfortable summer.

    1. Too much heat can be awful; we have more to come next week.

  12. Same here in northern California. Noticed the lime green leaves of the Japanese maple are turning yellow...almost overnight. Time to call the chimney sweep fellow.

    1. Traditionally we used to have storms in the beginning of August, but these seem to have stopped. Now it's so dry everywhere. I suppose I'll have to think of sawing wood quite soon.

  13. I waited so long for summer to come. It's only just arrived but the mornings are decidedly autumnal - I feel cheated!

    1. It feels quite cool this morning; I've just looked and it's 11 C. I shall wear a jumper for my early walk in an hour's time.

  14. Wow!! Our trees are turning early too; we had real drought this summer and they were all suffering. Hard to believe we're nearing the end of August!
