Wednesday 6 July 2016

The Jam Factory.

Yesterday was Lady Magnon's Jam making day.

Every year she makes plenty of Strawberry Jam, and plenty of Apricot Jam.

Of course when it comes to my writing the labels she tends to forget what they're called.

"What's this one?" I asked.

"Get out of my kitchen" she replied.

"And this one?"

"Take that bloody dog out!"

Eh voila!


  1. When I saw the heading I thought it was you making the cherry jam.

    1. I decided to freeze them instead for pies or a clafoutis. Taking all the pips out was a nightmare.

  2. I like the way Lady M handled you in the kitchen.

    1. Jam is HER department. I daren't go near.

  3. I tend to tell Lester to go somewhere else when I am doing things in the kitchen because he tends to hover close by me like he would have done when he was a young boy at home with his mum! And he also asks me daft questions which tend to stop the momentum of whatever I am doing. So he is best away doing something else!
    No apricots here and the peaches have rotted too quick for me to make jam with. Hopefully the plum harvest will be better.

    1. I have Peaches, but my two recently planted Apricot trees will take some time to produce any fruit.

  4. Catchy names for the jam - as long as the year is on.

  5. It must taste even better than any old ordinary strawberry or apricot jam !

    1. Unfortunately I don't eat sugar, so I wouldn't know. I have to take Lady M's word for it.

  6. I don't eat jam because I prefer savoury to sweet.

    1. Me too Graham. I suspect the grandsons will benefit mostly from all her hard work.

  7. The joys of married life eh Cro ?!!!!! Haha !!
    I am a savoury not a sweet person but I am full of admiration for Lady M ..... love the labels too !! ..... are they staying ?!! XXXX

    1. She just asked me if I would mind if she removed them. Of course I said I wouldn't.

  8. Apricot jam is orange. Strawberry jam is red. Not surprised Lady M asked if she could remove them!

    1. Are you suggesting that I should label them 'Red Jam' and 'Orange Jam'? The former could be Raspberry, and the latter Marmalade.

  9. I probably would have reacted the same as Lady M. After hours working in the kitchen, nobody needs a kibitz. After all these years of marriage, Cro, you should know better.

  10. Ha! I've only just enlarged the photo to see what it said on the labels. I think they should have stayed, the kids would have loved them.

  11. My family knows that I am not available and should not be bothered when I am canning. I've never made apricot jam, but there are lot of jars of strawberry jam at our house now! -Jenn

    1. I like people around when I'm cooking; my wife doesn't. I'm not sure why (yes I am).

  12. Fabulous! I also would have coming from my kitchen. "Get the hell out of my way" and " Why must you always wash your hands in the kitchen sink?!?!"

    1. Last year when I asked what she wanted on the label she replied 'Apricot, you clot'; and that's what she got.

  13. While at the farmers market today, I stopped by the stand that always features lots of leafy green veg, and asked about perpetual spinach. I learned that Yes, they do grow it at their farm, But, it's now finished for this year. The weather is now too hot.

    I will remember to check again next May. Today I bought a huge bunch of Italian parsley and a very large head of lollo rosso lettuce from that stand. Found some other delicious produce at other stands. It's finally tomato season!

    Best wishes.

    1. My Tomatoes are big and green, but I think it'll be a couple of weeks before they turn red.
