Tuesday 12 July 2016

The Evidence.

Yesterday morning I decided to climb my step ladder to pick the few remaining yellow Cherries at Haddock's; I should have stayed at home knitting.

I knew the ladder wasn't particularly steady; but climbed regardless.

As I was standing on the small platform, and stretching to pick a couple of Cherries, it toppled; and I toppled with it.

I landed on my left hip, and right knee; I'm still not quite sure how this happened. Anyway it was one hell of a smack onto hard ground, and I am amazed that I have no broken bones.

What I do have is a lot of pain and stiffness (I can hardly walk) which I imagine will be with me for quite a few days.

My own stupid fault, and I'm now paying the price; all for a handful of Cherries.

Thank goodness for Ibuprofen!


  1. These things happen so quickly - at least there are no broken bones.

    1. Thank goodness; just when I don't want any.

  2. We all do these strange things. I am happy to hear no broken bones !
    But that will be one heck of a bruise !

    cheers, parsnip and thehmaish

    1. Still quite painful this morning, but I'm walking a bit better.

  3. Perfect timing I don't think. Just take it easy and let the visitors do any work needed to accommodate them. Back to Le Tour today so a good excuse to lie down in front of the telly all afternoon.

    1. I'll take your advice. I shall watch from at least 4pm.

      More Tea please!!!

    2. The start will be worth watching today - straight into a climb out of Andorra. Get Lady M to watch it with you.

    3. I can't even get her to watch the finish! I shall try to watch the start, but I may be out (limping).

  4. You really should have known better, life has enough hazards without tempting fate.

    1. I know. I'm still an 18 year old hooligan at heart.

  5. We all do stupid things from time to time - this was one of yours - hope the cherries were worth it

  6. Did you get the cherries?

    1. No, and I expect the birds will have had them by now.

  7. That's normally the sort of stupid thing I do. After the initial concern by Sue I normally get shouted out.

    1. I shall go later and give the steps a damned good thrashing (Cleese style).

  8. You'll use a proper ladder next time and either jam the thing between two stout branches or tie to the tree. But you already knew that of course.
    There's no fool like an old fool, but seriously I'm glad you're OK.

    1. The stupid thing is, I remember saying to myself that it'd be OK because I'm only going to pick 3 or 4 Cherries.

  9. Ouch! oh dear Cro...take it easy and take the drugs and rest.

  10. Oh Cro ...... Not the best thing to have happened !!!! I fell down the garden steps a few weeks ago ... My ankle was the size of a football !!!!! Make sure you rest and I found a packet of frozen peas really helped the healing process speed up. I can imagine that you are not the sort of person to lay around all day but it really does quicken the recovery !!Take care and look after yourself and just enjoy the Tour today. XXXX

    1. Luckily it's a rather dull day today, so staying indoors won't be too difficult.

  11. I took a topple as well the other day, so am feeling stiff all over as well. But it was not from a ladder I fell, just my own feet! Hope you unstiffen soon.

    1. I'm certainly in less pain than I was yesterday... it'll heal in time.

  12. Thats a long way to fall. Very lucky nothing is broken.
    We picked cherries last night, but only from the bottom branches, anything higher than that the birds can have.
    Hope you feel better real soon x

    1. My problem was that I'd already had all the lower ones, and seeing those few higher up.... I'll know next time.

  13. Poor Cro, that would be a nasty shock. Arnica gel is the best for bruising, and should really be applied immediately after the damage is done. Any residual aches can be helped with a lavish application of Volterdol, I think it's called. Can't find the tube we have so not sure of the exact name. I'm sure Lady M has all these in her first aid box !

    1. Yes, she gave my hip a good rubbing with Arnica just after it happened. For the rest I'm taking Ibuprofen, which seems to be doing something.

  14. Oh dear, good thing it was on grass then. Have a few swims in the pool, that should ease your aching joints. Then you can lie down with your bowl of cherries....

    1. I did have a swim yesterday but I couldn't use my legs. Strange.

  15. Where I am working, I am forbidden to use ladders. Now I know why.

  16. Sorry to hear about your topple. Still great that you haven't broken anything, must mean your bones are in pretty good nick. Always a silver lining eh?


    1. I was thinking that too, some people would have 'shattered'.

  17. Poor Cro! I'm sorry to hear this, and hope you're feeling better soon! I'm also glad no serious damage was done.

    Relax, and get Lady M. to pamper you for a day or two, and all should be well!

    1. She's baking; no time for me. I shall settle in front of the TV, and watch The Tour de France.

  18. Oh dear! I am quite familiar with another gentleman who has had two ladder incidents in his life. (married to him, in fact). Try ice, or heat. If the pain stays too long, get yourself checked out. Wasn't there an Aesop's fable a bit like this? -Jenn

    1. Given a couple more days, I think I'll be fine. No permanent damage.

  19. Before I chastise you, Cro, let me congratulate you on your good fortune. Bruises are a nuisance, broken bones dohamper one - so you had a lucky escape.

    However, and I have ghastly feeling we had this conversation before: I thought you intelligent. Mind you, I did take note of your honest "I only wanted three or four cherries". Reminds me of when I went out on the terrace with my new roller blades NOT wearing my wrist guards. My reasoning exactly like yours - after all it was only on my home patio, for a minute, to get a feel ... Yeah well, you may guess the rest.

    Still, fact is, I have little patience with people who can't be arsed, will take shortcuts and do not understand the first law of physics.

    Anyway, leaving aside that any ladder - other than those leaning AGAINST a tree - is wobbly at the best of times on GRASS,never ever - not even on a firm floor, particularly not on a firm floor - stand on the top platform. It's suicide by ladder.

    Best to Lady Magnon,

    1. I obviously need you as my life-coach. I have taken note of your harsh scolding.

  20. After the age of 60, foolish chances should not be taken.

  21. Well you should know better Cro but what the hell, your still very much alive as your aches are reminding you, and how were the cherries?

    1. I didn't get them, they were just out of reach... hence...

  22. Join the club Cro I am barred from ladders too! The worst jolt is the one that my ego took....

  23. Ibuprofen and little naps work wonders! Congratulations on being so lucky and to have fallen on the grassy ground...

    1. Unfortunately the grassy ground was as hard as concrete, but concrete would probably have been worse.

  24. Cro, I fell on a concrete path in our walled garden a fortnight ago and had absolutely no ill effects. My physio explained that it was because unwittingly I had fallen in the position you are taught when parachuting.

    Hope your bruises come out quickly - lots of hot baths help - and take it easy (but keep moving otherwise you will stiffen up)

    1. Still a bit painful this morning, but moving about will help I'm sure.

  25. I have shown this posting to George as he tends to do similar risky things. I hope you heal quickly.x

    1. You can use me as an example of 'Bad Practice'. I won't mind!

  26. Poor bugger, hope you heal quickly.
